Chapter 961

Guo Yuncheng is most worried about this, because he knows Chen Degao best.

In the post of secretary, he has been hiding behind the scenes, seeking personal interests by controlling himself and the winter group, as well as the county police chief Wang Jun, the director of Xishui town Xiao Wang, Wu Dechang and even the underworld of Jinlong group.

The reason why he controls these people is actually very simple, that is, because these people are useful to him.

After that, all these people were crushed by the two brothers Zhang Tiezhu and fat man, and went to prison one after another. These people were no longer valuable, and Chen Degao never took care of them from beginning to end.

But he was different. Chen Degao didn't hesitate to use his relationship far away in the urban area to get his life back.

The reason why Chen Degao did this is clear to Guo Yuncheng, that is, he still has value for him, because he still has the shares of winter group in his hands.

But now, the shares of the winter group are gone. Now he is like a lost dog. Guo Yuncheng's heart is a little empty!

And in this winter, the group

Zhang Tiezhu smiled and hugged Tang Sasha and said, "Tangtang, finally kicked out the annoying dog. Are you happy?"

"Of course I'm happy, but I'm afraid the dog is still alive and will come back to bite at any time!" Tang Sasa scolded.

"Don't worry, his mad dog has no teeth now, and Chen Degao won't cover him anymore." Zhang Tiezhu said with a smile. Chen Degao just took a fancy to his winter group shares. Now it's good, nothing, beautiful!

At the moment, the lawyer stood aside, nodded and said, "yes, such people deserve such retribution. The real law is God's will!"

Zhang Tiezhu looked at the lawyer around him, smiled at the lawyer and said, "Hello lawyer, today this thing is thanks to your help. Have a good cooperation."

"It's all right. God can't see such scum. It's the responsibility and obligation of every citizen to eliminate these scum." the lawyer held his glasses and said with a strong sense of justice.

"Wow, lawyer, you are really a good man. Oh, great!" Tang Sasha praised.

"Of course, I'm a good person. I usually help grandma when she crosses the road. Besides, although our lawyer says it's about money, at least we should see if the money should be earned. I can't live on my conscience!" the lawyer sorted out his hairstyle and said.

"Lawyer, I'm optimistic about you. Well, you didn't make Guo Yuncheng's money. It's mine, 50000 yuan, which is your expense." Zhang Tiezhu thought the lawyer was very interesting. He took out 50000 yuan as compensation for the lawyer's loss.

"No, no, no, no, no, no, No. I can't take the money. I just did what I should do." the lawyer quickly refused.

"Then you can be my friend with you, won't you?" Zhang Tiezhu said to the lawyer in front of him.

"There are many ways to make friends. The friends you make with money are never true friends. Mr. Zhang, I can't accept the money." the lawyer immediately refused again.

Zhang Tiezhu was bewildered by the lawyer, but he still admired the lawyer's character and integrity, so he smiled and said, "well, take the money. If you don't mind, work for me in the future, with a salary of 50000 a month!"

"Ah! It sounds like a good price, but what do I need to do?" at the moment, the lawyer was excited for a while. The price given by Zhang Tiezhu is sky high. In the lawyer industry, this salary is the cost of top lawyers in big cities!

"It's very simple. I have carried out a lot of projects in Taohua village and have been cooperating with the winter group. I wanted to find someone to help me deal with contract lawsuits and legal benefits for a long time. You are also very honest. Please help me, but I want a long-term job, not a lawyer to receive orders temporarily." Zhang Tiezhu said.

"No problem, Mr. Zhang's price is very reasonable. I'm willing to do it with you, but I have to make it clear that I only provide Mr. Zhang with everything within the scope allowed by the law. If it's outside the law..." the lawyer began to sell again.

"Well, well, I'm different from Guo Yuncheng. I'm doing serious business. Don't worry." Zhang Tiezhu smiled and patted the lawyer on the shoulder.

"Well, that's a deal. My name is Jin Dayuan. In the future, just call me lawyer Jin!" Jin Dayuan smiled and handed Zhang Tiezhu a business card.

"OK, I'll arrange a villa for lawyer Jin in Taohua village, and then give you a car." Zhang Tiezhu said with a smile. It's really hard to find a person with a strong sense of justice and responsibility to deal with legal affairs for himself these days.

However, the fact that Guo Yuncheng was passed today really enabled Zhang Tiezhu to find a suitable candidate. Although the lawyer's mouth is a little wordy, he is still quick to do things. He is a rare talent and a talent that Taohua village needs.

At this time, Zhang Tiezhu got into the car with Tang Sasha in his arms and said to Tang Sasha, "Sasha, I'm so happy today. Pick up my aunt first. Let's celebrate!"

"Of course, let's have western food together!" Tang said with a smile. Driving was to pick up her mother and open a bottle of red wine in the best western restaurant in the county.

At this time, in the Haoshi Lacey restaurant in the county

Zhang Tiezhu opened a bottle of Lafite red wine, poured it into three shining glasses, gently lifted the glass, warmed the red wine slightly with the temperature of his palm, and then gently shook it to make the excellent red wine fully contact with the air.

"Oh, son-in-law, you're really fastidious. You can't see it!" Li Xiulan smiled and looked at Zhang Tiezhu's fastidious way of holding red wine, and couldn't help but thumbs up.

At this time, Zhang Tiezhu held the wine glass, but he smiled slightly, a little bitter.

Speaking of eating western food and drinking red wine, where is the grass-roots thing he would do? It was Xu Ying who taught him to drink red wine for the first time, and it was also in this western restaurant in the county.

Xu Ying's speech at that time is still fresh in her memory. She slightly held the glass and told herself how to drink red wine.

Pick up the wine glass and shake it to wake up the wine, so as to make the dusty red wine fully contact with the air.

The second time I came to the western restaurant, I came back from Tongxing group. Xu Ying confessed to herself

Just like the current scene, the person sitting opposite has been broken, from Xu Ying to Tang Sasha, but these are not important.

"Come on, Tiezhu cheers!" Tang Sasha smiled, picked up the red wine glass and touched Zhang Tiezhu.

"Wow, I didn't expect that Guo Yuncheng was so shameless. I'm so happy that that bastard can't die. Hum!" at the moment, Li Xiulan almost cheered here listening to what happened in the company today.

"Mom, can you keep your voice down in such a high-end place?" Tang Sasha said, frowning at her mother.

"Oh, it's all right, daughter. The most important thing to be a man is to be happy. My mother is happy to hear that bastard Guo Yuncheng is now like this, but there's another thing I'm still stuck here, that is, the 38 who runs a hotel dares to collude with the Secretary to frame my baby son-in-law Tiezhu. This account hasn't been counted yet!" Li Xiulan said angrily.

"Oh, if my aunt hadn't said so, I really forgot about it. I have to talk to her!" Zhang Tiezhu said with a smile.

"Tiezhu, what are you going to do? The landlady is Chen Degao's mistress. You don't want to teach her a lesson and let her catch the opportunity to frame you?" Tang Sasha said to Zhang Tiezhu worried.

"Don't worry, I don't have to come out in person. We'll celebrate here. My brother will just go to the landlady to celebrate!" Zhang Tiezhu smiled, picked up his mobile phone and called Li Xiang.

Li Xiang and silly root take care of the business of the drugstore in the drugstore in the county. Now the business of the drugstore is becoming more and more popular. Lao Du and Aunt Liu of Taohua village are all here to help.

Even some villagers in Taohua village who later moved to work in the county also came to the drugstore to help. There are many people and work quickly. The store is also very idle.

Li Xiang and silly root are also very free. If they have nothing to do, they can play cards with the guys inside. If they have nothing to do, they can just click on the medicinal herbs. After work, they can either go to the county or go back to Taohua village.

"Brother Xiangzi, you see that the business of the drugstore is getting better and better, and our door is becoming more and more leisure!" silly root said to Li Xiang with a smile.

"Of course, there are so many guys here, not only the people who moved from our village, but also the little brother who has been good before. There's nothing for us!" Li Xiang said with a smile.

Just then, the telephone in the drugstore rang, and Li Xiang hurriedly went to answer it.

"Hey, what's the matter with brother Tiezhu?" Li Xiang heard that it was Zhang Tiezhu and thought that brother Tiezhu was going out.

"By the way, Xiangzi, I was hurt into the police station this time. That woman is Chen Degao's lover. Please take my brothers to her store to celebrate!" Zhang Tiezhu told Li Xiang in detail.

"It's true. Don't worry, brother tie Zhu. These days, NIMA and my brothers are free of lice. I'll get this tone back for you!" Li Xiang immediately said with a smile.

"Yes, Xiangzi, you are a smart man. It's reliable to find you. Do you know what to do?" Zhang Tiezhu said with a smile.