Chapter 1000

At the moment, in the chairman's meeting room of the group in winter, Tang Shasha announced the process of this trip to the city and the next plan to the people in front of her.

The leading shareholders under the stage frowned, pursed their lips and looked grim.

The company was full of confidence and determined to win this trip to the urban area. Who knows that it actually encountered a nail in this urban area, and its opponent is very strong. It is the land group in the urban area and the leading large group in Jiangzhou city!

If we hit hard, the winter group will undoubtedly hit the stone with an egg, because with the current scale and strength of the winter group, it is not the opponent of the earth group at all, and Jiangzhou is not Heishui county. The earth group has contacts and resources from all walks of life, which is more important.

"But we don't need to panic. At least we didn't cause much loss this time, and we also found out the routines and means of Dadi group. In the next step, we will kill and survive!" Tang Shasha said.

"Miss Tang, what should we do next if we are not willing to give up the urban market? Is it to set up a new company in the urban area and do it ourselves?" asked a shareholder at the moment.

"Yes, our next goal is to set up a company branch in Jiangzhou, directly follow our own operation route, avoid all obstacles and establish our own vegetable sales channels, which is also the main goal of our meeting today," Tang said.

At the moment, the shareholders whispered and talked one after another.

At the moment, only Xu Ying sat aside and said nothing. She was thinking calmly.

While people are still debating whether the opinions of chairman Tang Sasha are reasonable, she has focused on specific measures on how to establish new sales channels.

She won't doubt Tang Shasha's idea, because she can't wait to declare war on the earth group and announce to the Luo family in the shortest time that she can make a comeback even if she leaves them!

"Chairman, I personally think it's too risky to do so. First of all, in terms of advantages, we can't compare with Dadi group in terms of resources, contacts, social relations and financial resources. We basically start from scratch. If we go to Jiangzhou to open a branch so recklessly, Dadi group will soon collapse!"

A shareholder expressed doubts about Tang Sasa's idea

"Yes, Jiangzhou is a big market, which we can understand, but we rashly went to Jiangzhou to open a branch in order to seize the market, which is tantamount to declaring war on the business authority of Dadi group. At present, we don't have such strength. We should hold the existing rivers and mountains, preserve our strength and be ready to go!" another shareholder also raised an objection.

"Miss Tang, what several uncles and uncles have said for generations is reasonable. Jiangzhou market is good, but we may not be able to bite it. Moreover, declaring war on Dadi group is tantamount to hitting a stone with an egg. A branch company has to spend at least half of the existing funds of our company. It's too risky!" said Uncle Zhang, the chairman of the board of directors at the moment.

This group of old board members have followed Tang xiulong, the old chairman of the board, when he was in office, and founded the winter group. They all watched Tang Sasha grow up.

Tang Sasha is still young and a little girl after all. Such a style of doing things is obviously a little reckless.

Shopping malls are like battlefields. If they stumble, they may not be able to turn over for decades, especially when the company is on a large scale.

A stall vendor loses money selling things and can close the stall, but a large company has an economic crisis and investment failure. This loophole is difficult to fill, even linked. One road is broken and all roads are broken!

Seeing that almost half of the board members in front of her disagreed with the idea of setting up a new company, Tang Sasha frowned and looked back at Zhang Tiezhu.

Zhang Tiezhu and Tang Sasha looked at each other, smiled and drank a mouthful of tea.

He knew that in this case, someone would speak, so he was not in a hurry.

Sure enough, Xu Ying, who had been silent, finally raised her head.

"I have a few words to say. Although I have just joined the winter group, I think you can make a decision after listening to me." Xu Ying said faintly.

"Of course, Xu Ying, you are also a shareholder of the board of directors. Of course, you have the right to speak." Tang Sasha said to Xu Ying.

Xu Ying nodded, looked at all the members of the board of directors in front of her and said: "First of all, I would like to raise a question. Why do you deliberately strengthen the opponent in your subconscious when you hear that the opponent is Dadi group? It seems that Dadi group is inherently invincible and an authority. This subconscious awareness of admitting that the enemy is strong and we are weak makes our momentum lose half in advance. For a company, it is fatal Yes. "

Xu Ying shocked the audience as soon as she opened her mouth. At the moment, the shareholders whispered to each other and thought what Xu Ying said was reasonable.

At the moment, Tang Sasha and Zhang Tiezhu are very appreciative and look at Xu Ying around them.

"The second point is that our winter group fights with Dadi group. It is not hitting the stone with an egg, because we have the best resources. The market is always the world of the best resource holders, not the world of rich and powerful people. I have cooperated with Tiezhu. I am sure I can operate the best for the quality and sales experience of vegetable products in Tiezhu Taohua village." Xu Ying said.

Zhang Tiezhu nodded on one side. In fact, Xu Ying beat down the vegetable market in Heishui County, so there is a proprietary brand of vegetables in Taohua village. No one is more familiar with the sales mode and method than Xu Ying.

Had it not been for the sudden accident and misunderstanding, Xu Ying must have expanded her vegetable business to the urban area.

"Third, the establishment of a branch is not a reckless choice, but the courage to break the boat. All of us here are predecessors, and we have seen a lot of ups and downs in shopping malls. I think everyone knows that the courage to break the boat is essential for a company to go from the low end to the market. Enterprises that dare not gamble are either unknown or have long been eliminated by the market, so I decided to support Tang Xiao "Sister's idea," Xu yingdun said in time.

At the moment, the members of the board of directors listened to Xu Ying's words. They saw each other face to face. They had the fighting spirit and ignited the courage to march towards Jiangzhou. These words made all the members of the board of directors seem to have given a dose of chicken blood and full of confidence.

"Finally, I want to say that even if an egg touches a stone, the stone will always be dead, but the egg is alive and can hatch life and cross the stone," said Xu Ying.

After the words, the applause rang out

Tang Sasha and Zhang Tiezhu also clapped. Xu Ying's words proved her confidence, courage and ability.

"Miss Xu is right. The former is afraid of wolves and the latter is afraid of tigers. With such good product resources as iron pillars, we are complacent and stagnant. This is the biggest chronic suicide. Therefore, our board of directors unanimously decided to open a branch in Jiangzhou and make a success or failure!" said Zhang bolima at the moment.

Seeing that the board of directors at the moment unanimously agreed to set up a branch and had high enthusiasm, Tang Sasha immediately made a decision and said, "OK, I'm also very happy to see that everyone is full of confidence. I want to give Xu Ying full responsibility for setting up a branch below!"

"Yes, yes, Miss Xu definitely has this ability!" the members of the board of directors applauded one after another.

At the moment, Xu Ying was surprised, looked at Tang Sasha and said, "Miss Tang, are you sure to give me such an important event as opening a branch to a new director who has just taken shares?"

At the moment, Uncle Zhang lit a cigarette and whispered to Tang Sasha: "Sasha, Xu Ying, she just came to our company, and she was also our company's biggest competitor before. She handed over such a big thing to her just a few days after she became a shareholder, didn't she...?"

Tang Sasha smiled and said, "don't worry. I think we all know what happened between Tongxing and winter group before. We all know how Miss Xu came to our winter group. I think Miss Xu has cooperated with Tiezhu before me and has her own experience in product sales, Miss Xu is undoubtedly the most suitable candidate. "

"Yes, everyone can rest assured. Xu Ying just entered our winter group and took her team. Just three days ago, it was normal for everyone to doubt Xu Ying's ability, but I believe she can give us a surprise." Zhang Tiezhu stood up and said.

"Then we expect Miss Xu to surprise us!" at the moment, the members of the board of directors listened to Tang Sasha and Zhang Tiezhu and agreed to Xu Ying as the head of Jiangzhou branch.

Seeing that all the people in front agreed to their plan, Tang Sasha was also very happy. This winter, the group must break out by itself.

"Well, next, let's plan the route, channel and method of vegetable transportation, as well as the specific sales matters." Tang Sasha said to the people.

The meeting lasted a whole morning. Tang Sasha finally took the opinions of the board of directors, prepared the project plan, and handed it to the following departments for printing. It was a long sigh of relief.

"Honey, you're tired. Don't be so nervous. In the evening, I asked the personnel department to charter a dinner at the Marriott Hotel. Tonight, the board of directors and all the staff have a dinner together to relax and prepare for a big fight."

Zhang Tiezhu stood behind Tang Sasha and gently helped Tang Sasha pinch Xiang's shoulder.

"You're so considerate. You've thought of everything I didn't expect!" Tang Sasha smiled at Zhang Tiezhu.

Now in winter, the group has studied the plan and distributed it to all departments. After the dinner in the evening, it is ready for the Raptor to cross the river and enter the market of Jiangzhou!