"Hehe, good!"

While Mr. Zou repeatedly said yes, his eyes kept scanning Dudu and Xiaowen like radar.

The two children don't look like their elders in the family. Look at them and Duan Geng. It's a world of difference.

Although the two children look good, this Tianyu is not a face watching society after all.

Although he despised Dudu and Jiawen from his heart, Mr. Zou didn't show it again this time.

"You are still young, and the future will be very long. In the private school, the teacher will teach you well. Maybe you won't learn too much, but out of this private school, you will learn how to be a man."

Dudu turned his mouth in his heart and asked the obsequious master to teach him how to be a man. He might as well not do it.

If his mother didn't want him to be a spy here, he really couldn't stay in this private school all day.

"Duan Geng is sometimes naughty, but he is also a good child. The master hopes that everyone can get along well in the future and don't happen again like yesterday. Can you do it, students?"

"Yes -"

"After class later, the new tables, chairs and benches will be ready. We need to change the seats during the recess. From today on, everyone's seats will be ranked from low to high. Otherwise, it will be unfair to young students to let the high sit in the front and the low sit in the back."

"Well, we won't talk more about these unhappy things. In the past ten days, the master has taught you how to write poetry. Today, the master will give you an hour to write a poem in the name of a girl.

For example, the poem made by the master yesterday: I can't sleep in the middle of the night. I miss Yi. My fantasy floats to my bed. I get up in a hurry and hold my hand. My thoughts are surging and my heart is sweet.

The first and sweet rhyme. When you write poetry today, the teacher's greatest requirement for you is that the sentences are smooth, the beginning and end rhyme, and the confrontation is neat. Of course, you can choose any subject matter, which can be narrative, critical, comedy or tragedy. Remember the title, and take "girl" as the title. Well, start writing poetry. Remember that time is an hour Chen, if you don't do well after an hour, you will be punished. "

Today, Mr. Zou has no interest in class at all. Now that the second elder has fallen, he must find a new backer.

Although headmaster Wen has a good temper, he has no children, and he has no way to get close to him. He doesn't know any of the confidants around headmaster Wen. He has a bad relationship with several people below him.

What should he do? What should I do? What should I do?

"Master, Xiao Li just came here yesterday. He hasn't heard the previous teaching. How can he write poetry? If you punish him because she can't do it, isn't it unfair?"

Master Zou was stunned, cleared his throat and said, "you should also write poetry for Lu Li and Jiawen. Since you have joined in, you should keep up with the progress as soon as possible. If you don't do well, master won't blame you. But you must also write four sentences in one hour. The number of words in the four sentences must be the same, and then pay attention to sound smooth."

With that, Mr. Zou continued to be distracted.

"Thanks a lot." Dudu looked at Chai Qingqing who showed a friendly smile to him and smiled to thank him.

"Hum, who wants you to be kind!" Xiaowen doesn't know why. She doesn't like Chai Qingqing. She thinks Chai Qingqing is more annoying than Du duzhu who bullied her in yuantianmen.

Chai Qingqing sits diagonally opposite doodle. Facing Xiaowen's provocation, Chai Qingqing doesn't bird her at all. She takes her as air and *****************************************************************************************************

Dudu smiled and said, "no, thank you. I happen to be able to write poetry."

Chai Qingqing was stunned and his eyes brightened: "really?"

"Yes." Dudu smiled and nodded.

"Well... I'll wait for your good poem to come out!"


This conversation is also cool in Xiaowen's heart. Her little brother is omnipotent. Brother Xiaoli used to sing poems in front of her. Where are you afraid of small things? Not to mention Xiaoli's brother, even she has a poem in her heart. She can certainly use it if she changes it.

"Xiao Wen, do you want me to make a poem for you?"

"No, I'll do it myself."

"Don't whisper! This is a test for you. If you don't do well in the test, you should invite your parents when you go back today. If you can't invite your parents, you should receive labor education next week. In the future, everyone should clean the inside and outside of the classroom for a day."

The voice fell, and the classroom was quiet and stopped talking.

An hour is up.

Zou Fuzi habitually walked to Duan Geng, who was closest to him in the middle of the first row, and said, "next, let's first take a look at the poems made by Duan Geng."

After that, Mr. Zou picked up the paper and read it in public: there was a little girl outside the door. She sat in the house every day, coughed with a cry, and finally died at home.

"Ha ha..." a burst of laughter burst out in the classroom.

Duan Geng's teeth itched with anger and looked at Dudu. His fat squint eyes were full of anger and hatred.

From birth to now, he has never suffered so much injustice as yesterday. If he doesn't repay this revenge, he won't be Duan Geng!

"What are you laughing at?"

Master Zou interrupts everyone's laughter unhappily. After all, the second elder is not dead yet. He poisoned leader Wen, but he hasn't died yet. It shows that the second elder still has a certain resistance strength. Well, before getting the news of his death, he should help him protect Duan Geng well. Otherwise, the fighting in this sect changes rapidly. It's hard to say who can laugh to the end.

"Although this poem made by Duan Geng doesn't have any beauty, first, this poem focuses on the theme, takes the girl as the title, and describes the girl from beginning to end. From this point of view, I'll give Duan Geng a high score."

After Mr. Zou commented, everyone stopped talking. After all, we don't know whether Duan Geng's poems are really good or not. They just listen and feel very funny.

"Second, let's look at the number of words in each sentence. Each sentence is seven words. This is the seven character quatrain that the master has taught you these days.

Third, let's look at the elegant rhyme of the suffix. Although Duan Geng's suffix has three "heads", which belongs to heavy characters, at least he has elegant rhyme, isn't he?

Apart from the poor content, this poem made by Duan Geng is not different from what the master has taught you in the past ten days.