Chapter 19: The adventure to Vedersfall I

Name:The Ancients World Author:
I am sitting on the couch with my family going though the channels and I can feel intense tension between my mom and sister. I don't know why, I thought the news about my item would make them stop fighting. I was wrong though, they seem to be having a silent war of looks and body language. My sister rolls her eye's at mom and I know for a fact that doing that to mom is signing your death warrant. "DON'T YOU ROLL YOUR EYE'S AT ME YOUNG LADY!!!!" Mom is over come with anger and rage. Mom gets up from her chair to yell at her some more. "JUST BECAUSE WE WILL HAVE MONEY DOESN'T MEAN YOU CAN KEEP ACTING THIS WAY!!!" Mom is on a roll right now and nobody is going to step up and stop her.

Finally dad gets up and gets between mom and Hailey so the fight doesn't get physical. "Okay honey, I think she understands your point." Mom turned her fury from Hailey onto dad. I witness something I have never seen in my life.

Mom raises her hand and slaps dad across the face hard. I am stuck in my spot and frozen. Everyone one else is too, dad has no idea what to say. This is the first time this has ever happened before. Even in the future this didn't happen, another thing that has changed with my actions. "I AM TIRED OF YOU SPOILING HER ROTTEN!!! EITHER SHE GETS HER ACT TOGETHER OR SHE IS OUT OF THE HOUSE!!! IF YOU TRY AND INTERFERE IN ANYWAY YOU WILL BE JOINING HER!!!" As mom finishes yelling she storms off upstairs and goes into her room. Hailey is very shaken right now, I don't know what she is thinking. It might be fear of getting kicked out and not getting saved by dad. I look over to Marcus and he is ready to cry.

I walk over to him and lean down in front of him. "Lets go and give some privacy for dad and sis." I pick him up and head upstairs as I hear Hailey and dad start talking. I don't want Marcus seeing stuff like this. I take him to his room and set him down, I go to my room and grab my laptop. I place it on the bed so he can watch T.V. I use this opportunity to go to my parents room and knock on the door.

I don't hear anything except for silent sobbing. "It's Cera, I just wanted to make sure that your doing okay...." I hear silence and no sign of the door being opened for me. "Dad is talking to Hailey downstairs. Marcus is using my laptop to watch his cartoons, if you need anything I'll be in my room." I walk away from the door and head to my bedroom. I lay on my bed and pull out my phone. I scroll through social media platforms and watch some video feeds of players clearing dungeons on the forums. I love how you can record your gameplay and post it so others can see your fights from your perspective.

It really helped the DDVR market when is was first invented 40 years ago. It was pretty bare bones back then, but the foundation for this global market was laid in those days. Now everyone with an internet connection is trying to play this game. In a year or so Ancients World will be the most valuable thing on the planet, and the highest level players and strongest guilds will be worth trillions.

I know for a fact that the corporations and guilds that make livings off games like Ancients World are worth tens if not hundreds of billions, you can see the hard work of building the guilds throughout the history of DDVR's. The biggest titans in this industry started when the first DDVR's came out and haven't looked back. I am starting to fall asleep with my phone in my hand. That is a clear sign it is night night time.

I get in my pajama's and get in my sheets. I sleep throughout the night like I usually do, and now is the time to get to grinding. No breakfast for me today and I am excited for this new adventure. I hop in my gaming pod and load into the world. I wake up in the same bed I fell asleep in and the sun is rising just like it would in the real world. I can hear kids already up and making noise.

I walk out of my room and walk into the kitchen. I can smell the delicious food and see that Amelia is making a meat stew with vegetables. I know for a fact food taste real like my world, you can eat it and not go hungry. Another cool thing about Ancients World is food and water are important. They won't kill you, but there are heavy debuffs. I can see the table is already set and ready for us. I sit down and eat my food while telling the kids stories of my adventures.

Pretty soon I am done and I am ready to head off. Amelia walks me down the road and is crying again at having to see me go. "Promise that you will be careful and always reply to my messages and visit when you can." She sounds like a mom would if there kid was leaving for college.

I bring her in a hug and make sure I put love into it, I have grown to really care for the woman. "I promise, I have to go now. Tell the kids I'll bring them back presents the next time I come back." We say our goodbyes and she watches me walk away. Pretty soon I am almost back to the commercial district. I know the things I need to take with me, first things first is a map so I don't get lost.

I make it to the cartographers shop and enter. I talk to the nice old man and I get a great quality map and pay 5 gold. This would be an impossible price for most players right now, I kept 500 gold so I can pay for expenses. Now I need to make sure my equipment is good and repaired. My swords don't need any work so I sell my steel sword back for some bronze pieces.

Now all I got to do is head out and make my way to Vedersfall. I make my way to the gate and notice some players coming and going. I can see the main road packed with carts and merchants. I can't wait till the teleportation network is open to the players at level 50. It will make traveling to discovered places easier. Until then its walking for us, I walk down the road and make my way deep into the wilds. Pretty soon I see only stray carts here and there. Monsters are smart by not going to the main road.

Monsters prefer weaker targets that are alone, and carts always travel together with an escort. Now that I am on my way I can really plan my next moves with all this free time. My first goal for when I reach Vedersfall is doing the epic trial quest for its unique reward. Once that is done I talk to the old Hermit Flint and finally grind my way to level 30. The dungeons out near Vedersfall have lots of enemies within them. It's one of the best places on the continent to grind.

I could run at my top speed and get there in half the time, but that would cause hunger, water, and a fatigue debuff. Things you don't want when traveling long distances. Conserving energy and food is the smart thing to do. I check my stats so I can see where I will stand against the higher leveled creatures.

[Slayer (Zern) Lvl.19]

[Exp: 1450/21,000]

[Title: The Son of Arch-Angel Michael (Hidden),+1 more]


[Strength - 350]

[Endurance - 300]

[Dexterity - 305]

[Speed - 300]

[Focus - 300]

[Mana: 3000/3000]

[Health: 2335/2335]

[Stat Points: 120]

[Armor rating: 475]



[Inheritor of the sword (Passive) - Son of Heaven (Passive) - Heavens light Lvl.3 150/300 (Active) - Protected by Heaven Lvl.3 25/300 (Active) - Slash Lvl.8 500/800 (Active) Slayer of Evil (Passive) - Holy Willow Trees savior (Passive) - Parry Lvl.1 80/100 (Active) - Finder of Legends (Passive) - The divine who has legend (Passive)]

I should look for more active skills when I reach Vedersfall. The passive perks are wonderful, but all they are is passive. I'll save up my skill points till I get in a fight that requires them. I'll be the first player in Vedersfall. I might even be the first player to enter another city period. Others are probably looking to leave there starter cities, but don't have a map. That 5 gold is a boon to most players. The major guilds have probably scrounged enough together and are preparing as well. Then I hear a wonderful system announcement. It actually isn't about me this time, it will spill trouble for the players however.

[World-wide Announcement: The armies of Zenith are amassing in force for war! The kingdom's involved are now preparing the war council earlier than expected and players are welcomed to go to there choice of sides war council! Players must be at least level 50 tier 1 to participate!]

I guess the war is going to be happening. I got out of Blue Grass at the right time. I won't worry about Amelia because Baron Jackson is helping and a head figure in the rebellion. The Enemy kingdoms will surely spare it for the aid it can provide. I hope that they find a person who can use that horn. If they can this war will be over quickly.