Chapter 119: The dungeons IV

Name:The Ancients World Author:
{krialer, please let me know if you want an NPC or player named after you. You are the top donater this month and now its time for your reward. You have until the 31st of march to reply to this.}

I make sure that I'm a good distance ahead so if there is an ambush I'd be the one that gets attacked and not my family. The growling has stopped and I can tell I'm close to a group of them, this is going to be a piece of cake with my capabilities. This isn't my fight though, I'll kill the harder ones. The rest of my family will have to do some work to. I stop on the edge of the darkness, and I can hear their breathing. They are waiting for my move, they must know the threat I pose or they would have attacked by now. "Marcus, shoot a fireball into the darkness. I want to see how many there are." He follows my orders and shoots a fireball down the dark tunnel. As the fire lights up the tunnel the monsters are everywhere. Its like they are all packed up right here, this is to much for my family to handle. 

The ones closest to me launch at me for an attack now that they have been discovered. I easily dispatch of them and as I continue to do so I have many system notifications. Its the typical ones about damage dealt and dismemberment. "CERA! GET OVER HERE SO WE CAN HELP!" My mother is the first to say something. I ignore her and continue not letting the monsters get passed me, soon the pile of bodies and body parts is to much and I have to move back for room. My sister stands at my side and starts to help. She cant 1 shot them like I can, but she is holding her own very well. "WE HAVE TO HELP THEM CHRIS!!" Mom is on edge with us in potential danger. Any mother would, no matter how old her children are. I focus on my fight and help Hailey whenever she needs it. 

Exp is being shared right now, in all honesty I could do all the work and they would be just fine getting levels. I'm doing this so they learn how to fight and adapt on the fly. Many of the monsters in the tunnel have been killed by me, Hailey has killed more then I thought she could by herself so kudos to her. "Since there aren't so many now I'm going to draw them back to you guys and you can take care of some. Marcus get your better offensive spells ready, and don't hit mom and dad." My mom is about to protest, but before she can I grab Hailey and backflip onto the ceiling and jump off it and land behind my parents. I set Hailey down and watch the monsters begin their approach. "Well... What are you guys waiting for." As soon as I say those words dad leaps into the fight with mom supporting him as she fights with her sword to. Marcus is doing an excellent job of not hitting our parents and is being a great help.

My sister almost jumps in as well, I put my hand on her shoulder and stop her. "We will switch out when I see them struggling. They need this Hailey, give them some time." She relaxes at my words as the fight continues. They are doing a great job of fighting and killing. However, the numbers they are up against are a little to much for them. They are starting to falter. "Okay lets switch out! You guys take a breather while Hailey and I take the rest." They listen with no complaints and I jump into the fight with my sister. We quickly dispatch the monsters, The Witness is making quick work of these weak creatures. After about 45 seconds of dismembering these creatures we finish with the little nest they had here. I take this time to inspect one of the corpses to see what we were fighting.

[Dark Dweller Lvl.15]

0/3000 HP

[Description: A weak creature twisted from being in the dark for its entire life. While weak on its own its incredibly strong working with the members of its hive.] 

This must have been a nest they created. The administration is down this tunnel and isn't that much further. "I doubt the guys that came in before us can clear this dungeon. They are capably of reaching the boss room, but after losing party members to these pests it would make it impossible to face the boss." My sister is looting the corpses for anything they have. I would to if I didn't already have such good gear, and they will need every bit of scrape they can get. "Take a break for a little bit, the boss fight will be hard. While I can handle it myself I want you guys to experience an actual boss fight. I'll be helping, but you guys will be doing most of the damage." My mom looks at me as if I grew a hand out my ass. As she is about to protest dad stops her, he just shakes his head no. She stops and focuses on helping Marcus.

I take a seat on one of the dead bodies and relax myself. I don't need to, but it helps with mental fatigue. My sister sits on a body across from me and stares at my sword. "May I see your sword? The things it can do is crazy!" I see no reason not to. I take it out of its sheath and hold out the handle for her. She grips it and as soon as I let it go it drags her to the ground and crushes her fingers. "OWWY!! OWW!! OWWW!! WHAT THE HELL IS THIS THING MADE OF!! DON'T JUST STAND THERE!!! LIFT IT UP FOR ME!!!" I chuckle and pick it up for her. She looks at it in anger, and just huffs. "How can you even move that thing. My fingers were being crushed." This weapon is bound to me, so if anyone else tried to wield it they would experience what Hailey just did.

I put it back in its sheath. I look at her with a cocky smile. "You just aren't worthy enough to wield such an amazing weapon. Perhaps you should work on your character." She winds up and punches my chest super hard. She recoils in pain and starts to whine. I outnumber her stats by thousands, hitting me will be like hitting steel. "Have you learned anything from this yet? If you keep being stubborn you're going to keep hurting yourself." She just gives me an annoyed look and rolls her eyes. I hear some laughter behind us and I turn to see mom and dad laughing at our antics. "If you guys are okay enough to laugh that means we should get moving. The sooner we get that reward the better." My mom reaches out her hand and Marcus grabs it. 

We start walking down the now open tunnel, this one is pitch black. "Your only responsibility from this point onwards is to light up the area Marcus." He lights a fire in his hand and lets it hover in front of me so I can see where I'm going. After a few minutes of walking we come to a huge platform area with a catwalk above it. That catwalk is attached to a huge underground building. I'd bet piles of gold that the boss is in that building. Its like a long warehouse with fair height. "Let me handle the first bit of the battle to see where it is in strength. I'll deem if its okay for you guys to join in on the fight." I hop onto the massive platform and walk towards the stairs that go to the catwalk. I make my way up and look at the single door that goes into the building, this is going to be an interesting battle. 

I open the door and look inside, total pitch darkness. My family is soon behind me looking in as well. Marcus sends in some light and we see it. The boss creature. It is hard to describe, its as dark as the darkness surrounding it and it has 2 heads and 2 tails. I start to walk in, but I feel someone grip my shoulder. I already know who it is. "It'll be fine mom. You can leave everything to me." She lets me go and I walk in. Change of plans I don't want my family trying to fight this thing in the slightest. I have no idea what it is, Dark Dwellers are a new for me as well as this thing. I approach it as my family enters the room behind me. I use inspect on this thing to see what I can learn about it.

[Nightmare fiend Lvl.30 dungeon boss]

25,000/25,000 HP

[Description: A nightmare fiend is a manifestation of fears that any living creature dreams. A dark nexus uses the local inhabitants to create something of nightmares. No nightmare fiend is the exact same. The younger a nightmare fiend is the weaker it is, if allowed to grow it will be strong enough to destroy a city.]