Chapter 257: Plans Coming to Fruition

Name:The Ancients World Author:
{I want to let everyone know that I have a p-a-t-r-e-o-n with two new exclusive stories on it. One is The Aeternus Universe, and the other is a new story with a basketball system. I hope you guys will give it a chance. The link is Remove the dashes. Webnovel censors the word.}

My carriage slowly enters the city, and it stops after just a few seconds in. I look out the window and see why. There are people clearing the roads of rubble and bodies. There aren't many bodies, but it's enough to be worried. "Lady James, I can't take the carriage any further. The roads are too blocked." My driver gets off his seat and opens the door for me. I step out, and I can already some people wanting to approach and ask for help. I can help bring relief, but I'm not going to pay for any damages. I will once my brothers are out of the picture.

I start to walk down the street and look at the damage in more detail. The buildings that have been torn apart only have a couple of walls left standing. The ones that have been really attacked are all the way down to the foundation. "My Liege! What are you doing in the city!?" As I'm walking, my thoughts are interrupted by the voice of a familiar man. I turn towards the voice and see the captain of the knights, Henry. He quickly rushes to my side and orders some of his men to come and joining him. Henry is one of the few goods and uncorrupted men in the city.

Before I answer him, I look at the people standing and waiting. Looking for a sigh of hope in my words. I might as well announce my intentions. "I'm here to provide help and relief! While I can't have buildings and homes fixed at this time! I can hire aid from independent factions! My brothers refused to help! So I'm stepping in and doing what they will not!" I want to make it as hard as I can for my brothers, and my words have an effect. I can hear the increase in whispers and conversations about my words. They'll continue to grow restless.

Henry stays silent at my side and doesn't make any sort of ruckus at my words. Soon the words I've spoken here will spread across the city like wildfire. "Henry, I want you to leave me to myself and help as many people as you can. I have a place to go to bring help to the city." He is hesitant to leave me on my own, but he obeys my orders. He and his men head back to what they were helping with before. I start making my way down the road as I step over fallen rubble, and I help people from time to time. The more I show these people I care, the more they'll resent my brothers.

My ultimate destination is the church. I need to send out multiple letters to freelance relief organizations. Getting help here as soon as possible should be the next move. Once everyone hears that I followed through on my words, it'll guarantee my safety when they riot against my brothers. I see the church off in the distance, and it's taken some damage. However, it's unharmed in terms of structural integrity. I walk up to the open doors and enter the building. Once inside, all I see are misplaced families. 

Mothers and fathers weeping for lost children. Sons and daughters howling in pain at the loss of their parents. While the only targets of those monsters were the players, there was lots of collateral damage in the process of the massive battle. Some see me enter but leave me alone as I make my way towards the mailing area. I take multiple letters and envelopes and begin writing. Setting their destinations to the proper places that will come and help if the price is right. The cost will be high for me, but it's just a means to an end. 

I finish writing the last letter and send them. I turn around and see many people looking at me. Waiting for an explanation. "Go and spread the word that help is on the way! Kelly James is here to help you! My brothers aren't going to do anything to help! Spread this to everyone in the city!" I watch some faces light up, and others leave the church immediately to start spreading the good news. While the promotion of my help and lack from my brothers is heavy-handed. I don't want any misinterpretations of what's going on here.

I make my way out of the church and look around the area. I should check the rich district and see how it's holding up. I'm willing to bet it's in a similar state as the rest of the city. I walk towards the rich district, and as I do, I can see people with grateful expressions, and my actions have already spread. I'm sure once my brothers hear of this, they'll demand answers. However, they'll have to find me first. As I continue walking, I eventually reach the rich district. I see fat merchants and nobles yelling at the guards and some new people nearby.

I'm likely going to have to ban new people from the city once I gain control. Despite all the business they bring, my people's concerns will come first. The rich district is in rough shape. It's actually been hit harder than most of the other parts of the city. It makes sense, though. The new people love hanging around and buying things in the rich district. "How dare you! I'm Adept Merchant Victor! You will treat me with the respect I deserve!" My musings are stopped as I turn and see a merchant with a big head yelling at some new people.

What's strange about them is there all wearing hoods. I get a very bad feeling about all 3 of them, and that only happens when there is a threat or someone really powerful is nearby. I don't even know how this started. I walk up to the scene and take a breath. "What's going on here?" As I say that, the merchant turns to me, and he has a sick grin spread across his face. He's likely going to use me to try and scare these three off. That won't work. Before he can start blabbering, I start talking again. "I'm Kelly James. I'm here to provide relief aid to the city. Who are you?" I watch one of the feminine figures twitch a little.

I look at her more closely and see the unnatural long blond hair coming out of her hood. I've only seen hair like that with... Elves... I slowly turn towards the man figure in the group and study him. There are no defining features about him, but I have a terrible feeling that this is Slayer Zern. In the flesh. The next thing I know, the male figure swings his right arm at the head of the merchant, and it explodes. I recoil in fear. This isn't what I had planned for today. He reaches out too fast for me to follow and grabs my neck, and holds me up. 

I'm struggling to breathe, but he loosens every so often to allow me to. "Looks like we didn't have to go searching. One came straight to us. What do you want to do, Sally?" He speaks and asks one of the girls behind him. The girl with the blond hair coming out of her hood tilts her head. Indicating that they are going to take me somewhere private. I can't help myself from struggling to get out of his grasp. However, he's harder than anything I've ever punched or attacked before. I give up and begin to form some sort of plan.

The next thing I know, I'm off the ground, and he's holding me from the back of my neck. We are leaping from building to building. I don't know where we are going. I don't know whether to scream out for help or let them continue taking me. If Slayer Zern can destroy someone's head with the swing of his arm, he can kill me with a squeeze of his hand. I'm positive people saw what happened. It shouldn't be long until search parties are sent out for me. My only worry is if I'll even have a chance to explain my plan and try to get them on my side.

All the work I've done... My life... It all rides on how much they are willing to listen and if they'll show mercy to the offspring of my father. Everything is coming back to bite us kids. The sins of the father fall onto the children. In this sense, it's very literal. An angel is literally taking me. To be punished for my father's sins. I hope to god if I do die, my brothers will die not long after me. "We are almost there." The other female speaks this time. She's not someone I was prepared for. So maybe I can turn that into something for me.