LAN Ke could not put down holding the knife in his hand, but recalled what [merciless swordsman] had said in his mind -

"although the blade is slender, the blood groove is deep and long, and the handle can be grasped by both hands. It is suitable for chopping and stabbing. It is a fierce weapon worthy of the name."

"After you take it back, you can recognize the LORD by putting blood on the blade. After recognizing the Lord, there will be a kind of connection between this Dao and you, even if you are a novice, you can also be handy, such as arm command. And the weight of the blade will be adjusted according to your strength, which is convenient for you to use. "

"I don't know what's going on over there, but this knife needs to be used with caution. Don't do anything recklessly to hurt yourself."

Think of here, LAN Ke can't help but sigh: "this [heartless swordsman] heart is good."

Anyway, she wrote it down.

Now that she has a weapon to take advantage of, she also has the assurance to protect herself in the future global variation. However, the necessary preparations still need to be made.

It was not easy to be reborn. With so many supplies, she didn't want to turn over the boat in the sewer.

After sipping her lips, Lanke stabbed her fingers and squeezed out blood drops on the blade. I don't know what material is used for the whole knife. At first glance, it looks like metal, but it has the texture of jade. The blade is as black as ink, and there is a faint flow of light, forming a strange scale like pattern.

The scarlet blood drips up and is absorbed by the blade in the blink of an eye. The blade trembles slightly at the next moment. At the same time, Lanke really realizes that there is some wonderful connection between herself and the blade.

At this time, suddenly came Babao angry roar: "ouch, ouch, you damn, get off my head!"

LAN Ke turned his head and saw that Babao was flying around angrily. On his head, there was a small bean sprout standing innocently in the wind.

LAN Ke shook his head, picked up the ink scalpel and began to draw. Although it's the first time to use it, it's easy to use it after recognizing the owner. It seems that it has been used countless times.

In his previous life, Lanke used many weapons, such as spear, knife, axe, stick and hammer. In the end, the conditions were hard. The common people in Pingtou had no qualification to choose weapons at all. They often used anything as weapons.

However, LANCO used the knife most. She knows how to cook and is most familiar with knives. Although she lived a very hard life in the early stage, she asked someone to make a knife to defend herself when the conditions gradually improved.

The style of the knife was similar to that of the ink scale knife, so when she was looking for a weapon, she fell in love with it at a glance.

After a while, Lanke gradually regained the feeling of his previous life and became more proficient with the knife in his hand. I have to say that the ink scale Dao is really not an ordinary one. It's much better than the one she paid a lot of money to make in her previous life!

Although she had spent all her savings to buy the knife, Lanke knew that she was short of the kindness of the heartless swordsman. The trading points she gave were not even small enough!

This human relationship must be returned as soon as possible!

Suddenly, with a flash of green light, the bean sprouts jumped onto the back of Lanke's hand, and the two bean leaves held her fingers pitifully: "hungry! Hungry! Master silver! How hungry

LAN Ke looked at it silently, fished a small basin of prawns from the pond and put them on the ground: "eat."

One day outside, one month in the pond. These days, two batches of fresh water in the pond have been harvested, all of which have been made into various cooked food by Lanke and stored in the container. You can eat it at any time.

But after all, bean sprout is a vine eating larva. Lanke wants it to become a fighting partner in the future, rather than a pet that can only sell sprouts, so the food can be said to be carefully selected. Sometimes he gives it some fruits and cooked food, sometimes he also gives it some raw meat, so he is afraid of giving it up.

Bean sprouts are never picky, what to eat, let Lanke quite satisfied.

Just out of the water shrimp is very fresh, translucent fat Dudu body moving in the basin, looks particularly attractive. As soon as bean sprouts see what they eat, they turn into green light and jump into the basin.

The prawn in the basin was startled and wanted to get rid of the unexpected guest, bean sprouts. As a result, as soon as he rushed up, he was entangled by the suddenly growing roots of bean sprouts.

Bean sprouts are still too small, and the main food is the root. Usually, its roots are small, but when eating, countless slender fibrous roots will grow on them, which will entangle the food.

Those fibrous roots are thinner than hair and look very fragile. But you can see from the shrimps that can't move after they are entangled. Those fibrous roots are very terrible.

There are not many shrimps in a small pot, only 10 in total. This is also the limit of the system. The maximum quantity of each kind of fresh water is 10. If you want more, you can only wait for the next batch to mature.

When Lanke gave the food, she stopped caring about the bean sprouts and continued to prepare the food. She is already familiar with the ink scalpel. Just spare some time to practice every day. There is not much time left. Preparing cooked food is the key.

It's always dark outside. It's hard to avoid panic after seeing it for a long time. LANCO had already experienced it once, but fortunately, the others were miserable.

At five o'clock in the afternoon, lanko's door was knocked again.The room of one bedroom is not big. The porch and kitchen are far away. As soon as the security door is knocked, Lanke hears it.

"Please open the door! help me! Please With the sound of banging on the door, a young female voice kept crying for help, "open the door, I'm only 15 years old, still a junior high school student, please!"

Went to the door, but did not open the door, just open the cat's eye to observe the situation outside.

There was a light on in the corridor. A girl in a light down jacket was crying and smashing the door. The girl is very pretty, her clothes are a little messy, her horsetail is in a mess, and there is a palm print on her pink face. Obviously, she has been bullied.

At this time, the corridor below came the arrogant abuse.

"Come on, that chick is up there!"

"Yes, we must catch her quickly!"

"That chick looks good. She's still a junior high school student. She can have a good time later."

"Ha ha ha, that's a thin waist!"

The following words are becoming more and more obscene, which is not acceptable at all.

The girl also heard this, and she was frightened and trembled: "they are catching up! Please help me! I'm still a junior high school student

The girl's face is very young. You can see that she is young. If she falls into the hands of those below, you can imagine the end.

At this time, it is estimated that no matter how hard hearted people are, they should open the door to save people.


LAN Ke looked at the girl outside the door and sneered. A 15-year-old junior high school girl didn't stay at home well, but ran out in such a chaotic time? Not only did he escape from several hooligans, but no one came to arrest him after asking for help for so long?

It's a good play, but she's seen a lot of similar tricks in the last days!

Lanke was about to turn and leave when the door opened.