"What a sister."

The voice of the female emperor came out of Da Ju's mind. The female emperor was so annoyed that Da Ju shouted angrily, "don't make a noise."

An Zhiyu was startled: "what's the matter with you?"

"Sorry, I didn't say you." Da Huang shook his head and patted his head. He was so annoyed. Looking at the female emperor, he said, "can you shut up for me? If you don't shut up again, do you believe I'll seal you up?"

Finally quiet down.

"Is it really all right?" an Zhiyu always felt that the state of Da Ji was not quite right.

"It's all right, sister Zhiyu. I'll make you what you want to eat." Da Ji said.

"Eat meat."

"OK, let's eat meat, tut tut."

Da Ju pricked up her ears and showed her two little tiger teeth. She was as happy as an optimist. She immediately returned to a heartless state.

They began to make things in the kitchen, jingling.

Li Xu sat outside and didn't care about them. Anyway, the two of them had no other hobbies except eating.

The only advantage of Li Xu is to eat and drink with him, as if he were incidental.

After eating, the two girls went for a walk. After that, they went to the hot spring.

Li Xu also wants to go.

It would be nice to have a hot spring with two girls, but I don't have the courage.

I had to sit in a daze in the corridor.

In the hot spring.

Da Ju put his head beside the hot spring pool, closed his eyes and enjoyed the peace at the moment.

An Zhiyu came up and said, "Da Ji, you're getting bigger again."

Da Ju opened her eyes and glanced at her. Her has not changed, but she still can't catch up with her, unless she completely becomes a female emperor.

However, if you become a female emperor, it will be more exaggerated than her.

She remembered the figure of the empress.

What the hell am I trying to write?

She shook her head and found that Anzhi fish was still staring at herself. She sank her body into the water and said, "don't stare at me like this. It's strange, okay?"

"I find you more and more strange. Your body is developing so fast. Is she coming out soon?" an Zhiyu asked.

"What are you talking about?" Da Ji was startled.

"I said the female emperor." an Zhiyu said.

"Have you seen her?" Da Ji wondered.

"Once, didn't I tell you? I saw her once in Qingqiu."

Da Ji was tired: "forget it, I don't want to know, I don't want to mention her."

An Zhi fish reached out and poked Da Ji's body and said, "it's so soft. It's going to catch up with me."

Da Ju was far away from Anzhi fish and thought she was a little abnormal.

"Also shy, you used to poke me like that."


"No?" an Zhiyu reached out and hugged Da Ji and said, "yes."


"I'll scratch you without you."

"Hahaha... Tickle."

The water splashed as the fan struggled.

But an Zhiyu held her arm and pressed her. Da Ji kept struggling, but she couldn't take it off.

Struggling, struggling.

An Zhiyu suddenly noticed Da Ju's arm. The palace sand on her was strange. It was different from her palace sand. He didn't notice it before. He glanced at it inadvertently just now. It became more and more strange and said:

"Don't move."

The crane is still struggling.

"Don't move first."

"What's the matter?" Da Ji wondered.

"Just don't move."

An Zhiyu reached out to buckle the palace sand on Da Ji's arm. Da Ji had a bad feeling. She just wanted to use her spiritual power to break away from her comfort, but she was stunned.

Because an Zhiyu has buckled out her palace sand.

She swallowed her mouth and looked embarrassed.

An Zhiyu took a deep breath, frowned, looked at Da Ju, and stared at the palace sand he had buckled out.

It was the first time she heard that the palace guard sand could be deducted.

"Are you fake?" an Zhiyu looked at her.

"I'll go first." Da Ju didn't want to talk. He dodged his eyes, jumped out of the hot spring, dressed quickly, ran back to his room and got into the quilt.

An Zhiyu was stunned in the hot spring and looked at the palace guarding sand in his hand.

Stunned for a long time, she came out of the hot spring and the water splashed on her body. No, she had to ask Da Ju what was going on.

Casually put on a dress and didn't even tie it. He ran out and ran to Da Ju's room.

Her clothes were messy and her scenery was infinite, so she ran past Li Xu's eyes.

"Stop, are you crazy?" Li looked at her snow-white legs and messy clothes, and could see the carcass. "What are you doing in a hurry?"

An Zhiyu said, "I have something to find her..."

"Xiao Da ran back in a hurry, so did you. What are you doing?"

"I have something urgent."

"Stop." Li Xu stood up, stopped her and said, "no matter what, put your clothes on first. What does it look like?"

Li Xu helped her fasten her clothes.

An Zhiyu noticed his current scenery and hesitated: "leave me alone, I really have something to do."

"What's up?" Li looked at her.

"Da Ju, her... Arm guard... Guard..."

An Zhiyu said half, shut up and stop talking.

It's very close. Fortunately, I stopped the chatterbox. If I say it myself, it's ok if it's Li xupo. If it's not, Li Xu and Da Chong's marriage will be yellow.

She suddenly thought of this floor.

"What's the matter, how to talk haltingly?" Li Xu asked.

"It's all right, master. Go back to bed first. I'll sleep with Da Chong tonight." an Zhiyu pushed Li Xu back to his room and said:

"Master, have a good rest. I'll see you tomorrow."

Then quickly close the door.

"Like a psycho." Li Xu scolded, but he didn't ask much. After all, it's hard for him to ask about things between girls.

After closing the door, an Zhiyu didn't care about his clothes, but came to the door of Da Ju's room, dried his hair with Taoist methods, pushed open the door and went in.

Lock the door and close the window.


An Zhiyu poked the Da Ji in the quilt, but she didn't come out and still nestled in it.

An Zhiyu got into the bed, waved his hand, and the whole bed was covered with a boundary, so that no one could overhear them, because the boundary isolated all sounds.

She also got into the bed and saw Da Ji's face red and shy.

"I didn't tell Li Xu that the doors and windows were closed. I've set up a barrier here. Now you can tell me what happened to the palace guarding sand?" an Zhiyu asked.

Da Ju didn't speak, turned over and wanted to turn to the other side.

"Don't move." an Zhiyu pressed her, "tell me what's going on?"

"I......" Da Shu didn't know what to say. It was too humiliating.

Seeing her expression was very strange. An Zhiyu murmured, "it's not strange that you have been in Qingqiu for hundreds of years. But how can you sleep with him before it's time to talk about marriage? You really don't worry at all."

An Zhiyu touched her forehead, his chest heaved with anger, and said, "don't talk about it everywhere, especially with Li Xu. If he knows, he won't marry you."

"Remember?" an Zhiyu nodded her forehead again.

"What are you talking about?" Da Ju was suddenly a little confused and couldn't understand. A moment later, she seemed to understand, "did you misunderstand something?"

She scratched her head.

An Zhiyu looked at her: "didn't you get rid of your palace sand by sleeping with others? Don't fool me. I tell you, the only way to break the palace sand is the combination of men and women. Did you sleep with others?"

She thought this person was someone else. She didn't think of Li Xu at all.

Although she could see that Li Xu and Da Ju were very good, she should not have come to this step so soon, so she didn't say it when Li Xu asked her just now.

"No one else, what do you think?"

Da Ju now understood the meaning of an Zhiyu. She thought she slept with others and lost the palace sand. If Li Xu knew, she would not want herself.

An Zhiyu is worried about himself.

Da Ju suddenly couldn't laugh or cry. She ran back shy, not because of anything else.

But an Zhiyu thinks it's someone else.

Seeing Da Ji laughing, an Zhiyu was stunned and asked, "what do you mean, it's not someone else, who is it?"

Suddenly, an Zhiyu's face was stiff and thought of something: "did you sleep with Li Xu?"

"Yes." Da Ji nodded.

"If you sleep with Li Xu, the palace guarding sand will disappear. Why do you make a fake?"

"Before I married him, the palace guard sand was gone. I felt ashamed and asked my master to get a palace guard sand." Da Chuo blinked.

An Zhiyu breathed a sigh of relief.

It turned out that Li Xu lost the palace sand of Da Ju.


Ann knows what the fish noticed.

Teng opened the quilt, sat on an Zhiyu, pressed her, and grabbed Da Ju's neck.

"Sister Zhiyu, what are you doing?" Da Chuo began to cough and speak vaguely.

An Zhiyu said, "look, I don't strangle you. You actually sleep with Li Xu. I haven't slept with him. You secretly ate him. I'll strangle you."

"I'm worried about you for nothing. It turns out that you two have begun to linger for a long time and are still hiding it from me." an Zhiyu began to pinch her.

"Let go."

Da Ji struggled and soon broke free, but an Zhiyu came up again.

Soon, the two pinched each other.

The female emperor in Da Chuo's mind looked at this scene. In fact, she wanted to beat an Zhiyu, but she suddenly felt that an Zhiyu was very interesting. She also liked Li Xu, but she was also worried about Da Chuo.

What an interesting girl, she stopped caring and watched quietly.

After playing for a while, they were out of breath.

Finally, an Zhiyu pressed the Da Fan and said, "you are so brave that you ate Li Xu. I didn't eat it."

"I'm his fiancee," said Da Ji.


Excuse me.

An Zhiyu just remembered the identities of Da Ju and Li Xu. What's his identity? It's embarrassing to dare to take control of Da Ji's head, but she refused to admit defeat and said:

"I'm also his fiancee." an Zhiyu said hard, "he said he would marry me. If he doesn't marry me, I'll blow his dog's head."

"Ha ha."

"You laugh a fart. If you dare not agree, I'll strangle you." an Zhiyu pressed Da Ji.

Da Ji covered his mouth and smiled.

An Zhiyu said and laughed.

Suddenly I felt a little thick skinned. I got down from Da Ju, lay next to her, and then covered the quilt.

Over the top.

The two men hid under the quilt.

An Zhi fish looked at Da Ji.

Da looked at her.

Look at each other and smile. The smile is like a blooming flower and bone, which blooms particularly brightly.

"You laugh a fart." an Zhiyu was speechless, nodded her forehead and said, "I'm worried about you and lose money."

"No money, or I'll make a promise by myself." Da Ji blinked his big eyes and hugged an Zhiyu's arm with a coquettish look on his face.

"No, learn me two barks and I'll forgive you." an Zhiyu felt that he wanted to put his shelf up.

"Ow, ow, ow..."

"Will you? The sound of the dog barking is barking..." an Zhiyu demonstrated twice.

"Ouch, ouch, ouch."


An Zhiyu pinched her flesh face and whispered, "what do you think? He actually slept with Li Xu so early. Fortunately, he is not the kind of person who doesn't care about you after eating, otherwise you will cry."

She's going to teach her a lesson orally.

Da Chuo threw the pot: "you didn't bring me bad and let me read some junk books, especially" my master became my brother and later became my husband ". After reading it, I couldn't help but want to sleep with him."

An Zhi fish pinched Da Ju's ear and said, "it's my fault. You see, I see so much. How can I be all right? It's obviously that your own control is too weak."

In fact, if she didn't want to give up her natural shortcut, she would have slept with Li Xu.

However, Da Ji didn't know that she could stand and talk without backache.

Tut tut.

Da Ju didn't speak, looked at an Zhiyu and said, "don't think I don't know what you're thinking. I heard that the national teacher passed on the secret of your daughter's natural proximity. You must be because of this..."

"Definitely not. I have strong control."

"Hehe, I don't want to pierce you."

An Zhiyu suddenly said, "yes, you were punctured."

Da Ju was stunned. "You are really a little girl."

"What, you always say that others are little girls. You are yourself. I doubt you will definitely sleep in the same bed when I'm away." an Zhiyu said.

"How is it possible? I said I would stop lust. I haven't touched him since then."

"You tried once."

"Yes, 100 million times," said Da Ji.

"Believe you, ghost." an Zhiyu scratched Da's armpit and made her smile.

Da Ji tickled her, too.

The two were playing happily in bed.


The next day, Li Xu woke up and found that Da Ju and an Zhiyu were always whispering. Where to pull their hands, he suddenly felt that their relationship had become better.

It's weird.

It's unimaginable.

Just one night.

Why is the relationship so outrageous? It feels better than before.

What happened?

Li Xu touched his chin and thought of something.

They seemed to have slept last night.

Is it?

Li Xu's mind thought a lot of lilies in his hometown. Are they true love?

Do you exist only to inherit your family?
