Chapter 21: Crossroads


I watch as Hunter leads Santana and Connor out the door feeling a heavyweight on my chest. They both look beat down and tired, and I want to kill Perroni for making them feel that way. It also kills me that she and Connor think they're an inconvenience to me.

Once they're out of sight, I turn to Priest. He's leaning back in his chair with his arms folded across his chest. "So, what happened to you needing to stay away?" I let out an exasperated breath and shift in my seat. But Priest is not easily deterred. What do I tell him? Anything I say would make me sound like an infatuated idiot. Placing my elbows on my knees, I clench my teeth and respond. "I know I said I'd stay away, but something told me that I needed to check on them─ and I was right. Who knows what would have happened if I hadn't gotten there on time."

Unwilling to confront his words, I vehemently negate his assessment. "I don't know how I feel about her. To be honest, I don't want to think about it. There's no way I'm in love with her, though. Right now, I'd rather focus on helping them get their lives back on track." Priest nods his head and mutters sympathetically. "You know it's okay if you have feelings for her. We're human, you know? Savage and Reaper are happily in love, and their women accept what they are." I pucker my mouth loath to say more but am relieved to unburden myself of these thoughts. "I know, but this life is not for someone like Santana. She has always lived a precarious life. I don't think I can live with myself if I brought more problems upon her."

Priest shakes his head, running his fingers across the table's surface. "Maybe that's a choice she should make." I run my fingers through my hair, frustrated, and deflate back onto the chair. "No, it's better this way. Now, can we change the subject? Please?"

Thankfully, Hunter walks back into the room at that moment. "Okay, they are both settled. I gave them the tour. San said she'd take care of Connor's wounds." I nod my head. "Good, they can use the sleep." Hunter settles in the chair next to mine and says, "Connor and I will look through the thumb drive tomorrow. Hopefully, we'll find something interesting. In the meantime, you should take Santana shopping tomorrow and buy her some clothes. The only clothing we have available are for men. She's hot, but no woman wants to walk around in men's clothing." He mutters with a sly grin. I want to punch him in the face at that moment. The fucker has a girlfriend for crying out loud. Instead, I give him my iciest glare. "What the fuck Hunter. You have a girlfriend, and let's not forget San and Connor were both attacked tonight. Have some sympathy." He shrugs his shoulders. "I know I have a girlfriend. But it still doesn't take away from the fact that she's beautiful. Come on dude, you know you have a thing for her, and I think she has a thing for you. I mean, other than the fact that she almost stumbled over her tongue when she saw Priest, which you can't blame her for because the guy's catnip for women— she couldn't take her eyes off you."

Even though his words create a kernel of pleasure inside me, I quickly stamp it down. "Right. Whatever man. Anyway, I'm going to crash here tonight. I want to make sure that they're okay." Priest nods and gestures to the ceiling. "You can take your usual room. You know where it is." I nod my head and rise to make my way to the room.

Hunter follows behind me and pulls my elbow towards his. "Look, man. Maybe this is your opportunity to make things right between all of you. I know that you like her, and Connor is cool. There has to be a reason why you keep getting thrown into their lives. Give it a chance. One thing I learned from working with all of you is that you deserve some happiness. I know I'm happy when I'm with Maleah." He utters with a pitying pat on my back before he walks out of the room.

I think about his and Priest's words while I'm in the shower. I know what they're saying is true. Reaper and Savage both found Jade and Sophia, and they both seem happy. Savage kind of goes back and forth, but even he admits to being in love. I guess his situation is a lot more sensitive, considering Willem hates him more than anyone because he felt Savage betrayed him to the Confradia. But he seems to have made his peace with that too. I just don't know if things will work out the same way for me.

Wrapping a towel around my waist, I turn when I hear a knock. My heart speeds up at the possibility of who it could be. Excitement thrums through me as I approach the door. Santana's standing before me looking nervous. Her eyes widen as they roam over my half-naked frame. I try not to smirk when her face flushes, and her eyes devour my muscled shoulders and toned abs. A groan threatens to escape my lips when she bites her lip and huskily whispers. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to bother you." I shake my head, trying to keep a cool demeanor, but it's hard to remain attached when my body is ready for her attention. "It's okay, San. Are you okay? Is it Connor?" She shakes her head vehemently. "No, no. Everything's fine. I just wanted to thank you for what you've done for us. You saved us, and I don't think I can ever repay you for that." Her luscious lips tremble, becomingly making it difficult for me to breathe. Clearing my throat, I shake my head. "No, San. There's no need to thank me."

She nods her head and moves closer, making my body heat with pleasure. She's such a temptation. My muscles strain against my skin, and my cock stiffens with the need to be inside her. Every one of my senses is heightened by her nearness. Even the smell of her sweet lavender makes me crazy. I want to touch her silky skin. Unable to stop myself, I run my gaze across her curved body. The nubs of her nipples are visible beneath the soft material of her nightshirt, and her bare arms look smooth and soft. Her soft, luscious hair falls like a halo around her shoulders, and her eyes gleam like fire beneath the fringe of her lashes.

I want to rip the shirt off her body and plunge into her silken softness. But instead, I grip the knot of my towel and take a step back. "Um, maybe we should talk tomorrow. It's pretty…" I don't get to finish my words because suddenly she's in my arms and we're kissing. All of my arguments are forgotten at that moment.