Chapter 29: Hollow


I watch my brother and Santana step into the bus with a hollow feeling in my stomach. Every part of me objects to the idea of letting them go. I have to stop myself from following them when the bus's engine roars to life and begins its descent. Biting my lip, I pucker my mouth and tighten my fists around my cell phone. The look on Connor's face as he walked away was nearly crippling, but it was worse to see Santana's resigned yet disappointed expression. She hates me, and I don't blame her. I'm a coward who let her shoulder the responsibility of caring for my brother without a fight, and the man who made love to her with no promises. And even though it was the right thing to do, it still stung to wake up alone in her bed.

My body aches from the exertion of trying not to run after them. Before I do something stupid, I turn to my car and drive away. It's the longest, most difficult drive I've ever experienced. Rubbing my chest, I swallow hard and inhale deeply, but the ache doesn't abate. If anything, it feels worse. It gets to the point that I have to stop the car on the side of the road before I get into an accident. Sliding out of my seat, I step out of the car and kick the front tire a few times. I don't know how many times I kick it, but eventually, my leg goes numb. "Fuck!" I cry out, slamming my palms on the hood of the car. Why does it hurt so much?

My phone vibrates in my pocket, jerking me out of my despair. Taking a few deep breaths, I slide the phone out of and answer it. "Yeah?" I reply in a controlled voice. "Hey, Outlaw, did Santana and Connor make it to the bus, alright?" I grit my teeth, trying to regain control before I answer. "Yeah, they're fine." I manage to spit out through my pain.

Hunter's voice fades into the background as my body struggles for control. "Okay, man, Priest said he's waiting for you by the garage in half-hour. He has some things to deal with before you meet, and Perroni's plane should be landing any minute. Let me know when you're close." Sliding back into my seat, I hum in affirmative and disconnect the call. Time to make sure Santana and Connor's demons are safe once and for all.

"We have a problem." Priest greets me as soon as I get to the garage and step out of my car. "What's wrong?" I ask with a frown. Priest shakes his head in reply. "Perroni wasn't on the plane, and my source is dead."

"What the fuck?" I grit out incensed. Priest looks baffled. "You said Santana and Connor got on the bus without any problems, right?" I nod. "Yeah, they were fine." He sighs in relief. "Then he doesn't know where they are. Right now, we just need to find out where Perroni is." I nod and follow him up the stairs, but stop when my phone vibrates again. Reaching into my pocket, I pull out the phone and look at the screen. The number looks familiar. "Hello?" I answer and almost fall when a familiar panicked voice echoes through the speaker. "Declan! They took her, Declan! Perroni has Santana! They attacked the bus and…" His voice drifts off, followed by his broken sobs. "She told me to run, and I ran." He wails out through his tears. "I ran!"

Turning back to Priest, I signal him over. "Listen, Connor, tell me where you are. Priest and I will go and get you." Connor's response is fractured. "I…I don't know. I ran into the forest. I'm in the forest. I ran…" Hunter appears at that moment, his brows raised in question.

"Listen to me, Connor. Turn on your GPS, Hunter will find you." Connor croaks out a response. "I'm coming to get you, little brother. Stay where you are." I mutter in consolation.

Pulling him into my arms, I pat his back with a comforting hum. "It's okay, Connor. You did the right thing. They wanted her more than they wanted you. They'd have killed you and searched for her. Santana knew that." Connor nods his head as tears fall down his face, but I know he's not completely consoled by my words. "We have to find her." He croaks out with a sniffle. Hunter's voice breaks into our reverie. "I know where she is." Everyone turns and faces him, ready for action. "Let's go."