It was 6am and Kyle had not yet arrived.I was getting worried. Michael said that his private jet had taken off just after 8pm last night.I called his pilot but he told me that Kyle never boarded the plane in the first place.When I tried to call his bodyguard David his phone went straight to voicemail, just like Kyle's.

Detective Mullins had sent out a search party but so far they had come up with nothing.

James and Rita had come over last night and none of us could sleep. We called everyone we could think of but it was all a waste of time.

"I'm going up to my room. Call me if anything happens," I said as I trudged up the stairs.

"Maybe we should all try and get some rest?" Jamie suggested.

"Yeah sure-Rita can show you to the guest room," I replied.

I sunk onto the bed and covered my eyes with my hands, willing myself not to cry. The tears made a slow and steady escape and my body shook as I wept quietly.

JP had Kyle. I knew it- and there was no telling what hewould do.I had to try and get in touch with JP and offer some sort of a trade. I would offer myself in exchange for Kyle, after all I was the one he wanted.

My phone broke into the silence as it rang loudly.I got up and answered it-hoping it was Kyle. I checked the number and it was Kyle's-relief swept over me.


"Sorry to disappoint you mon petit chaton -it's only me." JP said smoothly.

"Where's Kyle?" I held my breath.

"He's safe. For now."

"Please don't hurt him."

"Well that depends on you mon amour."

"Take me instead-let him go and you can have me in exchange." I bargained.

"Well..I must say this went easier than I had anticipated.You got yourself a deal." He let out a wicked laugh.

"So let him go and I will come..just tell me where." I gulped.

"Keep your phone close and don't tell anyone else about our little deal-otherwise your pretty boy is dead.I'll be in touch."

The phone slid out of my hands and dropped to the floor.

How was I going to get us out of this?


I pulled myself together and knew what I had to do. I needed help.

I called Detective Mullins and drove down to the station. I filled him in on the phone call and he advised menot to go ahead with my plan-but I had to save Kyle.He was in this mess because of me so I would get him out of it.

"I'm sorry Mrs Kinley but that is a very bad idea. You cannot do that. What if he harms your husband even after you hand yourself over to him? What if he kills you both?" He asked.

"That's the only way we can trap him. You can use me to catch him, then we can end this once and for all." I said, exasperated.

"Okay, let me think about it first. Let me run this by my team and then I'll let you know the way forward. In the meantime please don't do anything drastic or irrational?" He patted me on the shoulder as I made to leave.

We had already established that Jean-Pierre had placed a tracker in my phone so all we had to do was beat him at his own game. I did not want to live in fear anymore and I was not going to keep running. I had to put an end to this madness once and for all. I had my baby to think of now.

I had to move on to PLAN B.

I didn't like what I was about to do but circumstances had forced my hand. If JP took someone that I love then I would have to return the favor. Maybe this was the only way to get his attention and get Kyle back.

I jumped into my car and drove to my destination. I pulled outside the school and waited for the final bell to go off. At exactly one sharp it rand and the school children began to stream out.

I got out of the car and walked into the school grounds and easily spotted my victim. She came bouncing over to me when our eyes met.

"Hey Madeline," I crouched down and gave her a hug.

"Hie Maya!" She threw her arms around me in excitement.

""Did Daddy send you to pick me up?" Madeline Durand asked, her blue eyes sparkling.

"Yes. Yes he did," I lied.

"But he said he was going to send the driver and that I should wait with my teacher Mrs Peters until he gets here. Should we wait for the driver? Is he taking us home together?" She inquired.

"No sweetie. Today we're having a girls' day. Just you and me. " I forced a bright smile.

"Miss Walsh, what a pleasure." Mrs Peters held out a hand. "We haven't seen you in a while."

"I've been busy with work but I thought I would surprise Maddie today." I ruffled Madeline's blonde locks.

"I'm sure she's thrilled. Okay off you go then." She waved at us.

Madeline jumped into the car and I fastened her seat belt and drove off without running into her driver.

"So..what would you like to do today?" I smiled at her.

"Can we go shopping and then for ice-cream and then to your house?" She asked with unhinged excitement.

"Sure sweetie. Today we can do whatever you want. " I headed for the mall.

Madeline Durand was Jean-Pierre's only child and his pride and joy. We had spent a lot of time together and we connected instantly.Her mother died during child birth and left JP devastated. Madeline was eight years old and the cutest little thing that I had ever laid my eyes on.She attended a private school in Manhattan and I had picked her up from school quite often.

"Let's have lunch first and then we can go shopping. Sounds good?" I asked her.

"Yes please. I'm kinda hungry," she smiled.

I took us to the Carmine's Italian Restauranton Times Square and ordered pizza and salad for both of us. For drinks Madeline wanted a strawberry milkshake and I went with a sparkling water. Our food arrived and my phone started to ring.I didn't need to check who was calling I already knew..

"Hello Jean-Pierre," I said calmly.

"Don't play games with me! What do you think you're doing??!" He seethed.

"Is that Daddy? Can I say hie?" Madeline asked.

"Sure sweetie. Here you go." I handed the phone over to her.

"Maya and I are having lunch and going shopping after and then we're going to her house. Can I sleep over Papa? Please, please, pleeease?" She said in one breath.

"He wants to speak to you." She gave me back the phone.

"If you hurt her I swear-!" He screamed through the handset.

"We're having a great time...thanks for asking. She can sleep over? Great!" I faked a smile.

"Maya-In case you've forgotten, I have your husband!" He breathed fire.

"And I have your daughter." I smiled at Madeline and she smiled back, oblivious.

"Maddie sweetie, why don't you go over and get our waiter quickly?" I said to her and she dashed off.

"I hold the power you understand??" He shot back.

"On the contrary my dear Jean-Pierre, I think we have a stale mate. So listen this is what's going to happen: You're going to drop off Kyle at my doorstep-without a single hair on his head missing-and then I'll see about sending Maddie back." I stated nonchalantly.

"Y-you wouldn't dare-?" He stammered.

"Try me. I'm done with your games. Just bring my husband back-now!" I rang off.