Chapter 140

It's him, the master of the future golden city, gild tezorro!

Dawn quietly with the crowd to chase, successfully came to a sparsely populated building, after a while came to an unknown winding corridor, there seems to be a dead end.

In front of gild tezorro, with a calm look and a light red vest, he walked slowly towards the depth. After a while, he suddenly stopped and said, "you still found him."

Gild tezorro showed a cold smile and fixed his eyes on the dawn.

"Gild tezolo!" Dawn opened his mouth and clenched the handle of the knife with his left hand to prevent this guy from suddenly getting into trouble. After all, although this man has not yet fully grown up, he is also a very vicious bully.

Gild tezollo naturally noticed the movement in his left hand, so he waved his hand, and a three meter long golden steel ring hit him. At dawn, he drew a knife and split it. With a bang, the golden steel ring was shot out.

"How do you know the name of labor and capital?" Gild tezorro was very surprised, and his face was extremely gloomy. Unexpectedly, the guy recognized himself directly.

Dawn held Garro in his left hand, smiling: "I am the omniscient Reinhardt."


After hearing this, gild tezollo was shocked and blurted out.

Why is this guy in Chijin island?

He couldn't believe it. Of course, he had heard of the name. During this period, Reinhardt, who became famous in the North Sea, was a young man who seized polkaya's power.

The golden ring suddenly turned into a golden sword in the air and returned to gild tezorro.

It was a golden sword made of gold. It seems that he ate the golden fruit immediately after he snatched it.

"It seems you know me."

Gild tezorro was silent for a long time: "you are not with dorfermingo. Why do you want to stop me?"

"How do you know I'm not with him?" Dawn chuckled in a low voice and said coldly in gild tezorro's surprised eyes, "do you know that I have reached an alliance agreement with dorfermingo since yesterday?"

"Since it's a gang, go to hell!" Gild tezorro roared over with his golden sword and cut it off the furnace at dawn.

With a slight lift of the counter grip blade at dawn, it bumps against the golden sword. With a clang, gild taizolo is shaken out.

"Your swordsmanship is really out of fashion. Even if I stand here and chop for you, you don't have any chance." Dawn sneers at gild tezorro, who is lying on the ground panting. His strength is too weak at present, far less than that of the golden emperor more than ten years later.

"Asshole!" Gild tezorro roared, his proud face was full of anger, but gild tezorro had just found that the other side was really powerful.

"You are just allies." Gild tezorro breathlessly looked at the dawn, "leave me alone, you will get gild tezorro's friendship in the future."

"Why should I believe you?" Dawn said coldly.

Gild tezorro's fingers flicked in the air, and the golden sword immediately changed its shape: "with my ability as a golden fruit and my ally, I will get countless wealth in the future."

"How can I trust you?"

Gild tezorro was silent for a long time, then he took off the only golden ring on his finger and threw it to dawn: "this is my most precious ring. Here you are."

Dawn took the gold ring to see for a long time.

"Even if I let you go, you can't run away. Alfred Domingo has sealed off Chijin island."

"You don't need to take care of this." Gild tezorro snorted.

"I'll bet on the future and see if you can bring me countless wealth."

"I'll help you escape."

After daybreak thought about it, gild tezorro has no value to kill at present, and he will become the master of the golden city in the future. If there is such an ally, it will be a powerful help in any case.

What's more, it was a kind of unexpected receipt. He didn't expect that at this time tezolo came to snatch the golden fruit and was hit by himself. It was a coincidence.

After hearing this, gild tezolo was a little surprised and then very pleased. He nodded: "gild tezolo is a gambler, but he will win every gamble. I will prove that your choice is right."

"In that case, I'll send Buddha to the West and take you directly out of the eyes of dorfermingo." Silence for a moment at dawn, thinking for a moment in my heart, as long as you dress up for taizolo and pretend to be your own man, you will not find any trace.

Just as daybreak thought, dorfermingo and his men did not see tezolo's face, so they were able to take him out of Chijin island.

The two talked for a while. At dawn, they simply put on their make-up and took gild tezolo to run through the crowd.

"Reinhardt, did you find the thief?" Diamandi looked at the dawn and said, then surprised by the sudden appearance of gild tezolo beside him, he asked in surprise, "is he?"

"My men." Dawn said calmly.

Diamandi nodded suspiciously, and then heard the phone bug ring again.

At dawn, he took gild tezolo to the port, and after passing the blockade of guladius, he took the lead in sailing.

Dawn left the harbor again, headed for the island, and soon came to the family hall of dorfermingo.

There was only one person in the hall, and the others were obviously searching for the whereabouts of the thieves.

"Reinhardt." Dorfermingo's face was a little gloomy, obviously because the gold fruit auctioned by the underground auction house was stolen, and he was very angry.

"You should carpet search. The thieves must still be on the island." This made dorfermingo a little surprised. The port had been sealed off at the moment when the fruit was stolen. At this time, the thief must be hiding somewhere on the island, so he quickly ordered to go down.

After all this, Alfred's face improved a lot.

"You didn't come here just for this?"

Dawn nodded: "of course, I just forgot to tell you one thing."

"What's the matter?" Asked Alfred, puzzled.

"To avoid some misunderstanding in the future, I'd better tell you this first." Dawn said, "I plan to uproot the reef next."

One of the three well-known gangs in the North Sea, Alfred Domingo naturally knows.

"Don't worry Don Quixote family has no business with the reef." Said dorfermingo with a smile.

"That's good." Dawn nodded.

"Well, let's say goodbye. I hope our cooperation plans can be promoted as soon as possible."

"Go now?" Dorfermingo was obviously stunned for a moment, but he didn't expect to leave in such a hurry.

Dawn said with a smile: "of course, I have to race against the clock in order to be able to accumulate enough strength before the waves of the times completely come."

He's a man of action. Do franmingo thought in his heart, so he didn't have too much doubt. Then he picked up the phone and told guladius to let go at the port.

Dawn left with Mosel, and when he arrived at the port, guladius took a look at dawn, and then ordered the soldiers to let go.

Ten minutes later, the sailboat set sail and sailed back in the dark.

It's a temporary decision to leave suddenly, but it's also reasonable. After all, the cooperation plan has been reached, and it can only be promoted step by step. In fact, he didn't have to leave in such a hurry. It's not a big deal to put taizolo in the cabin of the sailing boat for a night, but in order to avoid a long night's dream, it's better to leave early.