Chapter 215

"It's really a powerful ability to elementalize the natural system, especially when cleaning up small soldiers." Looking at the performance of the Bidar group around, roentgen couldn't help thinking about it.

Then he thought of the cry of the Navy before his death. His mood became more and more depressed. It seemed that more than half of the casualties today could not be avoided. It would be a kind of comfort for him if he could save a few more marines.

The cry and struggle of the sea soldiers in the distance were in the eyes.

Seeing that all the pirates were fleeing to the pirate ship, roentgen immediately elementarized the position below the abdomen of his body. Pushed by the steam fruit ability, he rushed towards the pirates.

There was a large white fog behind him at this time. His body was pushed by the expanding and pouring gas on his back. In the path of his body, the hot white gas directly covered all the pirates.

Fire... All on! It's like a hissing noise, then a roar, surging waves.

Steam · combustion!!!

The air around him seemed to be burning wildly. Then Roentgen's own speed sped up in vain. As if he was loaded with fire propulsion equipment, he flew from the deck to the sky in a blink, and then from the sky to the deck, and then shuttled back and forth around the group of pirates.

The white gas behind him is constantly ejecting like rocket exhaust. It is because of this continuous driving force that he can fly up into the sky, and the speed of the whole person is extremely fast under this pushing force.

An unprecedented sense of power rose in Roentgen's heart. The original feeling of controlling powerful power was so exciting. Looking at the half elemental white gas in her palm, roentgen couldn't help thinking.

The pirates constantly screamed out. In a moment, all the pirates felt a fierce heat wave, which seemed to burn up in the air. Then when it was delivered to the body, they felt that the whole body would also burn up.

"Lieutenant Dobson."

At the beginning, some pirates began to cry out in pain. Roentgen kept spraying among the pirates. Soon, under the burning of the hot steam gas made by roentgen, most of the pirates jumped into the sea, and those who didn't come or jumped into the sea to escape died directly.

Seeing dozens of sea robbers who had not died on the sea, roentgen flew directly. After a cold look, he clenched his fist and roared to the sea. The air column was like a dragon, roaring and roaring. The whole sea rose and fell under the huge pressure. At this time, dozens of sea robbers also gave a shrill voice, and soon the voice disappeared, And the sea seems to be emitting white gas as time goes on.

It's boiling!

Looking at the empty... No, on the deck with ward Dorson left alone, roentgen couldn't help but show a sneer after breathing heavily. He left Dorson on purpose.

From the overload steam gun he started to use to the steam combustion just now, only two moves made his physical strength close to the bottom.

Others don't know about Roentgen's physical strength, but he knows that although he can't compare with daybreak and Blatter, he also has a super physique that he has practiced in the sea for several years with daybreak. Although he hasn't developed the strength of daybreak, his physical strength is not much weaker than Blatter.

But after these two moves were used up, I immediately felt that my physical strength had bottomed out.

"Lieutenant Drake, can I help you?" He raised his head and asked Drake not far away. Drake saw that he was a little out of breath, so he shook his head: "no, you can kill the captain who offered a reward of 23 million. I can't kill the vice captain who was several million lower than the reward."

"Little devil, seek death!" Dorson seems to be completely angered by this sentence, so he roars. His Sabre is facing Drake. Drake hides, but the Western sword of his right hand lifts up and cuts a huge wound on Dorson's chest.

"You can't even be calm in the battle. How can you be a swordsman?" Drake snorted coldly. In his opinion, Dorson in front of him was no longer worrying. As a swordsman, he had lost his mind completely. Especially, Dorson's breath was gradually disordered, and his swordsmanship was no longer in a mess.


Drake's western sword swung out again and hit Dorson's shoulder. Dorson suffered many injuries on his body. With the blood flowing, his physical strength became less and less.

"You're the only naked commander left. Don't you surrender?" Drake looked at him coldly. "It's better to take it in Navy prison than to die, pirate."

"Dawson the kitchen mouse will never surrender to the Navy kid." Dodson roared, black spots and potholes on his face became more and more obvious, blood mixed together, very ferocious and ugly, "go to hell, navy."

Seeing this scene, Drake shook his head: "the pirates are really willing to die."

He immediately grasped the Western sword in his hand and stabbed it out, as if it was flashing.

One hand strike!!!

The Western sword in Drake's hand seemed to be a sharp spear head, which pierced Dorson's chest with a puff, and a large amount of blood flowed down from the double edges of the Western sword.

Dodson looked at the Western sword on his chest incredulously. Then he snorted. He couldn't help spitting blood and fell to the ground to die.

"Count the casualties." Seeing that all the pirates had been solved, the lieutenant commander immediately cried out.

On the other hand, roentgen is also helping medical soldiers to treat the wounded.

"Cody, hold it back." Roentgen looked at Cody lying on the ground and said that the medical soldier next to him took out his medicine bag and was ready to start the treatment. At this time, Cody was wearing a sharp sword in his abdomen, and he was already a little delirious.

"Roentgen, am I going to die?" After hearing Roentgen's voice, Cody looked at him pale.

Roentgen shook his head and pressed her hand on the wound in Cody's abdomen. "No, it's your first time out. I won't let you die."

Because of the rise of killing just now, I forgot the existence of Cody for a moment. When I thought about it, Cody had been stabbed in the abdomen, but this sword could not save his life for the time being, but he lost too much blood and had to be treated as soon as possible.

After a while, under the treatment of the medical soldiers, Cody's condition gradually stabilized. As for the sword wound in the abdomen, he had to go back to sea for surgery to be cured.

Lunqin stood up and looked at the busy sea soldiers around him. At least half of the sea soldiers died in the battle with the pirates this time, most of them were Navy recruits. This is a painful lesson for the naval branch of Jiadan in Beihai. Anyway, as a naval commander, it's hard to blame for the death of so many recruits on the first voyage.

Navy warships began to return. After this battle, the name of Navy double star of Jiadan branch in Beihai was completely started.

The killing of the captains and vice captains of the bedal Pirate Group with a reward of 230019 million, respectively, is a great achievement in Beihai, and promotion is inevitable.