Chapter 274

Reinhardt calmly held the knife in his hand, and then looked up at the aristocrat named elick with a smile: "do you want to use these weak soldiers to stop me?"

"Donghai people are really naive." Like a sigh, there is a pity in the voice.

This guy... Eric was shocked. He felt very cold. How did he do it just now? The attack that killed ten soldiers was a chop attack, but it was not clear how the guy did it.

It seems that he didn't realize it at all. From the situation of killing soldiers just now, this is a powerful swordsman. He is so powerful that he has never seen it before, and he can't imagine how powerful it is. Maybe only those kings who attended the world conference in the holy land of marjoria ten years ago can really know the power of this guy.

At this time, he had a very dangerous alert in his heart, but if he withdrew now, it would not be his style. Fortunately, his own side still had guns, which were enough to kill the powerful enemy.

"Kill him now!" Eric roared to hide the faint fear and pressure in his heart.

The soldier raised his gun, but the next second, his heart was shocked again, but the Reinhardt in front of him suddenly disappeared from his eyes.

Disappeared in the same place out of thin air?

He rubbed his eyes in surprise. He couldn't believe it. Who is this guy?

In fact, Reinhardt didn't disappear out of thin air, because elake couldn't see through his movement track at all, and Reinhardt's speed was so fast that it seemed to disappear out of thin air in the eyes of weak people.

"Why are all the nobles in the world surprisingly consistent?"

At this time, Reinhardt appeared behind elake strangely. He was as light as water, but with a cold and murderous voice, he continued to spread: "always arrogant and ugly!"

As soon as the words came to an end, there was a slight rustling sound in the air. It was the friction of the steel blade into the sheath, and then the sound of ten light blades piercing the body spread.

Hiss, hiss, hiss

In the path he passed, all the ten soldiers were pierced by the light blue daylight. The daylight was like a sword, with sharp cold and heat, and directly killed the ten soldiers.

However, it's a luxury to kill these weak soldiers with this move. Fortunately, it's just an experimental use. After all, combining the daylight ability of the fruit of the clock with fencing has always been his goal.

This move, daylight · ten blade star, is the advanced version of two blade star.

The principle is the same as that of the two edged star. It also combines the fruit ability with the skill of drawing the sword. At the moment when the blade returns to its sheath, ten light blue daylight rays can attack ten different targets, or attack the same target ten times. This is the principle of the ten edged star. Daylight is like a sword and twinkles like a star.

In this voice of indifference, the heart of a panic, immediately fell to the ground.

"You..." he began to speak incoherently. He had never seen a man whose strength could be so strong that he could kill so many soldiers without knowing it.

"Big... My Lord." Shell's boss called out, just as he was about to kneel down and beg for mercy to Reinhardt, he suddenly saw a subtle light cut in the past.

"Ah..." he yelled, but his voice stopped abruptly. Then there was a slight wound on his neck, and the blood spurted out, and he died on the spot.

"You go first, to the port." Reinhardt said to chitila not far away. Chitila nodded and left with others. The soldiers on the scene did not dare to stop her.

After a while, after waiting for someone to leave, Reinhardt continued to look at elick.

"I'm... I'm the king of the shell Kingdom..." Eric yelled, flustered and scared. He didn't understand why the man in front of him was so terrible just because of his momentum, especially his dark eyes, which always made people fear from the bottom of his heart.

"Ha ha ha ha!" Reinhardt suddenly laughed. "I don't know how many royal families I have killed in Beihai. My favorite thing is to personally ring the death knell for the royal families, and then watch the royal families beheaded under the crowd of all the residents."

"Ah..." he cried in horror. He seemed to smell a strong smell of blood. The scene and picture also seemed to take shape in his mind.

Reinhardt was not in the mood to go on, and was suddenly stopped by a man when he was ready to kill elake in front of him.

In front of him was a young man nearly three meters tall, holding a big sword in his hands, with a brown cape and black shoulder armor.

"Outsider, the shell kingdom is not a place where you go wild at will." The man with the huge sword in both hands spoke.

Seeing this behind the scenes, Eric exclaimed in surprise: "commander bander, kill this asshole for me."

After elake finished, he stood up again and laughed. He looked at Reinhardt and said arrogantly, "bander is the most powerful soldier in the shell kingdom. You are an innocent stranger. You can die today."

The young man named band frowned slightly. The broad sword in his hand collided with Reinhardt's sabre. At this time, he was still wrestling.

He felt that the huge sword in his hand was heavier than ever, especially the power transmitted from the hilt, which came rushing like the current.

The strength of this outsider... Bander's heart suddenly rose to the sky. This is the most powerful enemy he has met since his ten years of practice. He thought he had been invincible in the shell kingdom for ten years. He thought that no one on this island could take his own move for a long time, but after contacting this outsider, he could not bear this powerful force.

He felt a huge gap, and at the same time, there was a huge gap in his heart. This kind of strong feeling is so desirable.

Reinhardt was also a little surprised at this time. He thought that there could be no strong people in such a remote island, but he was surprised by the presence of band. This surprise did not come from band's strength, but because the young man named band was beyond his expectation. Especially in such a remote island, he was able to cultivate his swordsmanship to this extent, It's very valuable.

It can be seen that bander is only less than five years older than him at most. He uses two handed broadsword instead of chopping. It should be said that he uses strength to suppress the enemy, so the huge broadsword in his hand is the most suitable.

But how many people in the world are Reinhardt's opponents, let alone bander, if we are to compete for power.


At this moment, the two separated immediately after contact, the surrounding air was shocked, the momentum around a swing, the soldiers were overturned to the ground.

Bander pushed his broadsword to the ground, but his whole body was sliding backward due to the huge force of the other side, and the sparks of friction between the blade and the ground were rustling.

Reinhardt stood still.