Chapter 524

At the same time when the explosion started, the scope of the [Planet] also expanded violently, and the transparent blue aperture formed a huge sphere, which completely covered the clock harbor.

The newly developed [Planet] can cover such a large area, which is enough to show how powerful Reinhardt is today.

After the roaring sound, the floating smoke and fire rose into the sky.

Seeing this scene, the evil spirit was shocked, as if there were magnificent starry scenes in his eyes, and those lights seemed to follow some strange rules around.

He saw the huge light spread out, and found that countless circular lines in the whole clock harbor were spinning back and forth, just like planets in the universe moving in a certain orbit.

The evil spirit suddenly has an illusion of being in the universe.

Looking at the blue light passing in front of him, the evil spirit immediately reached out to touch it, but the palm of his hand directly passed through the light which was rapidly passing through, as if it were invisible.

At this time, the [Planet] covering the clock harbor suddenly speeds up the rotation speed, the evil spirit feels a deep and vast energy, and the heart beats faster.


The evil spirit felt a breath. His right bone sword suddenly waved towards the position where he had just felt the breath. However, when the bone sword waved out, he was surprised, because he suddenly felt that Reinhardt's breath had disappeared in its original position.


No... it's there!

In a flash, the evil spirit felt the breath of Reinhardt jump rapidly in the blue sphere. The jump seemed to have no trace of movement, just like a blink.

Yes, it's blinking, vanishing out of thin air, appearing out of thin air.

It's impossible to capture the real position... There is a huge wave in the evil spirit's heart. I feel that Reinhardt's breath has changed dozens of directions in a second, especially the movement traces that people can't feel at all. Even with his overbearing level, he can't capture the real position of the other party.

Is it illusory... Or is it really following the continuous rotation of light in the transition?

The evil spirit murmured. At this time, he had a clear understanding of the [Planet] ability used by Reinhardt.

The answer will soon be revealed.

No, no!

The evil spirit's skeleton pupil suddenly shrinks, and there is a huge sense of crisis in his heart.


Reinhardt appeared behind the evil spirit strangely. The blade slashed fiercely, and a huge impact sound swung away. The evil spirit was unprepared and flew out.

Reinhardt's face was very pale, and the blood around his eyes was clear. Although the wound penetrated by bone sword on his chest was healing rapidly, it was impossible to recover in a short time.

Although I tried my best to bear it, the pain was still inevitable. Every time I moved it, it would affect the injury on my chest. The only good thing was that I avoided the heart position just now, otherwise I would die.

This wound is generated after using command pointer backtracking, so it can only be recovered slowly by using command healing acceleration.

The evil spirit didn't expect that Reinhardt would appear behind him strangely. What's more, he didn't even have the chance to defend himself and was shot out.

After this blow, the white air flow on the body of the evil spirit weakened a lot, and the power of this blow caused him a lot of damage.

"How... Lord evil spirit." Reinhardt's body suddenly appeared in mid air, looking at the evil spirit grinning, "with your information, can you catch my trace?"

Reinhardt's right eye celestial dial pointer burst out a brilliant blue spark, the left eye calendar dial pointer is still running fast, this is the first time he runs the calendar dial and celestial dial at the same time.

The calendar dial controls the command system, and the healing acceleration and pointer backtracking of the command system are on at the same time. The celestial dial controls the sky system, and the newly developed [Planet] of the sky system is also in operation.

The evil spirit got up from the ground, and the bones on his body made a clear sound. The monster created by the evil spirit in the sky shuttled quickly and roared at the same time.

Breath of spirit!

The huge energy ball rushed towards Reinhardt, and at the same time, two reincarnated skeletons on the ground also shot up into the sky.

It's too fast to see clearly.

Reinhardt sneered. At the moment of the three attacks, his body immediately disappeared.

"Here I am... Fool“

Reinhardt's body has appeared in the opposite position 100 meters away, but the sound is transmitted from the original position.


The evil spirit was surprised to find that the two skeletons he had just born had been completely penetrated by two blue beams.

Bang, there were two explosions in the sky, and the two skeletons of the reincarnation of the evil spirit were immediately blown to pieces.

"When I kill your beast, I'll deal with you“

Reinhardt's eyes were very cold. After looking at the evil spirits on the ground, he stretched out his palm and gently played with them in the air. Then the five rapidly rotating blue lights separated from the original orbit.

These five blue lights belong to the celestial energy in the [Planet]. After being controlled by Reinhardt, they immediately rush towards the ugly monster in the sky.

The whoosh and whoosh of the air kept ringing, but the monster immediately dodged away.

"It seems that five beams are not enough“

Seeing this behind the scenes, Reinhardt smiles and continues to flick his fingers in the air.

The sky suddenly appeared a huge shock, the blue light in operation suddenly turned, and the beam line rushed towards the monster from all directions.

In the face of this attack, the monster could no longer escape, and was directly penetrated by the light like sword rain. Finally, it turned into a white airflow and completely dissipated in the air.

With a loud hum, a sharp white awn rose from the sky, and a sharp cold awn appeared on the bone sword in the evil spirit's right hand. He looked at Reinhardt's motionless body, with a proud sneer in his heart.

Bone sword a shock, white awn pierced out, directly from Reinhardt's body penetrated in the past.

"Ha ha... Die“

Just as the evil spirit roared with pride, he suddenly found that the white awn on the bone sword was just an illusory light and shadow. His mouth trembled and his heart thumped, and then he was shocked.

The little bastard disappeared again.

"It seems that you still can't catch my trace“

Reinhardt's cold laughter came from a distance. "Then it's my turn to attack“

"Prepare for death!"