Chapter 537

After leaving the palace, Reinhardt returned to the winery office.

The news of defeating the evil spirit Pirate Group has been thoroughly fermented. To many people's surprise, Reinhardt is not a pirate, but the boss of a bounty hunter agency. At the same time, he also let everyone know that the hero white actually came from this agency.

Therefore, taking this opportunity, the reputation of hero white in the world has once again reached a higher level. Especially among the pirate groups, hero white is in hot sale. Every day, countless merchant ships can be seen around clock harbor. These are the merchant ships transporting hero white. Because the construction of sea train is not over, the current means of transportation is still sailing.

After dealing with the North Sea, it was a week later. At this time, the warships of the world government finally arrived at the clock port of Gadan island in the North Sea.

At the beginning of September 1515, when the new semester of polkalia military school began, the warships of the world government sailed into clock harbor.

The world government officials headed by Nikolay were carried by a huge warship. After entering the clock harbor, they heard it. Then the warship opened and a large group of dignified figures came down from it.

The purpose of the world government officials coming here this time is very simple, that is, to send the invitation of King qiwuhai to [black Duke] Reinhardt.

The harbor was quiet, and then a clear and loud voice spread.

Line up!

Patta, Patta!

On the square directly opposite the clock harbor, Blatter is wearing a polkalia uniform and holding a delicate command knife. Behind him is a pair of army squares with more than 100 people. Different from Blatter, they all have bayonets and guns.

The team is uniform, standard and simple. It is a strong and well-trained soldier.


The bayonet on the bayonet gun was folded, and the soldiers' standard gestures were completed. Then the muzzle of the gun was up and began to shoot.

At the same time, the roar of gunfire was like the wave hitting the boulder, making a huge noise.

As the gun shot down, Blatter yelled, "drum... Play“

Thumping, thumping, thumping, thumping, thumping, thumping, thumping, thumping, thumping, thumping, thumping, thumping, thumping, thumping, thumping, thumping, thumping, thumping, thumping, thumping, thumping, thumping.

This is a special honor guard to welcome the world government. Nicholas was the first to see him. He walked in the front, followed by two officials of the same status. After them, he followed a group of guards in suits.

This time, there are no Tianlong people coming together, so the whole process is much easier, and we are not afraid to offend Tianlong people.

Seeing Nikolay off the warship, Reinhardt took some ministers to meet him.

"Lord Nicholas, welcome to the kingdom of polkalia in the North Sea“

"Reinhardt, long time no see“

Nikolay showed a smile. When he finished, he looked up into the distance. His eyes were always on the high-rise buildings and highways in repair.

"The last war with the evil spirit Pirate Group destroyed most of the port, but now the reconstruction work has not been completed“

Said Reinhardt, explaining.

"It's quite impressive, especially the nine huge clock towers“

The nine clock towers, especially the tallest Prague astronomical clock, immediately attracted Nikolay's attention.

Although not amazing enough, there is a special momentum.

Nikolay likes this kind of architecture very much. It's very imposing.

"This is the characteristic building [clock tower] of the kingdom of polkalia. Because clock port is the only shipping port on the island of katan and there are a lot of people coming and going, these nine [clock towers] have been built to attract tourists“

After all, clock port is not only a simple port, but also an attractive tourist place with all the facilities in a prosperous city.

It used to be a town, now it is a port, and it will be a prosperous city in the future.

"So it is..." Nikolay smiles. "It would be better if we could help Lord tianlongren build some in marjoria“

After hearing this, Reinhardt was stunned: "is this appropriate“

"Of course“ Nikolay laughed. "It's necessary to make him appear in marjoria for something that can make fun of the Dragon man“

The "thing" in Nicholas's words does not only refer to a certain object, but also includes different life types.

But Nikolay didn't know that on the surface, the clock tower was just a magnificent building for tourism and time scale.

If he knew the real function of the clock tower, he would not want to build it on Marjorie's, but he never thought about it. Reinhardt also deliberately concealed it, and few people knew the real ability of the clock tower, and he still needed to use the fruit of the clock to operate.

Every clock tower is a turret. It's not suitable to say that the turret is not an ordinary shell, but comet energy. In previous generations, it should not be called a clock tower, nor a turret, but a light guide tower.

Nikolay did not know that he had gone back with a super weapon that could completely destroy Marjorie.

However, this kind of tower only has this kind of power under the control of Reinhardt, otherwise it is just an ordinary sightseeing tower.

"If you need me, I will provide you with all the drawings and design ideas for free. I believe that before long, you will be able to see the scenery of these towers in holy land marjoria“

Was it a surprise that Reinhardt bowed his head and gave a strange smile? In this case, let's give him all the design drawings directly. After all, we will go to Marjorie, where there are the items he always wants to get back.

Although it's a long time ago, that item may not be in marychia, but if you find the Lord of Tianlong people, you can find that item naturally.

Thinking of this, Reinhardt made up his mind to go sooner or later. It would be better to sit in the front and take precautions.

After a moment of communication, Reinhardt invited the government officials to the palace, and then entertained Nikolay with the best specifications.

After that, on behalf of the world government, Nikolay formally extended an invitation to Reinhardt.

A passing speech, a gorgeous invitation.

The invitation is written in the big words of "Wang Xia Qi Wu Hai", a subordinate force of the world government.

In addition to these, the full name, identity, title and age of Reinhardt are also written.

The content in the last column gives the king the rights and responsibilities of qiwuhai.

What kind of rights we obtain naturally needs to bear corresponding responsibilities. This is a common truth of all ages. Even if the world changes, this truth will not change.