I just hope it's over soon and I'll go home.

When the chemistry teacher came to Su Yan, he was surprised to see that Su Yan didn't finish the test paper.

No, I should say surprise, and a little... Happy??

Although as a teacher, it seems that it is not authentic.

Since the beginning of the students never miss the difficult chemistry competition, but never do.

It's hard to make this teacher useless.

Gu Zhi soon finished checking.

Full marks.

Yuan Xinlin and Zhao Sen also have good results, and more than half of the last big problem has been solved.

The chemistry teacher stood in front of Su Yan, holding her test paper, frowning and pretending to be serious.

"Although the type of this question is a new one just added this year, it's not without a clue. I told you a similar question yesterday, but I just changed a few numbers. It's time to make a comparison between gourd and ladle."

When the chemistry teacher said that, he picked up Gu Zhi's test paper with neat handwriting and correct formula. He praised it with a sentence of

"according to this momentum, it's no problem to enter the top ten in the country."

Gu Zhi's face flashed a happy smile.

"Thank you, teacher."

Then, the chemistry teacher gave some advice to Yuan Xinlin and Zhao Sen.

See two people suddenly open, bow to solve a problem, attention then all turned back to Su Yan's body.

You know, he attaches great importance to Su Yan.

Su Yan is a treasure he pressed.

It's up to her whether the first prize in the national chemistry competition can enter DIDU high school!!

After thinking for a while, he felt that he couldn't hurt Su Yan too much. In case he was too sad, he couldn't adjust his mind until the day of the exam.

Su Yan, the most severe bald teacher in DIDU high school, sat next to Su Yan, showing a rare touch of pleasant color

"Su Yan, this problem is not as difficult as you think, you just need to understand that the yellow substance phosphite in the problem is ··"

when Su Yan saw the chemistry teacher, she had to make a long speech, and then looked at the increasingly gloomy sky outside, soft voice Interrupt

"teacher, there is no solution to this problem."

As soon as her words came out, she let the teacher explain patiently.

Before the chemistry teacher spoke, Gu Zhi was ahead of the others.

"it's impossible that there is no solution. The standard answer is here, and I've solved it."

The words are still soft, but the tone is firm.

Although Gu Zhi looks weak, she is actually a stubborn person with strong self-esteem.

After fighting for the first place everywhere for a long time, a su Yan suddenly appeared. It took everyone's attention without any effort.

Originally in the heart is unwilling.

So she put all her life into the topic, in order to surpass Su Yan one day.

Her efforts proved to be effective.

Today, she has successfully surpassed Su Yan.

But now this Su Yan, unexpectedly said such a words, because she was over it?

Gu Zhi has a touch of pleasure in her heart.

It's time to give her a taste of being defeated.

Su Yan drooped his eyes and didn't argue.

I just picked up the pen beside me and drew a line on the sentence of the title.

"It shouldn't be ammonia, it's carbon dioxide. Otherwise, the formula can never get the conservation of mass. "

The question itself is wrong. How can we get the answer?

The paper she drew a line on was taken by the teacher.

I studied it carefully.

Ten minutes later, the sky outside became more gloomy, as if it would rain the next second.

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