Xuanyuan Yonghao listen, eyes dark glanced at the snake.

"I want to eat snake meat slowly."

Su Yan was a little distressed, and whispered to Xuanyuan Yonghao,

"I didn't ask for the inner bladder just now. I can still eat it, but it gave me the inner bladder. If I eat it again, isn't it a little bad?"

She whispered to Xuanyuan Yonghao.

The snake was hissing back and forth.

Xuanyuan Yonghao looked at her distressed little figure, her throat rolled up and down, and laughed.

"Eat another one."

Su Yan blinked and licked the corners of his lips


as he spoke, Su Yan saw that the dark blue color of his lips had faded.

It's the bladder that's working.

She reached out and threw it up. The snake jumped up, opened its mouth, and swallowed it again.

And then the stick disappeared.

I was going to eat people, but I didn't expect to be killed.

If you stay a little longer, the whole one will be stewed. Why don't you run?

At this time, listen to the voice of Xiaohua

"Ding Dong, light up a star. "Come on!"

Then, Su Yan supported Xuanyuan Yonghao and walked back step by step.

It's late autumn and the cool wind is blowing. Some people are freezing.

Just looking up at the moon, the starry sky is gorgeous, it's really a beautiful scene.

Su Yan is supported. As soon as he returns to the bedroom hall, he finds that the imperial doctor doesn't know when he is in place.

There are many guards in black standing at the door. These people seem to know that Xuanyuan Yonghao is going to be bitten.

So that all the doctors came in.

Su Yan wants to make room, but Xuanyuan Yonghao grabs her wrist and pulls people to death.

"Where are you going?"

He leaned over the head of the bed and looked at her in his eyes.

"Taiyi will see you, maidservant, step down first..." come back later.

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Shisheng. His eyes glanced at the nearby doctor,

"come and show her. She sucked poisonous snake blood."

Next to him, Nan Tang looks cold and stiff. He stares at Su Yan as if he has something to say, but he finally swallows it.

Then he stepped aside.

Taiyi was divided into two groups, one for Su Yan and the other for Xuanyuan Yonghao.

After half a sound, the doctor knelt down on the ground and said, "Your Highness, you and this girl are very peaceful. There is no sign of poisoning. I think the poison has been removed."

After that, the doctor added, "it's just that your body is weak due to cold and cold, so you need more rest. I'll make a new prescription for you and drink it on time every day. "

After a few words of advice, the Southern Tang Dynasty said, "some grand doctors will come with me."

Then he was invited out by Qi Qi.

Chunhua Qiushi and several maidservants are still in the room.

This is to stay to take care of Xuanyuan Yonghao.

Qiushi's face was pale, his whole body trembled, and he looked guilty.

Chunhua looks at Qiushi's appearance and knows that it's a basket.

Chunhua frowned and said, "Qiushi, go and boil some ginger water for your highness to dispel the cold."

Qiu Shi hurriedly answers the question


and then goes out in a hurry.

The Xuan Yuan Yong Hao that falls on the bed, eyelid is drooping, sickly appearance is as before.

He coughed softly in a gentle voice

"you all go out."


all the maidservants withdrew.

Su Yan is also ready to go out with him. As a result, he is caught and pulled back.

When they left the hall, they were left.

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