62 Chapter 62 'sMeeting Female Lead's

Don't tell him...this little doggo is a gay?

Nan Shen raised his eyebrow as he kept his eyes on Tan Hua eyes, making the poor girl had another heart attack. This time not because Nan Shen was cute, but because he was so scary.

"I-it's...." Tan Hua began to have cold sweat as she tried to find an excuse for being caught taking sanitary pads. She only wanted to buy sanitary pads so why the hell she felt like she was being caught as a thief?!

Okay what should she say now? She accidentally take sanitary pads when she want to buy diaper? or it is because she suddenly get dizzy and somehow arrived at sanitary pads area?

Or...she is asked by her 'imaginary' girlfriend to buy sanitary pads?

Wait that reason could actually work! She could just say that she had a girlfriend!

"My girlfriend ask me to buy sanitary pads for her" Tan Hua very coolly answered as she snatched back the sanitary pads on Nan Shen hand and turned her body to quickly pay for the things she took.

Nan Shen who saw Tan Hua quickly escaping, unconsciously furrowed his brow.

Girlfriend? That dumb little doggo have a girlfriend? How could it be? Even he, the best husband material doesn't have girlfriend up until now!

So annoying!

Nan Shen suddenly felt irritated when he knew Tan Hua had a girlfriend when on the other hand he was still single. He got everything women dreamed on, he had face, good attitude, money, what else he lacked?!

But then why the hell he haven't found a decent woman to be his date?! That dumb short silly doggo had found one!

So jealous!

Nan Shen unconsciously grabbed a soda from a nearby refrigerator when he was filled with jealousy toward his doggo. Then he saw Tan Hua had finished paying for her things so he too followed Tan Hua to pay for his things.

Inside the car.

"Hmph. You never say you have a girlfriend." Nan Shen crossed his arm in front of his chest as he opened the canned soda he unconsciously bought from the minimarket.

Actually up until now he still haven't realized that he bought a canned soda and was even about to drank it.

"Well why should I tell you boss?" Tan Hua whistled happily as she hold the plastic bag she brought back from the minimarket with cheerful face.

Yeah! Now she only need to go to toilet in their office and then she can put on the sanitary pads!

Nan Shen suddenly felt irritated when he heard Tan Hua response. Are they not close that this doggo doesn't want to tell him anything about his private life?
