Chapter 7 - The Accident

Lim Yi Sheng stared at the woman sleeping soundlessly beside him, he realized that only when she's sleeping does she put her guard down and is so defenseless. She is the first person that was able to get this close to him without feeling nervous or scared. This is also a first for him to share a bed with anyone and he never thought he wouldn't feel awkward at all, even though she is now his wife he knows that they are still practically strangers to each other.

"If you'll do this every night I'm afraid I'll have to let you sleep on the guest room." she said while her eyes are still closed. She knows that Lim Yi Sheng is staring at her for goodness sake how long.

"You're my wife, right?" Xi Ana opened her eyes and rolled it for him to see.

"You ask that everyday, Yi Sheng. We've been married for a two weeks now, you know? If you don't want to have me as your wife you can go and kill yourself." her husband chuckled with her response. Sometimes she's wondering why people outside said that this man is aloof and scary but for the past weeks that they've been living together, it doesn't feel like it. To her, most of the time he looks like a stubborn kid who does things his way.

"I never thought that the great Xi Ana has a tactless side of her." everyone knows that no matter how angry she is, her elegance is still present but her husband made it possible for her to lose herself quite a few times already.

He stared at the ceiling still unable to sleep, he never thought that he will live this kind of life and as days passed he's beginning to care more and more about Xi Ana.


'Xi Ana of Xi Empire Rumored to be Dating a Young Bachelor'

'Spotted: President Xi Ana in a Date in a High end Hotel in City A'

These are only some of the ridiculous headlines that has been circulating the tabloids and the Internet.

"Have you seen the news circulating around the elite world about President Xi spotted on a date, CEO Lim?" one of the shareholders said casually. Lim Yi Sheng threw him a threatening look.

"I was not informed that rumors are part of the agenda in our regular shareholders meeting, President Wang." the man felt as if he was bathed in a bucket of cold water. No one dared to utter anymore unnecessary word as the meeting progressed on.

Before the start of the meeting, his ȧssistant showed him the articles together with a photo. In the photo, she is smiling while casually talking to the man in front of her. They were also seen riding the same car leaving the hotel together. Those pictures really messed up his perfectly fine mood.

His ȧssistant took a glance at the people who are now terrified to even speak, all the presentations have already ended for about ten minutes but the CEO didn't even utter a single word, they could feel the menacing aura emanating from him.

"CEO Lim, all the presentations have ended. Do you have anything more to say?" the ȧssistant took the initiative to break the ice and with that Lim Yi Sheng came back to his senses almost instantly that no one even thought he's lost just a moment ago.

"Meeting adjourned." he said and strode off the conference room followed by his ȧssistant.

"Would you like me to investigate about this, CEO Lim?" he also thought about making Feng Jinnian investigate about the man in the picture but he immediately dropped the idea, it's better to talk to her in person than to secretly have her investigated.

"No need." he said as he sat down on his swivel chair.

"Do I have schedule this evening?" he suddenly asked, this might be a great opportunity to ask her about it.

"You don't have any, your last schedule for today would be the meeting that just ended. Do you have anything in mind, CEO Lim?" Feng Jinnian said this while double checking the CEO's schedule for today.

"If that's the case then you're done for today, I will take care of myself. Treat this as a day off." his ȧssistant seems to be a little confused about the sudden day off but he didn't give it much of a thought who would not want a day off, right? Ever since he started working for the CEO the number of times he was allowed to go home early could actually be counted with his fingers.

After few rings she already answered the call, "Do you have a minute to spare?" he asked.

"Uhm." he smiled upon hearing her response, she always uses that expression to answer and he finds it very cute.

"Am I on a speaker?" he asked because he heard the sound of keyboard typing., she's probably working.

"Uhm. Why did you call?" the woman on the other line indeed put her phone on speaker because she's currently working on something on her computer, she's supposed to be on a break but she just can't help sitting still without actually doing anything.

"Do you have any schedule for dinner?" the sound of keyboard momentarily stopped, perhaps Xi Ana is thinking he thought.

"Nothing important." as far as she can remember her last schedule for today will be on the afternoon.

"Let's have dinner, I'll pick you up."

"Okay." after hearing her response, he then hanged up.


"Hannah you can go home now, Yi Sheng will pick me up." Hannah smiled at the thought that the CEO seems to have opened up a little to the president. She can't wait to see if he will be able to at least lessen the workaholic in her.

"Yes, president." but before she could leave the room her company phone suddenly rang. All official company matters go through this, or anyone that wants to reach the president but wasn't able to,

"Hannah Lee speaking, who's this?"

"Hello Ms. Lee? This is Feng Jinnian, CEO Lim Yi Sheng's ȧssistant. I'll be straight to the point. On the way there, the CEO met an accident while driving. I still don't know the details about his current condition but he's already at the Regal Hospital. I will try my best to stop this from reaching the media but I can't be sure. Please tell the Madame." Feng Jinnian is referring to Xi Ana because ever since they got married she is already considered as one of the person he is serving.

"Okay, I understand. I will tell her immediately." she hanged up the phone and faced the president with all her might.

"What is it?" Xi Ana asked because worry is registered in her ȧssistant's face which makes her very uncomfortable.

Hannah gathered her courage to speak, "President, the CEO was involved in an accident on the way here. His ȧssistant called and he said that he's at Regal Hospital at the moment."

Xi Ana was shocked with the news, he was supposed to pick her up right now for their dinner "How is he?"

"He is still unsure about the CEO's condition." hearing her ȧssistant's response, she was left with nothing but worry. Even though they don't love each other it doesn't change the fact that he is still her husband and she also cares about him.

The only thing that's running on her mind right now is if Lim Yi Sheng sustained life-threatening injuries. She's too worried to even think about their supposed dinner.

"Hannah, I'm sorry but can you drive me there?" she stood up and immediately picked up her bag and phone.

"Yes, president."