Chapter 91 - A Mother's Selfish Request

That's right he is the older brother and Samantha's mother trusted him with her. He may not have seen her personally but he knew how much she loved Samantha, forsaking her pride and beg for her daughter's life til her last breathe, that is the kind of mother she was.

The first time he met Samantha when she was still a child, he never thought that their situation would someday lead to this.


Lim Yi Sheng was startled when he saw frail looking kid beside his car, although she does not look like a beggar she still looked as if she has not been eating well. He tried to observe for a few minutes but the kid didn't leave as if she is actually waiting for him or that might be his imagination.

He is a regular of this coffee shop because he knew the owner and it was near the company but this actually the first time he saw this kid around here.

"The usual please, thank you." the girl on the counter is a regular staff here so she knew what he was talking about without the need to explain.

Suddenly, a woman sitting on a wheelchair with a shawl over her shoulders came from the the inside of the shop, "Xiao Sheng!"

"Auntie!" Lim Yi Sheng smiled and walked towards her to help with the wheelchair.

"You're back, how was your trip this time?"

It's been a month since he last went here because of his trip outside the country and so he's been missing the aroma of the coffee here, he's quite picky when it comes to coffee.

"Nothing new."

Auntie Jing was a former attendant in the mansion and was one of the most trusted people of the house but because of an accident she was unable to walk anymore.

Actually, she was offered to stay and she would manage the newly hired servants but she decided to retire early and so the family gave her this shop to spend her time on.

"Elder Lim has always been strict isn't he? Ever since you were a child he was strict with your education and training."

"Auntie, are you sure you should be saying that?" Lim Yi Sheng chuckled.

On the outside, his grandfather was your typical grandfather who also had soft sides but in reality he is also a tyrant and strict but this personality is not something explicitly known to the female of the family.

"It's fine since I'm not an attendant of the Lim Family anymore, right?" Of course, this carefree attitude is not something people at home should casually show.

"Before I forgot Auntie, I just wanna ask if you know who is that kid? It looks like she was waiting for someone." he pointed at the girl he saw earlier.

"I wasn't sure myself. Actually, I had someone ask her before if she was lost or she needs something but she only said that she was waiting for someone. I do give her food sometimes though. She's so thin that I'm afraid she would be blown away at an instant."

It's not an exaggeration though, she is so thin that people would unconsciously think so.

"You mean this is not the first time that she went here?"

"It's already been a week I guess? I've been worried about her though but as I observed, it doesn't look like she was abandoned or something."

"Why'd you say that?"

"Because she changes clothes everyday. That means she has at least a house to go home to, right?"

"Is that so?"

This would make someone curious as to what or who she is waiting for. He's not usually interested on the things that doesn't concern him but this time he really is.

"Young Master Lim, Americano with two shots!"

"Thank you."

And because curiousity got the better of him he decided to order one more drink for the girl, "One more chocolate smoothie then."

"Alright!" the attendant then prepared his order as soon as possible.

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Auntie Jing asked with twinkling eyes, because she had seen him grew up she knew what sort of personality Lim Yi Sheng has and seeing that something caught his interest she was amused.

"Sort of."

"Good for you. At least you're not as boring as you were when you were a child."


"Alright, alright. Go and ask what she's waiting for, it's not entirely safe for her to go out alone everyday and I need to rest up as well."

"Let me push you then."


He helped her inside first before getting the chocolate smoothie that he ordered, he walked outside towards where the little girl is standing.

"Hey, kid! You look like you're waiting for someone?"

The kid looked up and examined his face for a while before getting the smoothie he stretched out in front of her without hesitation. "Were you not told not to accept from strangers?"

"Yeah, I was waiting for you. Mom told me to wait for you that's why I don't think you are a bad guy so I accepted the smoothie."


"My name is Samantha Cheng, my mother followed the western style of naming. I'm ten years old. Pleased to meet you."

The kid bowed 90 degrees like an ȧduŀt and her posture is also excellent. The little girl started speaking right before he could digest what she was trying to say. Surprisingly, Lim Yi Sheng was slow on the uptake at this moment.

"I've been waiting for a week now since my mother said that this is the only place I could see you."

"Who are you?"

"I already told you though, didn't you hear? My name is Samantha-"

I heard you name. What I mean is what are you saying? Why were you waiting for me?"

"My mother told me to deliver this letter to you, she said that there is something she wanted to say to you. Just so you know I didn't open it."

The little girl then took out a stamped letter enveloped from her bag and handed it to him. Her mother wanted to tell something to him? Is this kid's mother an old acquaintance of him?