Chapter 111 - Small Things of Happiness

It was nearly 2 o'clock in the morning when they reached Imperial. Lim Yi Sheng only had few cans of beers and is not really dizzy although he might probably feel the after effects of the alcohol after he slept.

On the other hand, Xi Chen did drink more than him though not that he's completely wasted but he is definitely drank that he can't even stand properly without a support.

From the car until they reached the guestroom, Lim Yi Sheng supported Xi Chen all the way. Fortunately, there is always one guestroom that is being maintained by Auntie Bai in case there are unexpected visitors like this.

He dropped Xi Chen gently on the bed o avoid hurting him unintentionally, "Chen, I'll leave you here now. In case you need anything just go to the Master's bedroom, okay? Auntie Bai is not around at night."

In this house there are only him and Xi Ana living but even then, the warm it has is definitely on par with others.

"Okay." Xi Cheng answered groggily.

Looking at the reddened face of Xi Chen, he was not sure what to do since they don't have maids around tending to the visitors falls on the owner of the house which is them. Being in this situation, he realized that it could also be a tedious task.

Just as he expected, it didn't even take a whole minute and Xi Chen has already fallen asleep.

When he married Xi Ana, things like being close to her family is not something he really considered. He thought it is enough to just show filial piety towards the elders but when he got closer to Xi Ana he realized that he also wanted to be close to the people who are important to her and that includes Xi Chen.

Because Xi Chen is very attached to his sister, at first he didn't accept him as a brother-in-law, he was only being respectful but there is no sense of acceptance. Even when they had that talk before, he didn't feel that they were already close but now it seems that after tonight their bond as brothers has already progressed.


Lim Yi Sheng woke up because of upon hearing his phone ringing which indicates that there is an incoming call, with his eyes still closed he tried to reach for his phone that is placed on their bedside table. "Dear, can you open the lights please?"

For a while no one spoke, only then did he realize that his wife stayed over at Xi Mansion last night and he came home with Xi Chen instead.

The call has already become a missed call when he grabbed a hold of the phone, he also turned on the light on his side. Upon looking at the missed call he realized that it was actually a call from his wife, he immediately returned the call.

It only took a few rings before it was answered.

His head felt heavy and he had a little bit of headache maybe it was because it's been so long since he last had beer that the few cans he drank made such an effect on him.

"Dear?" he muttered.

"You just woke up?"

"Hmm.. sorry I wasn't able to answer your call earlier. Did you sleep well?"

"Yeah. Your voice seems off, are you not feeling well?" hearing the concern from her voice Lim Yi Sheng can't help but feel happy.

"I have a little bit of headache, it must be because I drank with Xi Chen last night."

"You drank last night?"

"We went to the beach last night to unwind and then I bought beer along the way."

"You already know that you're not used to drinking beer yet you still chose to buy it. Why did you have to buy it of all liquors?" Xi Ana already knew that he's not good with beer and so the reaction was quite expected.

Somehow, what moved his heart is the fact that she first noticed that the liquor he bought rather than the thing about going to the beach. As far as he can remember, he still have not brought her there although it is not deliberate since he just also remembered about it last night.

"I just bought it considering Xi Chen's age." he's okay with stronger liquors like rum or brandy but usually around Xi Chen's age they more into beer though that is his personal opinion.

"I know you're only thinking of Chen but you also have to consider yourself You already know that you're not good with it so next time don't do it anymore, are we clear?"

"Yes, Ma'am." he said half-jokingly.

"Yi Sheng!"

"I understand, wife. Don't be angry anymore, okay?"

"What time did you get back last night?"

"If I'm not mistaken it's around 2:00 AM, I guess."

"It's already quite late, huh. Let's talk again later then, for lunch don't bother booking a restaurant I'll just take out some food and go to your office. Don't drive by yourself, I'll just ask Feng Jinnian to pick you up there. Alright?"


"Is Chen still there, if he is then just let him be."

"Okay, I'll see you later."

"Yeah, see you."

After hanging up the call, Lim Yi Sheng went straight to the bathroom to take a bath. It took him almost an hour to finish getting ready by the time he's done Feng Jinnian is already waiting at the living room on the first floor.

Before going down, he decided to knock on the guest room where Xi Chen is sleeping. When no one answered he opened the door and saw that the young man is still sleeping peacefully on the bed and so he closed the door gently to avoid creating unnecessary noise.

The moment he was noticed by Feng Jinnian, he immediately approached him.

"Are you okay, Young Master?" Feng Jinnian asked worriedly as he handed him his work tablet and carefully took his coat and suitcase.

"I'm fine, just a little headache there is nothing to worry about."

He turned on his work tablet as they made their way to the car.

"Young Master, before I forget Young Madame asked me to buy a hangover medicine along the way and told me that you take it before you start the day."

Hearing what Feng Jinnian said, Lim Yi Sheng can't help but feel happy. Certainly, having Xi Ana by his side taught him about what they call happiness over small things.