Chapter 143 - Samantha Meets Xi Ana

It was already night of the next day when Lim Yi Sheng and Xi Ana reached the hotel they booked for their stay and Xi Ana felt headache from the long duration of flight, she's not usually the type of person who experiences jet lag so it was probably because she lacked sleep for the past few days.

Lim Yi Sheng could see the fatigue on his wife's face and he can't help but feel sad. Although she managed to catch some sleep while they were on the plane he can see that it really is not enough.

"I'm thankful that you were able to come with me but you really pushed yourself this time, Ana."

There is one thing that Lim Yi Sheng discovered in him, it is that even the smallest thing about Xi Ana could affect him. As for whether this is good or not, he doesn't give a care anymore.

"Don't worry, I just need some sleep. It's nothing serious."

Lim Yi Sheng heard from Ana's ȧssistant that before that before they got married Ana would even suffer gastritis whenever she works continuously on top of not sleeping.

That's why he made sure that Xi Ana ate her meals no matter what because if he did not she might not only suffer lack of sleep this time.

"Then let's just freshen up and sleep for now, we can organize our luggage tomorrow before going to the hospital." they already ate the in-flight meals so they are not really hungry despite the long traveling time.


When the two of them were done freshening up and are already lying on their backs, Lim Yi Sheng noticed that Xi Ana seems to have discomforts on her nape because she keeps on touching it. "Does your neck hurts?"

"Hmm.. a little."

It was probably because she slept on the plane in an uncomfortable position. Although he tried his best to let her sleep comfortably guess the neck pillow didn't work after all, he thought.

"Do you want me to massage you so that your stiff muscles would loosen up a bit?" he was about to sit up to help her but Xi Ana stopped him from doing so.

She squeezed his hand and mumbled while her eyes were already closed, "It will be fine by tomorrow so just let it be. You're also tired so let's just sleep, okay?"

His eyes were glued to her face while she as saying those words and he find her cute while mumbling those words in a sleepy tone. "Alright, if you say so."

Lim Yi Sheng pulled Xi Ana closer to him and wrapped and arm around her, to his surprise Xi Ana snuggled even more until she finally found a comfortable position as her head resting on his ċhėst which enabled him to smell the lavander scent from her.

"Goodnight, dear." Xi Ana mumbled one last time before finally fell asleep.

He kissed the top of her head and leaned a little bit so he could whisper in her ears, "Goodnight."

If memories they want to keep forever can be made into a physical item so that they could be placed inside a treasure ċhėst, Lim Yi Sheng could probably fill hundreds of them with only his memories of Xi Ana because even the smallest thing like this means a lot to him.


The husband and wife already preparing to leave after organizing their things since this will be the first time that Xi Ana will meet Samantha she is bound to think what kind of gift would be suitable to give for their first meeting.

"Don't think too much about it for now, there are still plenty of time for the two of you to meet. Furthermore, Samantha isn't really the type of person who's materialistic so even if your bring something simple she would still appreciate it."

Even though Lim Yi Sheng already said this Xi Ana still kept thinking about it. She really isn't the type of person who would give something to other people halfheartedly, even those mandatory gifts that was given to clients and business affiliates in her name all year round, she would always make sure that they were given enough thought before sending them out.

"Does giving her flower alright? Won't it affect her condition?"

"I think it's fine since I was never told to be particular of the flowers inside her room it means that they do not pose any danger to her."

With this Xi Ana finally decided what to bring 'for now' since she really can't think of what to give until she's finally able to learn something about her.

"Let's go?" Lim Yi Sheng asked.

Xi Ana smiled and took her bag, "Let's go."

When they finally settled inside the car they did not waste any more time and drove away. They first stopped by to buy a basket of fruit before Xi Ana asked, "Do you know a flower shop near here?"

"You will buy a bouquet? There is nothing around here but there is one near the hospital where Samantha is admitted."

Xi Ana asked him because she knew that he might know since it's been a while since Samantha was admitted here but if not, there is still the Internet where she can find the nearest flower shop around here.

Hearing that he knew one made it a lot easier and so she nodded in understanding, "Alright then let's drop by before going to the hospital."

Lim Yi Sheng placed the basket of fruits at the backseat f the car at her before turning to smile at her. "Alright"

That's right, she decided to also buy flowers for Samantha but because she is still thinking whether it can really affect Samantha or not she thought that buying flowers that can be given to people who has an allergy to pollen will be the safest choice.


Today Samantha was rather anxious since she was told the her Brother Yi Sheng's wife will be visiting her today and she can' help but think about it over and over again. The only person he personally knew that is connected with her brother is Lu Nai He.

She already has a lot of secondary knowledge about Xi Ana which she managed to read up on the Internet but of course she really didn't put to heart everything she had read online, she knew well enough that though the internet could provide a lot of information not everything is true.

"Why are you nervous, Sam? It's not like Xi Ana would eat you up alive right?" Lu Nai He said as he adjusted the IV drip on Samantha.

"It's not like that Brother Nai He, it's just that this will be my first time meeting her and I'm not sure whether she will like me or not."

Since her Brother Nai He will be one of the doctors who will be operating on her, he flew over here a lot earlier than her Brother Yi Sheng. She really likes Lu Nai He but of course not in a romantic way, she's fond of him like how a little sister to her older brother.

Samantha was startled when Lu Nai He light knocked on her head, "Dummy. Why would you even think about something like that? It's not worth worrying about, just be yourself."

"So you can also say something like that, Brother Nai He?" Samantha teased because ever since she had known him there are only few times when she saw him being serious aside from when he is a doctor.

Lu Nai He chuckled, "You just ruined my momentum, brat. Is it really that bad to play the cool big brother once in a while?"Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click <a href="#&apos;s-wife-has-a-secret_14496266906619705/samantha-meets-xi-ana_51162978732537900">#&apos;s-wife-has-a-secret_14496266906619705/samantha-meets-xi-ana_51162978732537900</a> for visiting.

Samantha laughed at his words.

"Jokes aside. You don't really have to worry about Xi Ana because she's a good person. Being yourself is the most presentable 'you' in front of her. Furthermore, Xi Ana is my goddess so how could she be bad?"

She has been hearing this from him for days now and it clearly shows that he really is a fan of Xi Ana. Just when she was about to respond, Lu Nai He's phone suddenly beeped.

He took the phone out and read the contents of the message he had received silently. He read the contents of the message silently and when he's done he kept his phone while smiling.

"The message was from you Brother Yi Sheng, it seems like they are already in the hospital lobby. I'll just go and receive them, okay?"
