Chapter 152 - Hannah's Loyalty

After her call with her husband, Xi Ana immediately took a shower so she could change out of her clothes before returning to her pending workloads. She already took a nap during her flight today so that she could use her time efficiently.

It didn't take long before she could sort out things based on their urgency and that made things a lot easier for her. Just before the plane took off from San Francisco she had already contacted someone to help her with the investigation.

All the people who had a contact and has a possibility of contact with the initial plan of the Southville project has already been named thanks to the efficiency of the person she asked for. This makes it easier for her to trim down further the possible suspect or suspects for leaking this material.

This time she won't try to be merciful anymore, not only will she took care of that person but as well as all the people who had connections outside that has the possibility of betraying her in the future. To avoid problems like this, it is better to remove it before it even started.

Just look at the snakes she had reared all this time, they are already starting to bite her hand. Who knows who will come after her next? Leniency really is a luxury that should not be easily given away.

Who knows what time it is after she had finished checking everything with regards to the urgent ones but she didn't rest instead she finally moved on to the details of the Southville project.

No matter what she does at this point, Chengxin has already launched theirs but it is also impossible to stop theirs since they are already at the 3rd phase of it. Time and money has been invested, stopping is no longer an option what they need right is a remedy.

Xi Ana could only notice that is already morning when she glanced outside and the sun is already up and shining brightly, she figured out that the whole building will soon be full of people.

She clicked on the window on her computer where it shows the email she was about to send to all the employees within the Top and the Secretarial floors. She scheduled the message to be sent an hour after the official time in of the employees which is 8'o clock in the morning.

This is the what she had told Hannah last night but of course, for Hannah herself it is more than this and it was her call whether to come clean or not. She, on the other hand will decide depending on what Hannah will confess.

Just when she was about to continue what she was doing she heard a light knock on the door, she unlocked the door with the buŧŧon near her which will also have a beep sound indicating that door has been unlocked.

The door opened and her ȧssistant who looked like she didn't sleep much entered her office. "Good morning president."

She acknowledge the greeting with a slight nod without looking at the person as she asked, "What brings you here so early in the morning?"

Those words that she uttered seems as though she didn't say anything to Hannah that would make her have think for the whole night, it is up to Hannah how she will react to that.

"It is because the president told me last night to think whether I still want to work for you or not."

"How did your thinking go?"

"After thinking about it over and over again I only arrived at a single conclusion and that is I still want to stay by the president's side as an ȧssistant for a longer period of time.

Hearing this, she didn't immediately respond but she did raise her head to look at the woman in front of her.

"If this is the result of you thinking over it several times then you also must have considered why I told you think about it right? Because if not, this would have been nothing but pointless"

"President this may be presumptuous of me but I need to ask this."

"What is it?"

"Will I be dismissed if I once I decided not to say anything?" it is obvious fro her voice that this is her last attempt to avoid this situation but Xi An will not budge.

"Yes." Xi Ana didn't beat around the bush and went straight to the point before continuing her sentence.

"I've let you stay beside for this long even after knowing that you are also working for another person because all this time you've never done me any harm but just as how everything has a limit, I also have mine. Also, if you confess it doesn't mean I will accept you again wholeheartedly. It will still depend on what you will say."

Xi Ana had already multiple guesses in who might be the person who Hannah has been working for all this time but it is really hard to point at only one since there is no conclusive evidence that can be shown.

That's why the easiest way to do that is to ask Hannah directly.

Hannah heaved a deep sigh as if she had just decided about something so big that could change her life, "There is definitely no doubt that once the president heard who this person is you will get mad so before I say that can I ask if the president is willing to at least hear me out?"

"Alright, I'll give you that." Xi Ana is rather interested now but once she heard who the person her facial expression changed just as fast as she agreed to listen.

"It is the president's father, Master Feng of the Xi Family."

When Xi Ana heard this she felt like she can't hear anything more, she thought of so many people and so many possible reasons but it turns out that what she did was actually useless because the person was actually no other than her own father.

Never did she think the possibility of it being her father, not because she thought that her father has no capability to do it but because she never thought he would really do so.

Thinking rationally about it, it is indeed possible because in the first place Hannah never did hurt her and she was like a moving monitor that is walking wherever Xi Ana would go.

Xi Ana took a full minute to calm herself before she could do finally muster to say some words again. "It seems to me that you are already prepared about this moment but I'm not. Since I already gave my word that I would hear your explanation then use it well. I would also like to know why my own father sent someone to work so close to me."

"President, you might not believe it but all of these were my own idea. It was me who insisted on working for you and it was also me who volunteered myself to sent things I've learned about you to Master Feng because I am indebted to him."


Meanwhile, on the two topmost floor of Xi Corporation almost all employees have already clocked in for today. It is already a given fact that almost no one is late for work.

They were busy minding their business to reach their corresponding quotas but as soon as the clock turned 9'o clock, all of their computers receive an urgent email which notified on their screen.

The first reaction that most of them thought of was to look around and what surprised is that almost all of them did. It's clear to them the reason why they had such a reaction and that is because this specific notification is something that can only be from the president herself.

Since it is labeled as 'urgent' they really can't take long to read it so one after the other the employees started opening the email that came from Xi Ana.Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click <a href="#&apos;s-wife-has-a-secret_14496266906619705/hannah&apos;s-loyalty_51371693490372083">#&apos;s-wife-has-a-secret_14496266906619705/hannah&apos;s-loyalty_51371693490372083</a> for visiting.

And as soon as they did, the first thing they saw is a termination letter along with a message. This file alone could make them tremble in fear.

The content of the email they all received were identical and when they realized that all of them received the same email they felt a little calmer which gave them the strength to read the message above the attached file.


"This message was received by all the official employees of both the Top Floor and the Secretarial Floor.

Right now all of you are on the verge of being terminated from Xi Corporation. The attached file you've seen is a pending termination letter which means that it has yet to be processed and for one week, all of you will be under a probation period.

Once determined that any one of you has an unauthorized connection outside and is providing information of the company to a third party without proper procedure, the termination letter will automatically be processed.

Loyalty is the first thing I've asked of you when you started working for me and this time I wanted to see whether this 'loyalty' you've committed to me is still existing or not."
