Chapter 157 - Crown International

After a few seconds Lu Nai He finally stopped laughing and his facial expression returned to normal, "But seriously, although he didn't explicitly said that he is Xi Ana's psychiatrist I believe that he is. I know that you still have some worries regarding her intake of sleeping pills but seeing as how her doctor is one of the best I think you can be at ease a little."

At first, Lim Yi Sheng really didn't notice that Xi Ana is actually taking sleeping pills although they sleep on the same bed. He was only able to know about it when Xi Ana got into an accident and they decided to have an overall check-up since they are already in the hospital.

Ever since Xi Ana told him about it he had become more observant of her. In these last few months, although there are still nights when she would take one most of the days she won't which is good.

It would have been better if she will not take sleeping pills anymore but this progress is enough for now.

Lu Nai He also told him later on that Xi Ana's long time insomnia might be because of something that happened in the past which led to trauma. The only thing that Lim Yi Sheng could ȧssociate to that is her memory of witnessing her mother's murder.

"Is he really that good?" he asked since he really isn't familiar with the people in the medical field, whether they are good or not he really can't tell. 

"There is no doubt on that but then again, no matter how good a doctor is if the patient is not willing the treatment would definitely be affected. This is only an ȧssumption but the reason why Xi Ana had never cured her insomnia is probably because she is still not yet reconciled on the thing that's causing it."

Lim Yi Sheng looked at Lu Nai He before he said meaningfully, "There are many people in this world who are not reconciled with their past."

They exchanged smiles which were full of meanings. "I'll have to leave soon, I can't afford to miss this flight because I still have an scheduled operation back in the country in three days. By the way, when will you go back? Doesn't your company also needed you back already?"

He's right. He had indeed received a message from Feng Jinnian asking him to go back because there are some matters that can only be resolved by Lim Yi Sheng alone.

Initially, he still wanted to stay at least until Samantha is discharged but from the looks of the situation that is not possible anymore.

"I have already booked a flight back and I will also tell Samantha in a while. As much as I wanted to stay for a little bot longer, my good First uncle won't let me."

His Uncle Lim Qiming is indeed creating troubles in the company right now though they are not really that big, if these small problems accumulated who knows what kind of impact it will have.Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click <a href="#&apos;s-wife-has-a-secret_14496266906619705/crown-international_51487833952679439">#&apos;s-wife-has-a-secret_14496266906619705/crown-international_51487833952679439</a> for visiting.

"Sometimes I really want to pry open your uncle's head to see what's running inside it because of his inconsistency. There are times when he schemes on other people like it is something he always do but there are also some days when he is nothing more than a troublesome uncle."

"Regardless of his intentions, I still have to clean up after his."

This is another thing he got from his father when that incident, it s taking after Lim Qiming's mess and making sure that he is will not go beyond necessary.

"Good luck with that. Anyway, I need to leave already. See you back in the country."


Lu Nai He turned and walked towards the door, his things has already been arrange so he only needed to get into his car and go straight to the company.

Looking at his retreating back, Lim Yi Sheng felt a little bit envious. If he would also go back now then it means that will be able to see his wife a lot earlier than planned.

These days he is really trying hard not to miss her so much but this idleness makes it impossible for him not to.


Meanwhile, back in the country a certain post from an anonymous account in weibo is accumulating a lot of reactions from the netizens and it's drawing more and more attention as every minutes pass.

With thousands of shares, it will only take a few minutes before newspaper companies will conduct an investigation about the legitimacy if the things written in this post.

'Crown International's four young masters revealed!'

With the post starting like that, a lot of people will surely be intrigued and with photos to support the claims many people believed that what was written on that anonymous post is indeed true.

Crown International is one of the top advancing corporation in the business industry. It's main office is located in England but their companies are scattered everywhere and mostly in Asia.

In their almost 10 years in the industry it's been a well-known information that they are a corporation that likes to experiment, they are bold enough to do anything they want which of course resulted to some failures but the ones that clicked were of course prospering as each day goes by.

They almost have everything, a clothing brand, a restaurant, they even ventured in the IT focusing in gaming applications which are widely popular in the country, and a lot more. It is as if they were owned by different people because of the wide varieties it offers.

Even the top executives of Crown International has not yet seen the faces of the top bosses. The only thing they knew is that there are four of them, two women and two men. Even their real names were not known to the employees and they all went by initials, 'Ms. X', 'Ms. F', 'Mr. L', and 'Mr. A' that was how they are addressed.

There was a rumor before that these four people are actually Asians and that they are very young but because there were no proofs provided no one believed and this rumor eventually died down but now it seems like this rumor is actually true!

The anonymous account claimed that the four young masters were actually from the nine noble families.

Young Miss Xi Ana, the president of Xi Corporation who is also holding the reigns of Xi Empire; Young Miss Fang Wenna, the heiress of the a large toy company that Fang Family owns; Young Master Li Jingli, a person who has a lot of ȧssets in the whole City M and also rumored to be the person behind the most prestigious security company in the whole country namely H&C Security; and lastly, Master An, although his name is something known to everyone no one knows who he really is and what are his ȧssets.

Even the initials of the top bosses of Crown International corresponds to these people's first letter of their last names which is a point that must be taken.

These people were not typically seen together and it doesn't seem like they actually have business connections with each other on the surface but that could just be a facade.

A lot of people might not know but the three people from these four were actually seen together at the charity ball organized by Fang Wenna herself when she came back to the country after being away for a while.

The post even has a picture of them at the ball sitting on the same table with expressions that shows that they are quite friendly with each other. 

There are snapshots of them entering the main office of Crown International. The person who wrote the post also said that the three of them went to the same university in London and there are peopme who could prove that they are indeed friends. 

There are so many pictures attached but the authencity of these pictures are yet to be proven as they still needed to check it whethere they were only fine edits or not. 

All these 'proofs' only show the relationship of the three but there was no verification when it comes to the involvement of Master An. So the reason why his name suddeny popping up here is something a lot of people could not properly comprehend. 

As the mere post escalated to something as big ss this, it is only natural that the four people who are involved in this to know what's happening. 

Right now, all people who are interested in this information are being quite attentive to the movements of these three personalities because theat might be a confimation of the realness of the post.

And just like what people are thinking, Crown International is indeed owned by these people. For them, this is their 'playground' and now that their names have been linked to this, who knows what kind of reaction they would have.