Chapter 159 - Blacklisted

Seeing the names of verified people who are accepting bribes from other companies or organizations in exchange for little bits of information about Xi Corporation's internal affairs which in total is 12 people, Xi Ana laughed.

Wang Xinyi shuddered upon hearing the way Xi Ana laughed, it's like she is being possessed by another person which is the first time Wang Xinyi saw Xi Ana like this in all the years that she had known her.

She held her head down and didn't dare utter a single word since she knew that Xi Ana is really angry at the moment. Only when she heard a sound of paper being crumpled did she raise her head and she was greeted by a scary expression from her sister.

Xi Ana crumpled the part of the paper she is holding because this piece of paper proves that she was not able to handle well enough for them not to betray her. Although it's only been few years since she started being the president, the time she used to gather and carefully select her people is actually more than that!

The reason why she's really mad right now is because among the 12 employees, five of them were originally her people which means that they were people she had chosen while the remaining seven were employees that are already in the company before she had taken over.

So people she and chosen were that easily bought over? Then for what reason did she invest her time on selecting them if it will only take a few years before their loyalty will also be taken over by someone else?

"They really dared to do this to me!" she said without concealing the anger from her voice. At this point, even if she wants to, it's practically impossible for her to act as if nothing happened. She will never be able to ignore this at all.

Wang Xinyi tactfully spoke regarding the matter, "What will we do with these people then, president?"

"Send a copy of this document to the Human Relations Department and tell them that all of the people on this list will be dismissed immediately with no one being spared. They could get a separation fee from the company and send the list of their offense to them. That alone will be enough to explain the reason of them being dismissed."

"Will that be all, president?"

"In the future, they are banned from entering any company under Xi Empire as an employee." Xi Ana said sternly.

Since she already dismissed them from Xi Corporation because of their betrayals it will be pointless if she still gave them a chance to be an employee of the other companies of Xi Empire.

Not sending them to the police and even giving them separation fee is already considered as her being good to them, as for a way out of this, situation there will be none. They were the ones who chose to betray her, they should have been prepared to face the consequences once they were found out.

"I understand, president."

"That would be all for now, you may leave for a while." she instructed.

Her decisions weren't because of a spur of the moment because before the investigation even started she already decided that anyone who would be found guilty of betraying the company will be dismissed immediately.

"If president does not have further instructions then I shall leave for a while." Wang Xinyi bent her neck a little before carefully exiting Xi Ana's office.

Wang Xinyi fully understands why Xi Ana wanted to be alone for a moment. In this world no one will feel good if they were betrayed by their own people.

She knows that this is Xi Ana's way of telling all the employees that betraying Xi Corporation means betraying her and doing so will no do them any good that's why Wang Xinyi did not stay idle and immediately acted on the instructions given by Xi Ana.

Wang Xinyi went to the HR Department first and relayed the necessary arrangements for the dismissal of the 12 people on the list.

At first they were shocked and confused but upon seeing the documents that shows the offenses they've made they finally understood why they were being dismissed and in their hearts they were glad that they never had any thoughts of betraying Xi Corporation.

Everything were processed pretty fast that even the ones who were being dismissed didn't even have enough time to be shocked and when they knew it, they are already outside of Xi Corporation. Soon followed the memo that these people will not be banned from being an employee of any company under Xi Empire.

Dismissing them is definitely a fitting course of action while being put on their blacklist is their consequence of offending Xi Ana.

If they were only dismissed it will be a little bit easier to find a job considering their skills but because they were blacklisted by the whole Xi Empire there will be a lot of companies that has transactions with Xi Empire that will definitely not hire them in fear of offending Xi Ana.

Although this is definitely a big news and once the media got a wind of this they will definitely create a headline out of this that's why Wang Xinyi already made arrangements to suppress the news from spreading.

But even though it was not entirely publicized, almost the whole business industry in City A already know that Xi Ana dismissed 12 people who are working as double agents.


Now that they have been ȧssociated with it, there would definitely be changes in the internal affairs of Crown International and issues will be inevitable during this time regardless of whether they will admit to the rumors or not.

Even so, Xi Ana can't be bothered by the issues regarding Crown International at the moment since she has already enough on her plate right now. "I approve of whatever they decided to do."

As far as she knows, Fang Wenna is also dealing with some things with her family's toy company because she will soon be taking over as the president that is why they already left An Qi Lu and Li Jingli to deal with everything.

"Then I will inform Master and Young Master Li immediately."

"Thank you , Xinyi."

There are definitely perks if the one working beside her is Wang Xinyi because she knows a lot more about her as compared to other people.

"It's my job, president." Wang Xinyi's smile gave warmth to her heart that's been cold these past few days.

"Anyway, once the preparation for the meeting is done inform me immediately."

"I understand, president."

Wang Xinyi exited the office and began working on setting up the conference room for the meeting.Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click <a href="#&apos;s-wife-has-a-secret_14496266906619705/blacklisted_51534277849972115">#&apos;s-wife-has-a-secret_14496266906619705/blacklisted_51534277849972115</a> for visiting.

After about an hour, the preparations were done Wang Xinyi immediately informed Xi Ana without delay as per instructed.

As soon as Xi Ana entered the conference room all the necessary people for the meeting are already seated inside the room even though there is still five minutes before the meeting officially started and from the looks on their faces it seems like they were being forced to sit up straight.

It's been a while since the last time she saw her employees looking this scared during a meeting with her.

This is the first time for the people involved with the Southville project to be gathered like this after their meeting with Xi Ana when she came back from America which really gave them a fright. It's already been a week since then and for that whole week they were always working on their toes, moving here and there constantly but of course no one would dare to complain.

No one talked about it but there are quite a few number of people from the original team that handles Southville project were dismissed not only from the project itself but as well as from their position in the company.

This is also one of the reasons why they were more scared today than any other day, they are very much aware that those people were dismissed because they have done something that is not good for the company and all of them think that it is about Southville project because they know how much importance their president has put into it.

Moreover, there were also some employees from different departments that were dismissed at the same time but still no one dared to ask why in fear of being inflicted. On top of that they were also blacklisted from Xi Empire which is very serious.

These series of events is enough for them to never think of offending their president in any ways because their ending will definitely not be promising.