Chapter 172 - Visiting Someone

Shen Feng dropped by the flower shop before going to his destination.

The attendant of the flower shop enthusiastically greeted Shen Feng as he entered the shop which he replied with a smile. "What flower would you like to have, sir?"

"Do you have yellow roses right now?"

"We do have sir, would you like to order a bouquet?"

"I want a dozen of yellow roses, each individually wrapped then turn it into a bouquet. Would that be fine?" he asked.

"That would be perfectly fine, Sir. For now, Sir can wait at the small waiting area of our flower shop and take a look around so that you won't feel bored while waiting." the attendant said respectfully as she gestured towards the small garden on the side.

"Don't mind me, I'll just take a look around myself. You can do whatever you need to do."

"Alright then, sir. I'll just go arrange your order."

With that the attendant respectfully withdrew to arrange his order. He walked towards the waiting area and sat on the stool provided there. Putting the waiting are in a mini garden is such good idea for a flower shop like this.

Sitting there, he only needs to glance around and he can already see beautiful flowers. Realizing what he has done, he chuckled. As a marketing analyst, it has been a norm to check these things out for him so it just came out naturally.

It didn't take long before the attendant called out to him as his order was already arranged. When he reached the counter he saw the bouquet on the flowerist's hands which consists of 12 yellow roses, carefully wrapped individually the was turned into a beautiful bouquet.Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click <a href="#&apos;s-wife-has-a-secret_14496266906619705/visiting-someone_51789397296727649">#&apos;s-wife-has-a-secret_14496266906619705/visiting-someone_51789397296727649</a> for visiting.

Seeing the flowers, a sudden surge of warmth enveloped his heart and at the same time, sadness also filled his soul.

He took a few bills out of his wallet and paid for the flowers, he picked up the flowers and was already prepared to leave when the attendant called out once again. "Sir, you still have a change. Please wait."

"It's fine, you can keep it." Shen Feng smiled.

"But, this is a little bit too much for a tip sir. I find really uncomfortable to receive such a thing."

Seeing the good attitude of the attendant made Shen Feng even more satisfied with this shop that he reminded himself to buy here the next time he needed flower. "If you felt really uncomfortable about it then keep it and think of it as a deposit for the next time."

He smiled and then didn't give the chance the attendant to refuse as he waved and went out of the flower shop.

As he reached the foot of the hill, he stopped and parked his car under a shade before going down of the car with the flower on his hand.

Today he will visit the person he loved the most and there will probably no one in this world that he will love like he love her.

The number of roses he bought corresponds the number of years he had not visited her, not because his love for her had diminished but because he felt like he was not worthy to stand in front of her now.

Each step carries so much weight that he could almost not bear the heaviness. The moment he reached where the tomb lies, his heart could not contain it anymore that the tears he had been carrying for so long fell like waterfalls.

That's right, the person he wants to visit the most at this moment is no other than his wife.

He gently ċȧrėssed the place where Xi Wei's name was engraved feeling the coldness of it with his fingertips. Shen Feng sat on the ground not caring if his trousers will not be usable anymore after this because now all he wanted was to let this feelings go.

With his handkerchief, he wiped the top of the tomb as he removed the flowers one by one from the bouquet and placed it on top of it without any rush. His tears made him remember what really happened that day.


There are so many times that Shen Feng was tempted to go home but that person keeps on sending him pictures of his children and it is clear to him what those pictures meant.

The reason why he left is also this. It's not like he really wanted to leave, when Xi Wei died he had promised that he would give his everything to keep them safe because that would also be what his wife would want him to do.

He had already planned his life with his children, to give them everything they need be it material needs or the love and care of parents. Fulfilling the void that their mother left is something he thought so had for but eventually, things happened and everything he planned was all for nothing.

At first he was reluctant to believe those threatening letters, he had asked the help of his friends to trace the person who's been sending them but they were all unsuccessful in finding him

And when Xi Ana was almost hit by a car when she was young, that's when he finally realized that the person who wanted them to suffer is really serious. At that time he was in the office and someone sent him a video of the whole thing, he was so nervous that he felt as though he was the one who had experienced it.

Eventually, he left. Though he was overseas, he would often visit Xi Chen or take him out of the country to travel wth him for a few days so the employees from their international branches were all very fond of him.

As for his daughter, from the moment he left her attitude towards him became cold and even if he wanted to explain he reason for is decision, he really can't do so.

He was left with no choice but to visit her without her knowledge and just look at her from a far and today is one of those days.

Just like usual, his daughter is with her friends at their usual place. They do have their own places but they mostly stay in this place so he bought the place in front. If someone were to know of the things he had done just to see his daughter they wold think that he is a stalker.

When he casually opened his window and naturally looked at the building in front. From a higher altitude, one could observe more on the surroundings and when he did, he saw few suspicious looking people and that made him instantly panic.

He didn't waste time and grabbed his keys before running downstairs, he didn't even realize that he had forgotten to close the door. Though they were merely suspicious, the first think that came to his mind was to keep his daughter safe and so he ran outside.

The moment he reached downstairs, it was also the exact moment that his daughter's car suddenly went out of their building. That's when he knew what it means to have your heart inside your mouth.

He was not able to see who drove the car out and when he looked around he also can't find the suspicious people he had seen. He immediately rode his car and followed his daughter's, he didn't know why but he really doesn't feel right.

When he has been following for a few minutes and it seems like there is no problem with the car, he finally calmed down but when the car suddenly accelerated he became nervous once again.

He wanted to catch up faster but they were riding so fast until the car fell down the river. He stopped his car and that was when he saw that there were two people inside the car, as for who he really can't figure out but one thing is sure those two were from the four of them.

His heart was beating so fast because of his nervousness but he still ran towards the riverside. Before he jump on the water, he first called the emergency hot line to tell them about the accident and he even reminded them to have an ambulance get there fast because they would need it.

After that, he jump on the water without hesitatio . It's a good thing that he is only wearing thin clothes which made swimming a lot easier. 

At that moment, there is only one thing he needed to do and that was to save the people inside the car and the fact that his daughter might be one of them making him even more scared.

But even if it's not her, the fact that they must be saved still stays because those are precious lives and they are even more precious because they are important to his daughter.

His desperation to save them is evident as he continuesly swam all the way towards the sinking car.