Chapter 198 - Ling Huo

Despite the disagreement on Xi Ana's face, Li Jingli was firm with his decision to send her back. "I want to stay at least until we already know if we could transfer Aaron or not, even if I go home I won't be able to keep myself at ease."

Li Jingli sighed, how come when it comes to Xi Ana and Fang Wenna he can only be stern for five seconds and after that he would already soften, this is indeed unfair. "Alright, then stay here for a while and I will be the one to talk to the doctor."

Xi Ana simply nodded as a response. The more he look at Xi Ana's countenance the more he felt depressed. He removed his coat and draped it over her shoulder. "Have you called Lim Yi Sheng, if not yet then do so and tell im that I'll send you back so that he doesn't have to worry."


He looked at his ȧssistant who is standing quietly at the side, "Ask someone to buy coffee for Ana and stay here with her."

"Yes, Young Master." Without further ado, he called one of their bodyguards and asked him to buy two coffees according to his boss and Miss Ana's preferences. The time he's been working with Li Jingli is nt little so these things, he already know them by heart.

It is inevitable that they would somehow draw attention by being here but Li Jingli's people have made preparation to suppress any possibility of this making it into a news, though the accident itself cannot be hidden because there are so many witnesses, they could still hide their connection from it.

Actually, there is nothing wrong if this news was leaked, what he fears is that people will create unnecessary stories though they are easy to suppress he doesn't want to let Xi Ana think about it when she already as enough on her plate.

"Don't worry, I'll just wait for you here. Go on and talk to the doctor so that we will know what to do next."

"I'll be back in a while." Li Jingli said before glancing at his ȧssistant who nodded in understanding.

Li Jingli then went to the nurses' station to ask where is the office of the attending doctor of Aaron. Only few of the younger interns recognized who he is but at the moment they didn't dare speak since it was their superiors turn to speak.

Though he doesn't look like a person who has a good temper, he doesn't look like an amiable person as well. "Excuse me, may I know who is the attending doctor of Aaron Reid and where can I find his office."

The nurses might not know who the person is, but they can tell from his looks and clothes that he is not a simple person. He is wearing their entire salary for their whole life on his wrist! If he is only a simple person hen no one would dare claim that they ae special.

One of the nurses was about to answer but he was interrupted when the president of their hospital unexpectedly came which stupefied them. Other people might not know but the president of Ling Hospital is not exactly a sociable person so it is very rare to see him.

But, for this person in front of them, he actually came!

"I'm sorry for not meeting President Xi and Young Master Li immediately. Please pardon me for being impolite."

Right now, although this hospital is relatively small and new, it is actually a decent hospital compared to other hospitals out there.

People might only be interested on the person who is called 'president' but people like Li Jingli will not be satisfied unless they learned who is the person above the president. "President Han meeting me like this, does this mean that he wanted to meet me as well?"

From the moment he heard the name of the hospital, he already asked someone to immediately collect information and upon getting the result he was surprised at what he had learned.

The man smiled and he thought that people from the nine noble families really cannot be underestimated no matter what the circumstances is. In just a short period of time he was able to know this much, what terrifying network of intelligence.

"Indeed, he is already waiting." he said politely, afraid to offend the big buddha in front of him.

"Lead the way, President Han." Li Jingli said as he gestured with his hand.


President Han walked forward while Li Jingli is following behind without asking since he knows that it ill be futile to talk to this person so he better save these question once he meets with that person.

There is only a total of four floors in this hospital and they needed to use the elevator from the 3rd floor where the ICU is located to here which is the 4th floor.

They walked towards the farthest room and Li Jingli understood that this room belongs to that person who President Han follows.Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click <a href="#&apos;s-wife-has-a-secret_14496266906619705/ling-huo_52508377523220036">#&apos;s-wife-has-a-secret_14496266906619705/ling-huo_52508377523220036</a> for visiting.

When they reached the door, President Han opened it and gestured for Li Jingli to enter first. "Young Master Li, please." he said with a polite smile.

Li Jingli nodded and entered the room. Inside the room, he found a young man around the same age as him drinking tea. When the young mans saw him, he smiled and offered him a seat.

"I have an operation a while ago and President Han was not in the company so I beg Young Master Li's forgiveness for not tending to President Xi earlier today."

Li Jingli sat in front of the person.

"It's fine as long you were able to tend to our friend immediately, then everything else comes second." treating Aaron will always be the top priority and formalities like this comes only as second.

President Han has also entered the office and is now serving tea for Lim Yi Sheng before standing at the side. That's right, the young master in front of him is the real owner of Ling Hospital and not the middle aged man.

According to what he had learned fro the data collected, Young Master Ling is a second son of a powerful family in City B. The Ling Family were against for their son to study medicine but he still pursued which lead to him being kicked out of the family.

Ling Huo managed to make a name for himself in the medical field, that if he claimed that he is second to Lu Nai He in the whole City A no one would argue about it with him.

It's clear that the reason why he is not the president is ecause he wanted to mover freely as a doctor that be constrained by the title of being the hospital's owner.

City A and City B, doesn't have that much interaction with each other because of their different economic structures and that must be the reason why Ling Huo decided to settle here.

The hardships that Ling Huo encountered were not little because at such a young age he needed to support his own studies and eventually he managed to have his own hospital.From the day Master Ling kicked this son out, he had already abandoned the title Second Young Master Ling, since he was removed from the family registry he is no longer a second son of the Ling family that's why right now people call him young master without the 'second' in front.

Anyway, regardless of his family background the skills of this person is not to be underestimated. Be it in business or in medical field.

"I'll get straight to the point, although I am not the attending doctor of your friend I have seen and read the chart earlier and I suggest that you let him stay here." the way he spoke those words was exactly how a doctor would.

"Please explain further, Doctor Ling."

"Transferring a comatose patient has always been risky though for some this is possible but like what I've said, letting him stay here is much better. From here to Regal Hospital is not near, before transferring him we needed to secure the machines very well lest an accident happens while on the road."

Ling Huo talked for a few more minutes as he tried to explain it to the best of his abilites without using so much jargons.