Chapter 94: Making Contact

Name:The Chaos Dragon Prince Author:
At that moment, Cain, Kali, and Amber were only a few feet away from walking into the mission pavilion.

But as they got near, something from the outside caught their attention.

After everything they heard, it seems like nothing of notice would be said. However, this set of rumors was a mix of amusement and intriguing.

"Ehh?? Amber is being attacked by Demonic Orges?? But she's right here?"

"Amber's other group is spreading this rumor. But-hey wait a minute. Why is Amber with those two instead of her own group?"

"Hey, yea! I didn't even think about it at first. But it's too strange they're not together!"

Hearing all of this, Cain, Kali, and Amber momentarily paused.

In this instance, a light went off in Amber's eyes. She realized something that she hadn't bothered to consider at all when coming here.

"Oh my. So that's where they were. I was wondering if they simply got killed off. You did say they ran pretty fast out of there."

Amber cast a glance over to Cain. Slight amusement now danced in her once lethargic expression.

Truthfully, she wasn't relieved or even happy that her group was alive. It's all because of certain circumstances that she was forced to take on the pack of Demonic Orge.

In her own ideals, she assumed it was better for one to die while the others survived.

From this seemingly beyond lazy girl, this ideal was quite noble. Given how she acted, Cain would never assume she had ideals like this.

Then again, there were various qualities about Amber that heavily differ from any lazy person Cain met before.

Like how she seemingly claims not talking doesn't expend energy. And yet, she talked up a storm with them until they reached the Academy.

Thinking of all of this, Cain merely shook his head. He then said, "I'm more surprised at how we were moving so slow, and yet they're only showing up now. Well, in any-"

"Ahh?!? Senior Sister Hiyashi!!"

Suddenly Cain was interrupted by a choir of shouts.

He, Kali, and Amber instinctively turned around to just who was making all of this noisy racket. Upon doing so, their gazes were met with four students who liked they had seen much better days.

These students all had tattered uniforms, stains of blood dying on their faces, and eerily pale complexion. These four honestly looked like they just went through the jars of death and were lucky enough to escape.

But even with their injuries, their eyes lit up like a star upon seeing Amber in the flesh.

"It really is you Senior Sister Hiyashi! Just how….how did you escape?!" The leader of the four, one tall, lanky boy, stepped out to speak.

His little commotion was attracting all other nearby students, making them wonder just what was this big scene for?

Amber, however, looked completely disinterested in this conversation. She was just about to wave them off when another shout interrupted her.

"Ah-Ahh?!? It-it's you?? You're with her?!"

One of the girls in the group pointed a trembling finger right towards Cain. Her body intensely shivered as if she had just encountered a terrifying demon.

The moment she locked eyes with Cain, vivid memories of that brief moment streaked into her mind like lightning.

This guy was a true brute!

How the hell is someone like this with her mighty Senior Sister Hiyashi?!

"Hm? Lisa? Do you know him or something?" Because of the sudden turn of events, the tall, lanky boy just had to ask.

And Lisa didn't even glance in his direction. She kept her gaze still locked on Cain's indifferent face while saying,

"No….I don't know that brute! It's only that he forcefully stopped me to ask me some stupid questions. Then the nerve he has to go off right into Senior Sister Hiyashi's direction. I had hoped he….he….wait a minute."

Lisa suddenly stilted in disbelief. She froze, her expression morphing into pure shock. "This-this has to be a coincidence, right? No way someone like you could ever help a Profound Soul warrior battle!"

"Wh-what?? Just what the hell is this girl saying??"

Confused murmurs erupted through the crowd watching. Everything was too confusing to understand; words were just being tossed out without any context!

And at that moment, Amber finally decided to cut into the fray.

She lazily clapped her hands, producing a surprisingly high sharp sound that brought all attention to her.

With her lethargic face, she began explaining, "It's obvious if you simply think about it. The Heaven-Defying Talents Cain and Kali helped me kill the weakened Demoninc Orge. Furthermore, they also completed their own mission before coming to help. Now then, we are off."

Amber's tone was entirely dismissive, leaving no room for further discussion.

Then, without waiting for a second longer, she turned on her heel and stepped right into the mission pavilion.

Neither Cain nor Kali bothered to say anything either. They didn't care, and it was pointless at this point.

Simultaneously with Amber, the sibling duo enters in the mission pavilion, leaving behind dozens of star-struck students.

"This-this….if she said it, then it must be true?"

The other students didn't know what to think. They were inclined to believe Amber's words, but it seemed a bit incredulous to do so.

"He-heaven Defying Talents….?!" At the same time, Lisa and her group revel in that bombshell of news.

They looked around, only to see that no other students were even questioning it, as if it was everyday news. In a single instance, all of their thoughts were flipped on their heads.


Within the mission pavilion, an odd silence permeated the area.

Most obviously, everyone heard the massive commotion from the outside, piquing their interest in just what was happening.

And now, as Cain, Kali and Amber strolled up to the mission Elder, students alike were curious to see their results.

"You know, you should go first. Your rewards will be bigger than mines." Amber suddenly said. She fell back slightly, allowing the sibling duo to go first.

Taking her up on the kind gesture, Cain and Kali arrived at the counter and didn't waste any words.

Cain ignored the odd look the mission Elder was giving him and simply took out his mission ring, handing it over to the Elder.

Receiving the ring, the mission Elder promptly swept his Spirit Sense in it. A moment later, flashes of shock surged within his eyes.

"This….it really is everything inside here. You two passed…."

"Did they really….?!"

The other students couldn't believe the words that just flew out of the mission Elder's mouth.

A sixth-level and fifth-level Nascent Formation cultivator actually killed off a ninth-level beast?!

Just far does being a Heaven-Defying Talent go?!

Even as this Talent far surpassed them, students alike weren't willing to admit Cain and Kali were absolutely invincible with their low cultivation.

"Ma-maybe they used talisman! Or a consumable weapon!"

Some students grasp at straws, but it was the only thing their minds could rationalize at this moment.

"Here….this all of your rewards."

This mission Elder handed Cain the reward spatial ring almost like a machine; his movement was too stiff. Unlike the students, he could clearly see the state of the Demonic Wolves' heads.

And lining it up with what's already known about Cain and Kali's prowess, it could be none other than them.

The thought that these two can so easily fight above their prowess and still come out with barely a scratch, it sent a genuine chill up the mission Elder's spine.

Given the time to grow, just how terrifying these two will become?

This was a thought the mission Elder didn't even want to entertain at this moment.

After receiving his reward spatial ring, Amber went up to turn in her mission and collected her own rewards.

Afterward, under all prying eyes, Amber casually strolled close to Cain and whispered to his ears, "Come with me. It'll be too noisy and troublesome to freely talk in the open."

Naturally, Cain didn't object. He nudged over to Kali, signaling her with his eyes to follow.

When observing Kali's expression, Cain wasn't surprised to see it utterly indifferent. Although, he could spot the seeds of rising annoyance surfacing within her eyes.

Evidently, Kali either wanted to personally shut these rowdy kids up herself or simply get out of there.

And since the first choice wasn't a valuable option, Kali simply nodded in agreement with Cain.

Once they were all on the same page, Cain and Kali followed right behind Amber out of the mission pavilion.

Neither of the three paid an ounce of attention to all prying gazes.


Under Amber's lead, the trio soon made it over towards the Ranking-list open field.

Amber knew this place like the back of her hand. She used mere moments to isolate themselves from all troublesome students.

And soon enough, the trio made it to a spot where they could freely talk to each other again.

Out from the limelight, Cain did feel slightly calmer. Those students were surprisingly more annoying than he expected.

He, of course, wanted attention as it would be easier to put his plans into motion. But it seems like he'll need to wait a bit before he can absolutely suppress all rumors and gossips with absolute strength.

"Huu~. Finally. Into the quiet."

Amber's melodic sigh awoken Cain from his thoughts.

As he snapped his attention back on her, Amber suddenly reached into her pocket, bringing out a brightly colored red spatial ring.

She softly smiled at him, saying, "Well, this was too much action for me for one day. I'm heading back now. So here, take my contact ring. Of course, we need to hang out more so I can confirm my suspicions. When you call me, I'll usually be lying around my house. Bye-bye~."

Amber didn't even give Cain a chance to refuse, simply stuffing the contact ring into his hand as if she could read his mind.

Then, without another word, she casually strolled away from Cain and Kali, not even having the slightest of haste.

As she walked away, Cain gazed down at the contact ring. Intrigue filled his face while he caressed the luminous contact ring.