For a real fortune teller, it is not difficult to calculate the past, but the future. Because the previous events have happened and are fixed, but the latter events still have a variety of possibilities and changes. If you don't have deep skills, you may mislead others and yourself.

He doesn't care whether others believe what he says or not. He said everything he could. It's his own business whether others take it to heart. Anyway, the silver goods are paid and do not owe each other. Only a liar will be afraid that others will not believe him. His tongue will crack lotus and say a lot of good words. The final outcome will always make people "lose money and avoid disaster".

"Sir, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, the child is not sensible," the child's mother pulled the boy behind her and didn't let him talk. "You calculate for him, his future studies, career and marriage."

Qi Yan shook his head with a smile: "madam, as I said earlier, your son's two biggest disasters in this life have passed, and there will be no major disasters in the rest of his life." when he was young, he was proud and conceited, which was not a big problem. The child had a straight eyebrow and a fair heart, and would not be a traitor or a villain when he grew up in the future.

Although the child's mother still wanted to know more, she was very happy to hear the little master say that her child would live well for the rest of her life. Neatly took out five hundred yuan bills from his wallet and presented them with both hands, "thank you, sir."

After receiving the money, Qi Yan could not help laughing when he saw that the boy was still unconvinced. This smile made his face a little smaller and a little more mysterious. "Madam, don't be so polite. Your son will be a promising man in the future."

The boy looked a little unnatural and seemed to feel that he had been impolite just now. When the mother and son were ready to leave, he whispered "sorry."

Qi Yan chuckled and put the money into his wallet: "young man, it's normal to have doubt in his heart."

The boy's face was a little red and he bowed his head without talking.

"Madam, if it's not necessary, please don't go south this month." Qi Yan picked up his small wooden card, "bye."

"Ah?" the boy's mother nodded stupidly. After Qi Yan walked away, she came back. Did she really meet an expert this time?

As a member of the cen family, she has never been short of money since she was young. Five hundred yuan is a drop in the bucket for her. When she is idle, she likes to read supernatural articles. Now, although she is over middle age, this hobby has not changed. When she just passed here, she saw the little young man with a wooden card in his heart and something written about iron mouth magic calculation. She wanted the other party to help her son calculate his fortune.

Thinking of what the young man said, she took out her mobile phone and called her husband. When she heard that he was going to the south for a business trip for two days, she was a little uneasy, so she told a little lie and left him.

People in branches like them, even if they have a position in the head office, are just dispensable, so whether her husband goes on business or not has no impact on the company's arrangement.

Whatever his accuracy, there is no big mistake in being careful anyway!

"Brother hang, what's the matter?" Qi Yan dialed Wang hang back and bought a bottle of frozen drink in the nearby shop. Wang Hang's excited voice came from his mobile phone.

"Qian Qian, you cow, you cow went to heaven. My brother offered you a knee!"

"It's no use if I want your knees. I'd better take them back," Qi Yan went to the sidewalk and saw that there were more than ten seconds left at the traffic light, so he stood in place and waited.

The red light soon turned green. He looked around and walked forward with confidence. As soon as I passed the double solid line section in the middle, I saw a black car with left turn light running from his right, and then drove away in a hurry.

Qi Yan, who was sprayed with tail gas, wiped his face. Although left turning is allowed in this section, this speed is too unfriendly.

"Money, will you do anything besides fortune telling?" Wang hang excitedly circled around the room, "such as catching ghosts and demons, asking God to ask immortals?"

"Even if you are a fortune teller, look at Feng Shui," Qi Yan squinted to the front, "don't think about the rest."

"It's OK to see feng shui," Wang hang said excitedly. "Come to my house tomorrow and help me see my Feng Shui."

"OK." after Qi Yan promised Wang hang, he hung up the phone and was ready to go home.

Qi Yan's home is very good in Wutong road. The plot is not big, but the greening is very good. Property management is also very reliable. It is impossible to buy a house here without millions of dollars.

I don't know where the old man got so much money.

I bought two big bones and a bag of kelp silk in the supermarket and stewed them at home.

Turn down the fire. Qi Yan returns to his study, turns on the computer and starts to brush the nonsense forum. It's still very interesting to see the serious nonsense of the building owners inside.

After turning over several posts, he frowned when he saw that the landlord in one post said that there had been several suicides and sudden deaths in the newly moved community in just two months.

But when he refreshed again, the post had been deleted. So he didn't take this matter to heart. After all, it's difficult to tell whether the news on the Internet is true or false. Some people deliberately fabricate rumors in order to find a sense of existence, and won't consider the consequences at all.

After the bone soup was cooked, Qi Yan scooped up a bowl and worshipped in front of the master's photo. Then he took the bowl back to the table and drank it himself. Anyway, he has become an immortal. He can't eat these mundane things. He might as well help his master eat them without wasting.

After dinner, Qi Yan took out the Taoist Scriptures left by his master and read a paragraph.

There are countless branches of Taoist art, and what he has learned now also comes from the same vein of Taoist art. However, the truly capable Taoist magician has always adhered to the casual attitude of believing in love and believing in you. Taoist priest is too lazy to tell you more, so that Taoist art is becoming weaker and weaker. When ordinary people think of Taoist, they only think of alchemy and swindlers.

In fact, Taoist theory contains many useful treasures. Unfortunately, the times have moved, the speed of life has accelerated, and social competition is fierce. Many people are tired every day for life, and it is too late. How can they have the energy to specialize in Taoist theory that has little to do with their life.

Early the next morning, before Qi Yan could have breakfast, Wang hang knocked on the door.

"Money, where's breakfast?" as soon as Wang hang entered the door, he saw that there was breakfast on the table before he could move. He put the breakfast he bought for Qi Yan on the table, shamelessly brought Qi Yan's porridge to his hand, and couldn't wait to have a drink. "There's no one else who can cook porridge. I think if you open a porridge shop, your business will be very good."

Qi Yan despised Wang hang, opened the breakfast he bought and ate it, "why did you come so early?"

"You haven't been to my house. I'm afraid you'll get lost, so I came to pick you up." Wang hang lowered his head and drank porridge without lifting it. "Do you feel very moved?"

"Oh." Qi Yan was very touched.

After breakfast, Qi Yan changed his clothes and went downstairs with Wang hang.

Wang hang came to pick him up and specially drove the car. It looks only a little better than an ordinary scooter. It's not a big luxury brand. It can be seen that the Wang parents do not intend to cultivate their children into dandies who do not know their hardships.

"Money, wait. If my house is not properly decorated, it doesn't matter. Don't worry too much," Wang hang parked his car in the garage and got off with Qi Yan. "My family is very happy when they know I'm going to bring my classmates back."

Qi Yan smiled, followed Wang hang with a big bag of fruit and entered the door of the Wang family. Facts proved that what Wang hang said was not polite. The Wang family really welcomed him. He was so enthusiastic that he couldn't stand it.

Looking at the fruit tray that was about to fall in front of him, Qi Yan hurriedly stuffed the two pieces that were about to fall into his mouth.

However, the Wang family's parents did not take the initiative to mention watching Feng Shui. Perhaps in their hearts, it was just two young people playing around. They didn't take it seriously at all.

"Hang Hang will accompany your classmates to visit our home," the queen mother said gently to Qi Yan with a smile. "You're welcome. Just take this place as your home." she has heard her son mention this friend for a long time. She has no father or mother since childhood and was raised by a Taoist in a small town. It can be seen that she has suffered a lot from snacks.

Now, seeing that the young man looks pleasant and gets along well with his son, he naturally has a good feeling for him.

No way, Qi Yan's appearance is too easy to stimulate the paternity and motherhood of his elders.

"Qian Qian, you go around with me," Wang hang stood up excitedly and looked forward to Qi Yan. "Shall we look upstairs or downstairs first?"

"Look from the outside first." Qi Yan smiled politely at the Queen's mother. Then he stood up and looked at the door. No matter how well the furnishings at home are done, if the residence is not right and the front door is crooked, everything is in vain.

The imperial capital is a place where dragons gather. It is popular. Generally speaking, it is a good place. Wang Hang's residential area should be seen by professionals when it is built, so it can be regarded as a prosperous land, and it will not commit the common sense problem of wrong orientation.

Walking out of the door of the Wang family villa, there are simple grass and green plants on both sides of the door. There are no fountains and rockeries. It looks generous and comfortable, which is very much like the feeling given to him by the Wang family. The shape of the gate is broad and simple, and the pattern is simple. There is no rugged personality shape, and there is no lion head or tiger head decoration for ostentation.

"Money, is there anything wrong with my door?"

Qi Yan shook his head: "open-minded, blessed home, no problem."

"Let's go and have a look inside?" Wang hang showed his dog leg to Qi Yan to lead the way. He greatly asked Qi Yan to boast about his family, so that he could rest assured.

However, as soon as he saw half of the house, Wang Fu received a call and had to take Wang hang out.

Seeing that Wang Fu's expression was a little serious, Qi Yan knew it was not a small matter and took the initiative to say goodbye.

Wang hang was embarrassed and sent Qi Yan to the car. He whispered to him, "I heard that a big man has entered the hospital. Many people in the imperial capital pay attention."

As for their family status, I don't know if I can show my face in front of others.