"Master Qi?"

"Master Qi?!"

Zhao Zhicheng knew that Qi Yan and Cen Baihe had a private relationship, and the relationship was very good. Otherwise, the cen family would not be so warm and friendly to Qi Yan. Now seeing Qi Yan's white face, he explained with great concern, "master Qi, don't worry too much. The news we received is that the robbers have been controlled and a passenger on the plane was injured. However, there are doctors in the visiting group who have carried out emergency treatment on the wounded's wounds. There should be no life-threatening."

"Who was injured?" Qi Yan walked twice in the room. "Can anyone dismantle bombs on the plane?"

"It's not clear yet," Zhao Zhicheng shook his head. "Our department is not responsible for this work. In addition, this matter has a great social impact, so the news will not be disclosed to the public for the time being."

Qi Yan was a little confused. He put his ass on the chair and unconsciously clasped the corner of the table with his right hand. "Didn't he put forward any requirements before the robber was caught?"

Zhao Zhicheng shook his head in silence.

It's not terrible to ask. The terrible thing is that the other party doesn't ask, which means that the other party doesn't intend to live and doesn't want anything.

Qi Yan took two deep breaths: "Captain Zhao, I want to ask you to do something for me."

Zhao Zhicheng said without hesitation: "you say."

"You help me prepare an altar on the top floor. I don't have enough time now. Just have a sacrificial table and incense burner," Qi Yan pulled his hair, "please."

"OK." Zhao Zhicheng was stunned and turned around and asked his teammates to help prepare things. The situation of their department was special. All the things Qi Yan needed were ready-made, so they were all set up soon.

Qi Yan washed his hands and face in a copper basin, wiped his hands with white cotton cloth and walked to the altar. Unexpectedly, Zhao Zhicheng prepared more things than he thought. In addition to incense burners and candles, there were also offerings. The Yellow brocade tablecloth covered the table. The table was made of pure logs, engraved with Taoist Scriptures, emitting a strong aura.

It's an old good thing.

"Master Qi," Zhao Zhicheng said after holding back for a long time, "what are you going to do?"

"Pray for blessings," Qi Yan took out a stack of runes, put a handful of rice into the bowl, and turned to Zhao Zhicheng and several other special group members who followed him. "In ancient times, emperors and nobles often asked the master to set up an altar to seek God's protection and protect a land, water and people."

"But that was not when the people sought psychological comfort..." before Xiang Qiang finished his sentence in the corner, he saw Qi Yanchao look over here and cover his mouth.

"You're right," Qi Yan smiled. "What I ask is just psychological comfort."

The members of the special group have not seen other masters set up altars, but they have never seen anyone who set up an altar and caused so much noise. After Qi Yan threw the first handful of rice, the wind began to rise on the roof. It was only a breeze. However, as Qi Yan read the Scriptures more and more quickly, the wind became stronger and stronger. It was like flying sand and stones, destroying the withered and decaying.


Pieces of yellow talisman paper were rolled into the air, circling and flying in the wind. They gradually connected together, like flying dragons rolling in the clouds.

"Captain, what is this?" Xiang Qiang held the book in front of his eyes to avoid the wind and sand blowing into his eyes. He rubbed against Zhao Zhicheng and looked at the flying Yellow Dragon in the air. It took a long time to mumble, "am I still dreaming?"

Zhao Zhicheng has no mind to talk to him now. He just looks at Qi Yan in a daze. There is uncontrollable ecstasy in his expression.

"Please the gods of all directions and protect this person from danger." Qi Yan held a piece of red paper with Cen Baihe's name and birth date written on it. He looked at the flying yellow dragon, bit his teeth and threw the red paper out.

The red paper is constantly floating in the air, like a rootless duckweed, which can't fall into reality.

"I beg the gods of all directions to protect this man from trouble!" Qi Yan bowed deeply. The red paper shook in the air, but it was still floating like a headless fly.

"Qi Yan, the leader of the 23rd generation of Tianyi sect, sacrificed his heart blood and purple Qi, and begged the gods of all directions to protect him!" Qi Yan bit his index finger, flicked his finger, and the blood beads mixed with merit and purple Qi fell on the floating red paper.

Suddenly, the ethereal roar sounded, like a dragon singing and a phoenix singing. The Yellow Dragon hovering in the air bent down and swallowed the red paper into his mouth. In an instant, the Yellow Dragon burned into a fire dragon, and the burned ashes were drawn into the air, and then disappeared.

The wind stopped suddenly and all the visions of the roof disappeared without a trace.

Qi Yan covered his chest. At this time, his heart was burning and entering the ice cave. These two kinds of alternating pain had made him forget the pain of biting his index finger.

He still remembered that when he was twelve years old, he found an old and incomplete book in the master's room, which told all kinds of ways to pray to God.

Master said: although they are practitioners, they are human after all. People pay attention to no more than three things, so is asking God.

Up to now, he still remembers that at that time, the master said with regret: "now, who can really ask for God?"

"Poof!" Qi Yan spat out several big mouthfuls of blood. He wiped the corners of his mouth with his sleeve and smiled on his face.

Old man, I did what you couldn't do.

On the plane, everyone was still nervously searching for the trace of the bomb, but they were busy but got nothing. The captain who was tied to their seats looked at them from tension to despair, and the smile on his face became bigger and bigger. He was as excited as a hungry man waiting for his long-awaited meal.

"Stop dying. We are so close to the sky now. What a beautiful thing we must be able to go to heaven after death and stay away from the noise and sin of the world?" he said with a grin. "Now even if we land at the nearest airport, it will take at least an hour and a half. It's too late for you."

He looked at these angry people proudly, "be angry, cry, and then meet your death."

"Shut up!" a woman in high heels was too lazy to listen to nonsense. She lifted her legs and kicked him under his lower abdomen. The captain wailed, looked at the woman who kicked him with a painful and excited expression, and laughed wildly.

The woman raised her eyebrows and said, "you can laugh when you kick here."

The men on the plane still couldn't help clamping their legs at this tense moment. To their surprise, the captain reacted very strongly to the woman's words. He twisted his neck, stared at his blood red eyes, gnashed his teeth and said, "what qualifications do you have to talk about me, you cheap and dirty woman?"

There was deep contempt in his eyes, just like an ancient aristocrat looking at slaves. He despised men and women. He felt that he was the master of these people.

At this time, if everyone wasn't in a hurry to find the bomb, the man might have been beaten into meat sauce.

"Fool." the woman thought it was meaningless to argue with a madman. After giving the man another kick, she turned to look for the bomb and stopped looking at him.

But the captain couldn't stand being called a fool by others. He kept struggling in his chair and even yelling, but no one looked at him and paid attention to him. This is more unbearable for him than others scold him and beat him.

These people should be angry and cry. Why ignore him?! Why?

"Women, I really can't offend," the psychologist whispered around Cen Baihe. "My wife is also such a naughty character. If I can't go back this time, I don't know who can stand her nagging and naughty character."

His words were full of complaints, but Cen Baihe could hear that he couldn't put his wife in his heart, otherwise his tone wouldn't be full of worry.

"We will reach the ground safely," Cen Baihe said firmly. "Even for those who are waiting for us to go back, we will go back." his eyes swept through the cabin. When he swept over a seat, his back cooled and seemed to hear a dragon sing.

Suddenly looking back, he saw only the faces of others who resisted fear. No one played with electronic products and no strange sound came.

He strode to the seat, which was still stained with blood. It was the seat of the man who was wounded by a gun at the airport just now. He looked around the seat and found nothing suspicious.

He opened the upper salute rack. There was only a laptop carrying bag, which was brought by the injured man on the plane.

"Wushao," the Yellow River pushed to Cen Baihe and saw him looking at a laptop bag, "I'll take it down."

"Be light. I suspect the bomb is in here."

CEN Baihe didn't speak loudly, but now everyone on the plane turned their eyes to him and then looked at the luggage rack. They checked all the corners, even the life jacket oxygen inhaler. The only thing they didn't doubt was what everyone brought.

For a moment, everyone was nervous.

"Let me come," a middle-aged man in military uniform strode over and said to Cen Baihe and the Yellow River, "I've done bomb removal before. You two stand away."

The Yellow River went to see Cen Baihe. Cen Baihe thought a little and nodded his head. Professional problems should be handled by professional people, so as not to delay everyone. He and the Yellow River stepped back a few steps, and the Yellow River and another bodyguard stopped in front of him.

The middle-aged man carefully took down the portable bag. When he opened the portable bag, they found that the bomb they couldn't find was really in it.

The bomb is very small. It looks like the size of an adult fist, but it is not small. As long as the explosion, the wall will crack. Even if they can avoid the bomb, they can't prevent the aircraft from being damaged during the flight.

"This is," the middle-aged man's face is sweating, "but it's still an old-fashioned one. I can't take it apart by technology."

"What about that?" someone couldn't help asking.

"Can the safety escape door be opened?" the middle-aged man asked.

The flight attendant shook his head, "no, the plane is in flight and can't open the escape door."

The answer was not too surprising, but they were still a little disappointed.

They can neither open the escape door nor let the plane land safely and complete the emergency evacuation in just a few minutes, so the only choice they have is to dismantle the bomb.

The middle-aged man shook his head slowly: "there are less than five minutes before the bomb explosion, and the plane is located over China's territorial sea." speaking of this, he said with a bitter smile, "if there is misfortune, at least when the plane explodes, the wreckage will not hit the innocent people on the land, and we can die on the boundary of our own country."

There was a dead silence in the cabin.

The middle-aged man pointed to four leads of the same color, "one out of four, we have a 25% chance of survival. Who will make the decision?"