Chapter 657 - This Must Be Fate

Name:The Cursed Prince Author:
"Oh..." The duke sighed. He couldn't refute the king's words because it would be considered treason. So, he could only nod and hide his disappointment. "Understood, Your Majesty. I will not insist."

"However," Mars smiled. "I am sure Lord Edgar wouldn't mind if you just invite him for tea. That way, you can show that you are grateful, and he wouldn't feel burdened by your gifts."

Both parties were silent. They thought about the king's words and finally nodded in unison.

"I can do tea," Edgar said with a smile. "Please, Lord Langley, I don't want anything from you. I didn't know Lady Clara was your daughter. I would have saved her even if she was a peasant. I am not used to accepting gratitude from people I helped because, usually, we don't cross paths again."

Lady Clara was beaming when she heard Edgar agreed to come for tea at her family's home. She looked at the man with a sheepish smile and said, "I am happy to know that you don't usually cross paths with the people you help, my lord. That means... since our paths did cross again, I can think that this is fate."

Gewen hiccuped when he heard Clara's words. He was suddenly reminded of his own pickup lines. This young woman was either sincerely believing she and Edgar were fated, or she was just good with words, like himself.

The former womanizer sized up Clara and decided she was truly naive for believing in fate.

Edgar smiled and nodded. "Maybe it is indeed fate, my lady."

He couldn't take his eyes off of this young woman. Three years ago she was just a fifteen-year-old girl, looking scared and dirty. Now, she had transformed like a swan.

Clara was an adult woman now with curves and beautiful assets that were enhanced by her impeccable fashion sense.  She reminded him of the beautiful and popular opera singer in the capital who was famous among noblemen for her beauty.

"Yeah, I agree. You should invite Lord Edgar for tea and maybe show him around Wintermere. He loves nature and enjoys going out for a walk after tea to watch the sunset," Gewen suddenly said. "I think it's the best way to show your gratitude without offending him."

Kira scoffed when she heard Gewen's enthusiastic voice to suggest Clara take Edgar to sightsee and watch the sunset together. 

"Don't we still have a long journey to go?" She asked Mars. "I think Her Majesty mentioned to me once that the capital is around one month away from here. It's still really far. Don't you think we should continue our journey as soon as possible?"

Mars shook his head. "Yes, it is far, but on the contrary, I think we shouldn't rush. We have been on the road for so many months go. It's time for us to rest a little bit and enjoy the beauty this world has to offer, including sunset and sunrise."

The king's words invited a smile from his wife and most other people around him that night, except for Kira. 

"I agree. We should rest here in Wintermere for a few days," Emmelyn suggested. "I want to go and see some places in Wintermere that I missed. I also want to show my hometown to my husband and child."

"That's a good idea," Gewen said with a broad smile. "We should rest and sightsee to relax our mind, not just our body."

He smiled sweetly and motioned a servant to come with a tray of wine for all of them. He took a cup of wine and tell the others to get theirs. "Let's celebrate this unexpected meeting. I agree with Lady Clara, this must be fate."

Gewen only used those words to seduce women into sleeping with him, calling them beautiful, he had never met anyone like them and their encounter must be fate. He didn't really believe in fate. However, this time he would use it to toss Edgar into Lady Clara's arms.

If Kira saw Edgar anchor his heart to another woman, she might stop liking him. She would be heartbroken, and Gewen would step up to dry her tears. 

"Very well... Let's stay in Wintermere for one week. My wife can take me to see her hometown. I would love to get to know the place she grew up in," Mars decided.

"Ah, can we also visit Mrs. Adler? You remember the witch from Bydell village I befriended when I was in the capital?" Emmelyn asked her husband. "I want to see if she is okay. She helped me a lot during the toughest times of my life."

"For sure," Mars nodded and smiled. "I would love to see her too and thank her for helping you. Our family owes her and I want her to know that I really appreciate her."

"Let's drink to that!" Gewen raised his cup and smiled happily. "For fate and friendship." 


During the feast, it was obvious that Edgar and Clara seemed to hit it off very easily. They were seated together and spent the night talking. Well, it was Clara who did most of the talk, but Edgar showed so much interest in everything she had to say, and he even responded from time to time.

Lord Langley drank so much wine that night because he was really happy that by the end of the night Edgar had to offer to take them home. He was worried about their safety since the duke was drunk.

"I am so sorry to trouble you, my lord," Clara said apologetically. "My father must be in a really good mood to drink so much. I really hate to trouble you and we do have some knights to guard us and take us home... but if you really don't mind going with us, I am deeply grateful."

"Sure, no problem. I could use fresh air too," Edgar replied with a smile. "Shall we go now?"

Clara smiled sheepishly and nodded. "Yes."

Two knights helped carry the really drunk Lord Langley, while Edgar walked with Clara toward their family carriage. They bid goodbye to the king and his wife.

"Keep safe and see you tomorrow," Mars said to them.

After Edgar and Clara left the governor's palace, Mars and Emmelyn exchanged glances. 

"Do you think there is something between them?" Emmelyn asked Mars. "Why do I feel they look good together?"

"They do look compatible," Mars agreed. "You know what... I think Lady Clara is exactly the type of woman that Edgar likes. I have never seen him so attentive and gentle toward a person."

"So, do you think he likes her back? Because I can clearly see that Clara is into him. The way she talked, blushed, and played with her hair whenever they were close... It's too obvious," Emmelyn added.

"Ahahha.. are you a love expert now?" Mars chuckled. 

"No, but I know Clara since she was a child. We are not close, because she is much younger, but I know her cousins. It's a small circle," Emmelyn said. "That family badly needs a good man to be her husband. She is an only child and whoever marries her would inherit her family's land, title, and wealth."

"Oh, don't they have a male heir, maybe from the lord's nephew?"

"Unfortunately no," Emmelyn replied. "I heard many men from a less wealthy family tried to court Clara since when she was very young to secure the right to be her husband, to get her family's wealth.. So, I am quite surprised to see that she is still single when I met her today."