Chapter 50 - Emmelyn Is Drunk

Name:The Cursed Prince Author:
"What do you mean by complication?" asked the man in a confused voice. He caught Emmelyn's hand as she was about to take the candle holder from the small table beside the bed and threw it at him. "Hey .. put down the candle holder, or you will hurt yourself."

"You bastard ...!" cursed Emmelyn again. "It's not enough that you colonize my country and slaughter my family ... now you want to keep me locked up in your rotten castle!"

Mars looked into the girl's eyes closely, and he realized that Emmelyn was drunk. It was true that the girl drank several cups before Mars fell asleep.

How much did she drink afterward? Mars could only guess as he never saw her drunk before. She must be really upset to drink that much. 

He got up from the bed and checked the wine jug on the table. Crazy..! The contents of a jug this big were almost gone. Apparently, Emmelyn drank way too much.

The man pulled back the thick velvet curtain that hung from the window to look outside. From the stars' position in the night sky, he could estimate that it was only 1 am. That meant he just slept for almost two hours.

If Emmelyn had drunk a lot before falling asleep, it was only natural that she was still drunk now. The effect of wine was still too strong, and it made her brain unable to think clearly.

"You drank a lot," Mars commented. He went back to bed and sat beside Emmelyn. "You don't even leave me some."

Emmelyn folded her arms across her chest and snorted. "You stressed me out, so I drank so much. You bastard!"

"I stressed you out??" Mars pointed at his own nose. "How strange. YOU make me stressed that I tortured my soldiers with rigorous training all day."

"You stressed me first ..." Emmelyn said curtly. But tears slowly dripped from the corners of her eyes.

Mars was stunned to see Emmelyn crying.

[Why is this girl crying?]

Mars had never seen Emmelyn shed a tear before, so this sight made him lose his mind. He didn't know why Emmelyn was crying. And what should he do to make this girl stop crying?

"Hey .. why are you crying? What makes you sad?" he asked anxiously. He patted Emmelyn on the back, and his attitude became awkward.

Ahh .. he preferred the other side of Emmelyn, who was fierce and even wanted to kill him, than the sad Emmelyn, who cried so despondently like this.

"You make me sad ... You must take responsibility!" said Emmelyn, beating Mars in the chest with all her might. The man didn't understand what was going on, but he just let Emmelyn beat him.

Maybe this girl really needed to vent her frustration...

Besides, his body was too strong to feel the pain from those tiny hands' punches. He barely felt the blow after blow that Emmelyn sent to his sturdy chest.

After hitting the man repeatedly for five minutes without getting a reaction from him, Emmelyn stopped her action and hit the bed.

"Aaaahhh ... it's useless! It's useless hitting you. You won't know how I feel ..." Emmelyn cried.

Now, Mars really believed that the girl was drunk. She smelled quite strong alcohol from her mouth, and her attitude was also very different from usual.

Emmelyn must have known that even though she hated Mars very much, she would not hit him openly, because after all, that man was the crown prince of the Draec Kingdom.

Prince Mars had to keep his dignity and honor as the future king. There was no way he would allow himself to be hit by a woman without her getting punished.

However, because he realized Emmelyn was drunk and her clear mind wasn't working, Mars didn't even think about his honor at all.

His mind was busy thinking about what happened to Emmelyn that she seemed so frustrated.

"I can't read minds, so I won't understand how you feel," Mars said, using Emmelyn's words this morning when demanding an explanation from Mars who gave her the silent treatment. "You have to tell me."

"Ugh .. why can't you read minds? You're the crown prince of the great Draec Kingdom, aren't you?? You're smart, very handsome, formidable on the battlefield ... you are also great in bed. The point is you are perfect. So, why can't you read minds? That's a shame..." Emmelyn grumbled, pursing her lips.

Mars coughed at the girl's words. The words uttered when someone was drunk are usually honest from the heart, right? 

So .. did Emmelyn really see him that way? Was he the perfect man in her eyes?

What did she say just now...?

Mars was smart .. 


Formidable on the battlefield.

Also... great in bed.

Whoaaa ....!

The corners of his lips twitched, holding back a smile.

He was flattered. Apparently, that's how Emmelyn saw him. A perfect man.

Then, if he was really perfect, why didn't Emmelyn want to marry him? 

He decided to ask Emmelyn. While the girl was still drunk and speaking the truth. He was determined to find out everything he wanted to know from Emmelyn. He didn't know when another opportunity like this would come. 

Finally, he pulled her into his arms and looked closely into those beautiful, sleepy-looking eyes.

"If you think I'm the perfect man .. why don't you want to marry me?" asked Mars firmly.

Emmelyn rolled her eyes. "Who said you're perfect? ​​You can't read minds."

"Ugh ... alright. If I could read minds, and I became perfect, would you marry me?" he asked her again.

Emmelyn shook her head hard. "I can't. I caaaaan'ttt...!"

"Why can't you?" asked Mars, trying to press Emmelyn for an answer. He was dying to know.

He wanted to know what the girl thought about him and why couldn't she give him a chance.

"I can't ... you are the enemy. You are the invader, the oppressor... You oppress my country." Emmelyn shed tears again. "You killed my family ... How can I marry a murderer ..."

Mars's chest suddenly tightened when he heard Emmelyn's words.

Ahh ... that girl's reason made sense. To the rest of the Rosehill family, he was a murderer, and to all the people of Wintermere, he was the oppressor.

He could now understand the girl's point of view.

If Emmelyn married him, of course, that girl would feel like she was a traitor to her family and nation.