Chapter 71 - Tempting A King

I don't want to hurt him. My first intention was just to scare him a little.

But Ignis is so calm no matter what I say or do. It makes me lose control at times.

However, I really want to test him. To see how much he'll follow my desires and when his own will make him walk back on his words.

I also forgot, in all this excitement, that we're still on the floor. But I'm too lazy to get up now. Not to mention that my hand is so close to his belt.

«Kiss me,» I order before even realising what I'm getting myself into.

When Ignis's hands surround me, hugging me tenderly, I press a finger on his lips.

«No touching,» I say. «Do not touch me. Hands off.»

As he complies, leaning his arms on the floor again, I bend down and press my mouth on his. I reach his tongue and wait for his reaction, exploring the rest of his mouth while he gains some brain to follow my orders properly.

Just when he starts responding to the kiss, I split from him and move on his neck. I collect the skirt with my hands and lift a leg to straddle him. My fingers caress his chest and stomach, exploring every inch with utter care.

«Be good and don't move,» I whisper to his ear before nibbling the lobe.

I lower my head and uncover his shoulder, exploring in search of a place where to leave a love bite.

I suck on the same spot, often checking if the bruise appears. At first, it's light. Gradually, insisting and insisting, I make it darker. It'll last a few days, won't it?

Oh, should I bite him as well? Just to remind him about me every time he changes his shirt.

Hmm, maybe next time. Or just before Ignis departs for the capital.

Not that I can avoid him looking for other women on the way. A King is still a King.

What am I even doing? Is this treacherous? I did bring damage to a royal body like this!

I peek at Ignis, and I confirm he won't sentence me for this.

I return to kissing his shoulder, moving down on his chest. I lick around his nipple, wondering whether it has any use on a male body. Women do have breasts, so that must be why it feels so good when Ignis rubs or licks my nipple.

But I don't think it's the same for men...

A sigh welcomes my attention when I press my tongue on the centre.

Oh, that sigh... I want to hear it again.

I want to hear this King of mine whining in search of pleasure, begging me to concede...

I use my teeth to play, spending attention to stay as light as a feather. I don't want to hurt Ignis, after all. Not now, at least, and not much.

I sit lower, for bending down like this isn't comfortable for long hours of torture. I don't want to move away all of a sudden... I crawl back and land my bottom on Ignis's hips. His hardness pokes from under his trousers, making me realise he likes it as much as his red ears suggest. He turned his head to the side, hiding his delicious expression from my eyes.

I don't like this. Why should I put so much effort into it if I can't see the results?

I caress his face, turning him back and locking eyes with him.

«Do not hide your face, your Majesty,» I say, murmuring the last words as if they were an accusation and not just a title. «I want to see your expression. At any instant that I deem proper. Do you understand?»

He nods, analysing my face with a new light in his eyes. Still so clear and innocent, yet calculating.

He's such a riddle, isn't he? I can't guess what exactly is the issue now. Will Ignis stop me and get revenge? Or will he let me continue?

My tone was so challenging... So rude!

Yet, the hardness presses on my bottom even more. Oh, for goodness. He does like it.

Maybe we should get up from the floor, though. But it would ruin the mood and erase my intentions in a moment.

It's better to get it over with here and move on, possibly forgetting my perverse behaviour.

Before doing that, I rub my bottom on Ignis's crotch. I persevere until my own body doesn't start complaining about such a short distance, the clothes in between, and this awful decision to get up.

I bend down and kiss his lips, smirking at his firm will. He clutched his fists but didn't move his arms in my direction. He's following my orders, and it makes me want to kiss him more and more.

Yet, I'm not here to please him right now.

The pressure of our bodies in contact is smoothed by the clothes. Yet, my core tingles when I bow down and change the angle. A heavy sigh welcomes this new sensation, and I continue rubbing against Ignis with increasing intensity.

When pleasure builds up in my belly, I let it invade my stomach, accompanied by light shivers.

It's a moment only, for I'm back to normal immediately. I'd like to do that again, actually. The feeling wasn't as intense as making love causes, but it wasn't bad either.

Yet, judging from Ignis's reaction, he'd like me to continue so much. His breathing is unstable but not yet frantic. He didn't reach pleasure just with this.

Oh, well, not that we did anything much. Just kissing and rubbing against each other. More precisely: me, rubbing against Ignis since I forbid him from moving.

It would be a pity if I had to stop now, right?

I slip to the side and get up, looking at Ignis's displeased expression.

Then, I walk away and reach the window. I glance back, looking out of the corner of my eye.

Ignis sits up, but he doesn't move immediately. His breath is short, and his face so interesting. Yet, he doesn't follow me to ask about details.

«You can go,» I say out loud.. «I'd like to be alone now.»