Chapter 127 - Queen Without A Country

Luckily, we sleep alone. Not that we do anything, for Ignis doesn't want to touch me while I'm pregnant. He repeats the same words every time I attempt, and he settles in bed and hugs me tightly soon after.

«The doctor said you need to rest, and he said the pregnancy is at risk for a few weeks more.»

I scoff, turning my back to him and pressing myself on his chest.

«Hey, don't be angry at me,» he whispers to my ear. «It's for our baby.»

«Yeah, sure,» I moan.

«You were so busy tonight, though. You barely had time for me.»

«We danced together,» I point out. Also, I am the wife here. I should be complaining.

«You talked with that man, and also with Samuel. He's the one who signed the marriage certificate as a witness,» he continues.

Even though I'm unhappy with the rejection, it's comfortable to talk with Ignis.

«Yes, I remember. However, you should have introduced him to me; not the Princess! How is it possible that you couldn't find the time for your friend!»

«I was busy, Veronica. Also, the investigations are continuing, and there is some news every day. Most of the time, it's something useless. However, today the guards told me that they suspect the people attacking you are from the Palace. Even if they tried mudding the waters, all the traces eventually end here.»

«I see,» I murmur, not really surprised. Who out of the Palace could have any reason or benefit for targeting me?

«We need more time, but we'll soon have a list of suspects. The investigation guards are looking into the weapons right now. If those come from the Palace, they will find traces.»

«What if the weapons were bought outside?»

«There will be traces as well. More difficult to find, but there will be. I won't let the people who hurt you go unscathed.»

«No one hurt me.»

«But they tried. And the needle did scratch your body, even if it was soon healed with magic.»

«All right, then. There are enough reasons to take revenge. What will you do to them when you find all the culprits?»

«Behead them.»

«All of them?»

«Of course. Unless you're planning something worse, my dear. I have to do it because it's my role. Punishing the wicked and those who challenge the King's authority.»

«Make it a little painful, though. How did you deal with those involved in the coup? Did you execute them publicly?»

«No, it was fast and happened in secret, to avoid...»

«Ignis, people fear death only if they see it. If it's fast and painless, no one will be scared to do it again!»

I turn on my back to look him in the eye. There's no point in pretending to be offended, now.

«You should make a spectacle out of it. I'm not telling you just because I'm involved, but because there's a reason if the previous Kings did it like this. Haven't your counsellors told you this?»

«No, they haven't. I guess they were a little too afraid to tell me this.»

«Change them, now. They're useless. Returning on topic, you should make it clear that you're a merciless tyrant! Your court doesn't take you seriously while the commoners think you're cruel and evil.»

«I am not evil,» he pouts. «Maybe a little harsh, but I don't like doing cruel things.»

«It's fine,» I sigh. «It's just what they say. I've known you long enough to discern the truth.»

«Well, then. If you like it more, I'll execute the culprits in public next time.»


Regarding his image, there's something else he might do.

«Also, you should organise a big party for the commoners. It will be the foundation day of the Church soon, and they'll try to lure you with them. They want to show unity between the Crown and the Church, and they noticed you're avoiding them like a sickness.»

«That man told you?»

«That man is the High Priest.»

«He's your enemy, Veronica.»

«Sure, but he doesn't know it. By the way, is it public knowledge that he has powers?»

«No, it's confidential. I know because I'm the King, but it was a piece of information I obtained through dark ways. The Church is very secretive, especially regarding him.»

«So, not everyone knows,» I murmur.

«You didn't look surprised when I told you.»

«I know how to recognise mages.»

«Is that possible?»

«Of course.»

«I didn't know. Oh, but then... He knows about you as well!»

Said this, Ignis sits up, letting go of me and moving the covers away in the process. My shoulders are uncovered, and my mood is bothered.

He could stay surprised and in shock even under the covers while holding me...

«He doesn't, most likely. He might not know how to sense powers. It's something even humans can do, but they need to be taught,» I explain.

«You were taught.»

«Yes, of course.»

«So, you grew up with a mage. It's not just you in your family.»

I hold my breath, realising there's a lot I'm still keeping secret from him.

«Can I talk here or not?» I whisper.

«No, better not. Wait.»

He wraps me in the cover and walks to his room through the private door. He crosses another door, as well, ending in the chamber where we had our first meal together here in the capital.

He leaves me on the sofa and lights some candles. He closes the door, checks the curtains, and returns next to me.

«Here, we can talk,» he reminds me before bringing another cover and setting the pillows for me.

«I know,» I sigh. «It's something I haven't told you before for a reason, Ignis. Not because I don't trust you, but rather... It's not only my secret.»

«Is the Duke a Mage?» he inquires, giving me no time for apologies.

His eyes are curious, shining at the orange light of the candles. He's like the child I met ten years ago, right now: vital, impatient, and curious like a rabbit.

I reach out to him and caress his face, wondering if kissing him now would ruin the chance to tell him about my family. Oh, we won't do anything lewd either way. I can kiss him later after we've talked long enough.

«My mother is a Mage,» I whisper in a single breath. It's the first time that I pronounce these words.

Even though we haven't lived in fear all these years, we never would have admitted it with our own voice. My siblings and I have preferred not to challenge destiny.

Saying it to Ignis in this safe room doesn't feel that dangerous.

«You won't use it for your purposes, and you won't bring harm to my family. I know it, but I couldn't say it before.»

«It's fine, Veronica. It's understandable.»

«No, wait. That's not all! There's a lot more I should have told you before, but I never had the chance...»

«It's fine.»

«No, Ignis. I resented you for not telling me about you, but I kept it from you. Even after finding out your secret, all I did was tell you bad words and slap you. Now you have the right to slap me!»

«I don't want to slap you, Veronica.»

«But I deserve it,» I say while a tear appears in my left eye. I'm such a fake person... Even if I was angry, I should have kept control.

«I don't mind it, really,» he sighs. «And I already knew your secret. Telling me it's your mother or your father isn't that relevant.»

«That's not all,» I sigh. «It's just the beginning... My mother is not just a Mage, but she's the strongest of them all. She's our Queen.»

Ignis chuckles, maybe thinking I'm joking. In the end, it does sound foolish.

«Oh,» he then moans. «You're serious.»

«I would come up with something better if I wanted to lie.»

«But... Where is the Kingdom of Mages? And what is your father? King or Consort? Why don't you live in the Royal Palace of Mages? In the Magic Royal Palace?»

«Hey!» I moan. «Don't start kidding now.»

«I'm asking seriously.»

«There isn't any Kingdom. There isn't a country, except for Alba, maybe. My mother is the leader of the Mages, even though there's no territory or crown to be passed down.»

«How could there be a Queen without a country? Also, does your father know? Oh, of course, he knows!»

«He knows,» I confirm.

«And did he find out before or after marrying your mother?»


«So, he had it easier than me...»

«Ignis,» I moan. «You said you don't mind!»

«Well, then. This is still your mother's secret. I guess you had good reasons to hide them. But then again, why are you still shivering? There is something else you haven't said, isn't there? Something that will transform your mother's secret into your own.»

«You're too smart when you put some effort into it,» I murmur. «Why can't you use your brain even when I'm not involved?»

«Don't change the topic,» he says, grabbing my legs and positioning them on his lap. Like this, half-leaning on the couch, I'm more comfortable.

Oh, but I need to talk, not sleep.

«I'll tell you everything since we're already here,» I accept. «After this, you will know everything relevant about me.»

«The rest, I will find out on my own day by day.»

«Yes, that's what I wanted to say,» I murmur, rolling my eyes.

«Speak, wife.»

«Yes, yes... It's just so odd. It's the first time I talk about this with anyone outside my family.. Give me time to get used to it.»