Chapter 139 - The King's Romantic Soul

The maids follow me in the room, like usual. They're ready to help me undress and comb my hair into a braid when we're interrupted.

«Leave,» Ignis says. «Now. I will help the Queen with her clothes.»

Their blushes and heavy sighs are a little too transparent, just like my husband's intentions. He could avoid being so straightforward in front of the servants, for goodness's sake!

Oh, but... Is it a promise? Will he really help me undress? And, more importantly, will he do just that?

«Come with me, Veronica. You haven't eaten yet.»

«No,» I reply. «I haven't eaten.»

I follow him to his room, hypnotised. What is he planning? I feel like there is a surprise behind the door.

When it opens, I step into the King's room with a crazy heartbeat. Oh, good: the huge bed. Then? Oh, dinner on the lower table in the corner. That is good.

I walk to the bed and notice the blood-red petals poured all over the blanket. Roses? Most likely.

«Ignis?» I murmur, turning around. Did he come up with this on his own? Oh, have they consumed the beautiful roses from the royal gardens? I hope not! I don't want to walk on a dry path just because of a romantic idea.

Hmm... It depends on how romantic the actual idea is, though.

«Come here,» he says, making me turn and observing the laces of the dress. He stares for two minutes, figuring out where to start undressing me.

This is not like a travel dress, nor a nightgown. It's complicated, layered, and precious. It's not as easy to get in and out of it...

My dear husband overestimated his own capacities, for once.

«You can try undoing the buttons first,» I say. «Once you do, you will see the laces underneath. The process isn't complicated. You just have to undo them one after the other.»

«Clear,» he says, nodding as if my instructions had enlightened his mind.

His hands reach my shoulders, and he kisses my neck shortly before getting to the job. He works for a minute or so, not more than that. Then, his fingers wrap two sides of the dress, and he pulls.

The precious, expensive, rare fabric is torn from side to side. The sound sends shivers through my back. And it also makes me a little annoyed.

«It's an expensive dress!» I complain.

«You wouldn't use it again either way,» he points out. «A Queen isn't expected to reuse clothes, is she?»

«No, but... I liked it!»

I could have tried using the fabric for a new piece. Or maybe for another combination. I could use it in winter under a heavy and covering mantle. There are so many things I could do, including gifting it to one of my court ladies.

As if my protests were vain, Ignis's hands continue their work meticulously. He tears the whole dress off me.

Oh, he's having fun! I'm sure!

«Ignis!» I complain again.

«Yes, my dear?» he hums while letting the last piece of fabric slip on the floor. Now, I'm wearing the chemise only. And the underwear.

I get out of the shoes on my own accord before he has other ideas. I don't want to say goodbye to this pair. They're one of the few comfortable enough, and I'm not usually in the mood for bad shoes.

«I forgot the nightgown!» he realises, turning to the door.

«No,» I say. «I can do without, for now.»

«Oh, sure,» he says. «I can fetch it later, in fact. Let's eat.»

Instead of guiding me to the low table in the corner, he makes me sit on the bed.

«Do not move!» he orders before reaching the window. He opens the wings wide. On the way back, he brings the food on a platter and leaves it on the bedside table.

He has taken his jacket and outer layers of his clothes off, leaving only trousers and shirt. He's rather free to move without the weight of the royal clothes.

Not much later than the window is opened, melodious songs invade the room. There's an orchestra under the window, playing for me!

Ignis did promise music, after all.

«Oh, Ignis,» I sigh. «You're such a romantic soul.»

I fall back, making the petals around me fly around. Some entwine into my hair, while others caress my skin like light fingers. The scent is also delicate, not too strong yet defined enough to be felt when rolling on the mattress.

There's flowers, music, and even food. I don't need anything else, except Ignis.

«Come here, husband,» I exclaim.

He lies down next to me, observing my face with an attentive expression. He's trying to read through me, to understand whether he's doing the right thing, but nothing he does can be wrong.

«I want a kiss before eating,» I say. «Because there's no comfort without caresses, kisses, and...»

I can't finish my explanation because I'm silenced. With a kiss, naturally.

I lock my arms around Ignis's neck, and I roll over him. He lets me do it, maybe just because he's still afraid of hurting our baby.

Still, when his hands travel down my back, I can feel something different. It reminds me of the time when he desired my body just like I want his now... Well, all the time.

He squeezes my butt, and I wince. The movement causes our mouths to split, and his tongue draws on my skin. He pecks my jaw and slips down on the neck.

He turns on the side, blocking me, slowly but without uncertainty, under him. His hand moves the chemise up to caress my bare thigh.

«We should eat,» he says before returning to lick my neck. «It will get cold.»

«Oh, later,» I moan, pressing his hand back on my skin when he considers retiring it. «Continue like this... We can eat later...»

His teeth graze my shoulder, and he resumes lifting the chemise. It soon flies over my head together with the rest of my underwear.

Luckily, it's not torn. At least, this! What will the maids think when they see my clothes tomorrow, ah?

The music continues to play and make this evening even sweeter.

Meanwhile, Ignis explains with his actions what he meant with his words today. So, these are daring cuddles. I can accept this, definitely.

His lips tease my nipples so soon that I wonder if I lost track of time. His fingers press in between my legs, making sure I'm not complaining before caressing the pleasure bud in my core. He explores, careful like always, before probing my entrance with a finger.

I know very well we won't make love tonight. I just let any stress disappear under his care.

«Do you like it?» he murmurs in my ear.

«Hmm... yeah,» I sigh. «But y-you can do better...»

«Sure, my dear. As you order.»

«It's not an o-order!»

I'm just asking nicely here.

«Think about me only,» he whispers before pecking his way down to my core. His head disappears between my legs, and he moves my right thigh on his shoulder. Like this, my butt slightly lifted from the bed, it's even more intense.

As pleasure hits me in waves, sometimes weak and sometimes more powerful, I keep my moans down. After all, the windows are open, even though the music will supposedly cover any sound.

As if knowing the mood, the orchestra changes the song. They play something with a thicker texture, with new instruments joining in. The tempo is faster, more lively. It reminds me a little of the songs they play at the peasants' festivals. Just a little, though, because there's something very sensual in it.

It makes my heartbeat change rhythm. My body reacts to it, and Ignis seems to like it too, for his motions are following the song.

Just like this, I lose myself completely. Pressing both hands on my mouth doesn't avoid the moaning, and I reach the peak of pleasure sooner than I've intended.

I wanted to enjoy this queenly treatment a little longer. Yet, it seems my traitor body missed Ignis's caresses more than I allowed myself to admit.

«Oh, you,» I complain, turning to the side and hiding in his arms.

The orchestra must be made of prophets, because they decrease the rhythm once again, playing something perfect to accompany me into slumber.

«Dinner,» Ignis reminds me.

Oh, jeez. I'd prefer to sleep right now. Just a few minutes.

«Don't skip meals, Veronica, or you're not getting this treatment again.»

«Oh no,» I moan, crawling to him and allowing him to feed me.

Still, I haven't given back any of the pleasure I felt. It's unfair, but Ignis doesn't give any hint about it.

I'd like to be like him, to just know what to do... Oh, but I will return this favour sooner or later. I just need time to consider how to do it.

«The chef has overdone himself today,» he comments, offering me the best pieces from the trail.

Oh, my cute husband.. I'd eat him instead of the meat right now.