Chapter 150 - Prevention Methods (2)

Ignis's mother wasn't a noble but a maid. She's the one exception for many things.

But what I want to hear from the Marchioness is about Juliet's friends. Who are the people she talks with? Does she have public correspondence with her birth family? I'm interested in the people around her right now.

«I've heard that the Princess, given the situation she was in, had many friends in the past,» I say. «But then, one day, she stopped being a social butterfly and only met with selected figures. I find it curious.»

«You've heard it from lady Malia Quarto, haven't you? She's a little too chatty for her own good.»

«How could she avoid replying to her Queen?»

«Oh, but I don't think your Majesty asked her that,» the Marchioness points out, chuckling. «You won't need to follow her Highness's path. Am I wrong, perhaps? You're rational and are working hard on avoiding it instead of fighting without a real motive.»

«Without motive?»

«Well, I admit the Princess could have had a motive. Her husband, his late Highness, was difficult.»

«Difficult isn't the word that came to mind the first time I heard a little gossip about him,» I point out. «Rather, he never liked his wife, to begin with. It's a different situation with regard to me, don't you agree?»

«That's exactly why I'm positive your Majesty will do better.»

«But... I'm still worried,» I say. «Maybe, even at the beginning, hers was a happy marriage. What if it happens to me too?»

I hate acting stupid. Even Aida is rolling her eyes from behind the Marchioness. Yet, I shall sound more worried than suspicious, right now. I'm not investigating murder attempts and royal bloodlines; I'm inquiring for my own sake and my marriage.

«Are you worried about the poisoning attempt that caused her Highness to miscarry?» she wonders.

I would like to know more about it. Was there a real pregnancy?

One is sure: Aestas was born. I saw her with my own eyes, playing with Ignis. But what about the first pregnancy? Are there any witnesses telling more than the Princess?

«The doctors said it was because of a poisoning attempt. The culprit has never been found out.»

«Could it have been the Crown Prince?»

The Marchioness blinks, astonished.

«Why would he? He didn't care too much about which woman gave birth to his heir. He didn't hate his wife as much as to cause their child harm.»

«I don't know why I got that idea; it's right..» I chuckle nervously.

It was a hunch. I just find it strange that two people could hate each other as much as the Crown Prince and his wife did. She wanted her position acknowledged and didn't like any of his mistresses, while he couldn't bear to look at her for too long.

He went as far as to pretend to sleep with her once a month only to fulfil the marriage duties just enough to avoid issues with the value of it. They didn't just disagree on bed practices. They hated each other.

«Thank you for your help, Marchioness,» I say. There is nothing more she can tell me. Either because she doesn't know or because she doesn't want to. As of now, I can't interrogate her any further.

«Before going, there's something that I'd like to inform your Majesty about,» she whispers.

«Yes, sure.»

«It regards bed techniques. I'm sure you're worried about his Majesty preferring another lady but... What if I told you there's a way to keep him content without resorting to other women?»

Oh, interesting.

«It's just a little trick, your Majesty. But it's also just the beginning... There's so much more I can tell you about it.»

She bends forward and explains. Every single word finds space in my brain, no matter how busy I should be thinking about other matters. Yet, her instructions are simple enough for me to follow. And, also, there's something genial in all of it.

«Oh,» I say at the end. «I will remember it!»

«If it's too much, you can just use your hands,» she continued.

«That I knew,» I admit without even considering what I'm talking about. I realise too late when my cheeks start burning and my eyes can't keep looking at her.

Oh, damn it.

Thank goodness I made the guards walk out and Aida stand a little farther. It would be worse if everyone knew about this part of the conversation.

«Also, this shouldn't be something that happens only when you're pregnant, your Majesty. You will find by yourself the most suitable moments, but believe me... His Majesty won't ever stop thinking about you if you keep things... Interesting.»

She winks before leaving. I've never seen a lady wink before.

After her brief explanation, I'm not too surprised that she was a lover to people from two generations of the Royal Family. For sure, she must know a lot to keep the interest sparkling.

Returning to the urgent matter... I need to solve it so that I can go looking for Ignis with a free conscience.

Listening to Marchioness Verres, the Crown Prince didn't know of any method to prevent pregnancies. Hence, the fact that there was not a single little Prince around is odd. Other than Aestas, I'm starting to wonder whether she really is part of the family.

«Aida,» I say, and she appears by my side. «I need to find out whether the little Princess, Aestas, is related to the King.»

«Are you worried she's actually his daughter?»

«No, I mean... I don't think she's the daughter of the late Crown Prince. Can you check it in some way whether Ignis could be her uncle?»

«I'm not a fairy from a story, your Highness. I can tell whether your baby is your husband's child, but I can't infer just any relationship.»

«Isn't an uncle close?»

«Usually, it is. However, in your husband's case... Well, he's not a hundred per cent an uncle. Just half of it.»

«Oh, I see. So, we have to find her real father if we want to be sure.»

«I can try looking for similarities in their aura, but not finding any wouldn't be an insurance, your Highness.»

«All right. We can do that. Also, you can check for the closeness between Aestas and the Queen Dowager. That's pretty much what we have alive at the moment.»

«Do you have any plans to bring the two close?»

«I will think of something,» I say. After all, I'm the child's godmother. I can play with her sometimes, can't I?

Sooner than later, the Princess will hear I'm investigating. I have to move fast before she has any suspicion and stops allowing me to get close to her daughter. Not that she let me so often, by the way. The only moment I've seen the child was by chance. She brought her to Ignis, not to me.

Regarding that... Why is she nurturing so much relationship with Ignis? Is she aiming at him in some way?

He might have missed it because he treats her like a sister, but... In case I died, not only her child would be closer to the throne, but she would stand a chance to... what? Propose a marriage of convenience to Ignis? Stopping him from having another wife, using his pain after me.

«I'm overthinking, Aida. Can you make me one of your teas? I'd really like to rest a little and stop worrying, now.»

«Sure, your Highness. I will be right back.»

I wish I had a calculative mind. I could understand these people better, in that case. Like this, all I can do is blindly interrogate people and dig into the dirt until finding some proof. And spend the rest of my time thinking about the bad things I want to do to Ignis.

There's really nothing more I can do here. At least, as a Mage, I know what to do and how to move. As a human Queen, I'm pretty useless.

If only I had a little more brain, I could be of help to my husband. Like this, I have to look at how Alba strives in danger while a mass of thirsty ladies drool after a taken man.

I wish I could do something. Anything at all.

What would be the effects if Aestas turns out to be the daughter of someone else? She wouldn't be Ignis's niece anymore. I'm sure he would be sorry because they really get along. He's attached to the only member of his family who never told him something offending.

Oh, but why did the Princess ask us to become her godparents? As a safety net, in case something went wrong? Was it to make me lower my guard and allow her closer to Ignis?

«She did push me against the Queen Dowager,» I notice, all of a sudden. Her comments, even though princess-ly elegant, made me even more convinced that the Queen Dowager had something to do with the attempts. She even warned me before.

Oh, but... What was the Queen Dowager's personal suspicion? She said she would have told me if not for fear I misunderstood her intentions. I was pretty close with Juliet back then.

I am now, as well. I haven't done anything to cut our friendship. And I don't have enough certainties yet.

«She might be able to help in the end,» I murmur, leaning my head on the hand dramatically.

I'll talk with the Queen Dowager one of these days.. And I might also take the chance to confirm a couple of things.