"Brother Qin Tian, if you beat them like that, will there be an accident? It would be bad if they were caught by the police!" Zhao Xiaoya looked at Qin Tian with some worry after leaving the barbecue shop. 【 | 】

"No, these gangsters disturb social order. I'll teach them a lesson. How much effort did the police save? They not only won't catch me, but also thank me." Qin Tian smiled and looked indifferent.

"Brother Qin Tian, you are all for me. If you are caught, I will go with you." Zhao Xiaoya said seriously holding Qin Tian's hand.

"Hehe, how could it be? Silly girl, let's go back. We have to have class tomorrow." Qin tiandui looked at Zhao Xiaoya, and then they cut off a taxi and went home.


When he got home, Qin Tian found that Xiao Yu hadn't come back yet. It was very strange. He found his mobile phone and called to ask why it was so late. As a result, Qin Tian found that the mobile phone was dead, so Qin Tian called Xiao Yu with a fixed phone. Xiao Yu told Qin Tian that she had to work overtime tonight and came back very late to let him get food by himself. He didn't have to wait for her.

After hanging up, Qin Tian went into the bathroom and took a bath. After taking a bath, he turned on the computer and looked at the dragon group information obtained from Chu Wenlong today. After reading it, Qin Tian called according to the phone left by Chu Wenlong below the information.

"Hello, Grandpa Chu, I'm Xiaotian. I've decided to join the dragon group!" Qin Tian said to the phone.

"Well, Xiaotian, OK, I'll send someone to give you the relevant documents tomorrow!" Chu Wenlong said over the phone. He was a little excited. Qin Tian didn't pay so much attention. He said thank you and hung up.

Then someone called the madman and asked him about the recruitment of the gang. The madman told him that there were more than ten people willing to join the tianbang. When tianbang became more famous, more people would join.

This news is good news for Qin Tian. It proves that he has finally taken a step in the pace of the underworld. The next step is to expand the tianbang. Then Qin Tian asked the madman to send a copy of the information about the power groups near Guangzhou University, and then began to make a plan.

There are more than a dozen large and small forces near Gwangju University, of which three are the most powerful, namely, the Wolf Gang, the three little gang and the flying car party. Among the three gangs, the first Wolf Gang has the largest number of people and the most ruthless people. It's not dangerous to fight.

The second is the San Shao Gang, which is a gang composed of family officials' children and rich second generation. It is small in number, but it has strong strength. Behind the scenes are senior officials and rich people in Guangzhou City, who are famous for their wealth and power.

The flying car party is a gang composed of a group of motorcycle maniacs. It is equally powerful and deadly.

Qin Tian analyzed it. At present, the three gangs can't shake themselves. If they want to break them down, the first is to ask for people. The second time, Qin Tian asked for money. Qin Tian planned to gather all the small groups of more than a dozen people and more than 20 people near Guangzhou University. In this way, his strength will be strong, At that time, you can fight these three gangs with your own dragon group identity and the strength of your subordinates.

However, how to collect these small forces is a difficult problem. After all, they are all bosses. They must be unwilling to listen to their own words. To subdue these people, first, they rely on money and second, they rely on fighting. At present, Qin Tian has few money in his hand, so he can only rely on fighting.

After making a series of plans, Qin Tian turned off his computer and was ready to go to bed. Today he was too tired, but babaca's voice rang at this time.

"Master, babaca has developed a set of cultivation skills for you to enhance your strength. Babaca now implants it into your brain." babaca said.

"Cultivate skills? Enhance strength? Babaca, can you really enhance strength? Don't you mean to push it to women? I haven't pushed one down yet?" Qin Tian asked puzzled.

"Master, pushing women is an awakening power. Cultivating skill is a method I evolved to enhance your strength according to your physical condition today. Although you have awakened the power, your physical ability is not strong enough, resulting in your blood ability can not be fully released. Your power power power is only turned on by 1%. You need to strengthen your physique and strengthen your blood through cultivation Release all the energy in your power so that your power is fully awakened, "babaca said.

"You said that my powers were developed by one percent? How terrible it would be if they were all turned on!" Qin Tian said in surprise.

"If you are fully awakened, your strength can reach 50000 Jin," babaca said.

"Shit! 50000 Jin!" Qin Tian shouted directly. 50000 Jin, what's the concept? That is to say, if you hit 50000 Jin with one fist, wouldn't it directly turn people into meat and mud, and the steel plate can be easily pierced? It's too rebellious.

"Master, I'm transmitting your skills now. Please don't resist to avoid accidents." babaca said. As soon as he finished speaking, Qin Tian felt dizzy in his brain, and then a lot of information appeared in Qin Tian's mind. One of the pictures was the operation diagram of an accomplice in cultivation.

"Babaca, I can't understand these. How can I practice?" Qin Tian asked.

"Master, you just need to mobilize the powers in your body to operate according to this picture and the explanation in the text," babaca said.

"OK, I'll try!" Qin Tiandao said. He closed his eyes, sat cross legged according to the action in the figure, put his hands on his knees, palm up, mobilize your energy in the body, and run according to the figure.

Immediately, Qin Tian felt a strange feeling. As soon as he ran according to the picture, he immediately felt that countless cool things suddenly came in around his body. Qin Tian learned from the text message left by babaca that these are the energy of heaven and earth, absorbed by Qin Tian's skill, and then transformed into a part of the energy of his body, Start strengthening your body.

After feeling the energy of heaven and earth, Qin Tian carefully operated the skill to absorb these energy. According to the figure, it took him half an hour to operate for a week. Qin Tian immediately felt that his strength was much stronger than before. He was very excited and immediately began to operate for the second time.

Soon, it was more than 11:00 p.m. when it rained heavily outside, Qin Tian, who was practicing, knew nothing about it and devoted himself to cultivation. At the moment, he had been running for nine weeks, and his strength had increased a lot. Qin Tian personally felt that his strength was twice as strong as that just now. He was very excited. After running and playing the tenth week, Could not help but stop, ready to try is not twice as strong.

"Bang bang! Xiaotian, open the door, it's me!" fiercely, just as Qin Tiangang stood up, there was a knock on the door outside, and there was Xiao Yu's voice. Qin Tianyi immediately ran towards the door, opened the door, and saw Xiao Yu standing at the door, covered with water, with her clothes tightly attached to her body, which completely outlined her graceful body.

In particular, Xiao Yu's white shirt was wet, and the outline of the bra directly appeared. The pair of full pride and milk were tall and straight, and the snow-white tender meat could almost be seen. Qin tiandang was stunned, and his smiling face turned up in an instant.

Plain one first, the next one is guaranteed to be wonderful, but you can't stop. Let's smash tickets and collect them.