1122 regression

"What are you talking about? All the sub halls of Yin-Yang deity have been destroyed!" xuanyuantuo looked at Qin Tian in surprise. He didn't meet anyone in the desert for so long. Naturally, he didn't know about it.

"Well, they are all destroyed, so we can go back!" Qin Tian looked at xuanyuantuo.

"Hee hee, we can go back to take a hot bath and eat delicious food!" Zhao Xiaoya said excitedly. It's not fun in the desert. We should not only worry about being killed, but also eat dry food every day. Moreover, our skin is still very dry and there is no water replenishment. For girls, this is the worst thing.

"Since all the sub halls of the yin-yang cult have been destroyed, let's go back early!" Xiao Yu said. Everyone agreed, and then they took off one after another and flew out of the desert.


The sky soon darkened. They had to hurry. Two hours after dark, they finally left the desert and came to a small town in Qinghai Province. They found a small hotel and stopped temporarily.

After running around for several hours, several people were tired and hungry. They asked the landlady. They sat down at a nearby stall and ordered local specialties and a hot pot.

"Boss, please hurry up, thank you!" Xiao Yu said to the shopkeeper. When the shopkeeper saw the beauty speak, he was very frank and promised again and again. After a while, he began to serve.

The dishes here are mainly hot pot, and the side dishes are mainly beef and mutton, butter tea and cheese. All of them will be equipped with pepper. The coke is bad. Zhao Xiaoya's four women love pepper one by one. They can't wait to eat one by one. They breathe in while eating. It's a great enjoyment to eat hot pot in cold weather.

Xuanyuantuo took out his monkey wine and gave it to everyone with barbecue. It didn't taste good.

"It's so delicious!" Zhao Xiaoya couldn't help saying. Her hot lips were red, and everyone laughed.

Many people around turned their heads and looked at Qin Tian, a group of outsiders. When they saw four beautiful women, their eyes lit up one by one.

"Come on, let's have a toast to celebrate our triumphant return!" Qin Tian raised his glass and looked at the people. Everyone immediately raised their glasses, laughed and clinked their glasses, and then gulped down, making a tut sound. It was delicious.

The meal lasted more than three hours. Each one had a round stomach, flushed and drunk. Everyone was very happy except xuanyuantuo, because all his monkey wine was forcibly and shamelessly shared by Qin Tian.

"Brother Xuanyuan, you seem very unhappy. What's on your mind!" Qin Tian asked clearly, which made everyone laugh again.

"Boss, how much is it?" Qin Tian shouted at the boss.

"A total of 506 yuan, 500 yuan!" the boss came over and said. Everyone was silly to hear that it was so cheap. If this meal was in Guangzhou City, it would cost four or five thousand yuan, but it was only 500 yuan here. It was too cheap.

"Here you are, don't look for it!" Qin Tian took out a handful of money directly, stuffed it into the boss's hand, and then got up and left. The boss hurried to shout thank you.

After dinner, they went to the hotel to take a bath and sleep,