Emperor capital, Qin family.

Qin Tian put Yao Feiyan and them in the Qin family, holding the dragon and Phoenix jade pendant together, came to the ancestral tomb.

A layer of strong prohibition protects the tomb of the ancestors of the Qin family. Even if Qin Tian has reached the sub holy realm, it is impossible to enter.

Qin Tian picked up the jade pendant in his hand and put it on the prohibition.

The invisible prohibition immediately rippled like water ripples. The next moment, the whole tomb trembled violently. Like an earthquake, the whole prohibition was opened, and a stone step appeared at the foot of Qin Tian, directly leading to the deep side of the tomb.

Qin Tian immediately stepped on it and quickly walked towards the depth of the tomb. After a while, he came to a gray stone door. The stone door automatically opened, and a ladder intertwined with energy appeared, extending towards the distance. He didn't know where to go.

Qin Tian looked, stepped up and took a few steps. The whole person was attracted by a goose yellow light curtain, and the whole person disappeared on the energy intertwined ladder.

At the next moment, Qin Tian was down-to-earth again. The scene in front of Qin Tian suddenly changed. Huge cities appeared in front of Qin Tian. These cities were written on Qin, Qi, Chu, Yan, Zhao, Wei, Han, gold, wood and water

"This is Genesis mountain!"

Qin Tian looked at the city in front of him and exclaimed. Unexpectedly, the tomb of the ancestors of the Qin family led him to the creation mountain. What's the situation!

"Finally wait until this moment!"

At this time, a voice that made Qin Tian very familiar came from the depths of the Qin family City, which seemed to be happy and sighed.

Qin Tian immediately looked over and saw three figures flying from the depths and falling in front of him.

Qin Tian was very surprised to see the three figures in front of him. Qin Tian was very familiar with the three figures. On the Terran side, at this time, a hardbound middle-aged man came out, wearing a gray robe, sword eyebrows and stars. He was very aggressive. He looked a little similar to Qin Tian. Beside him, there was a charming woman in white, As like as two peas in the ancient city as like as two peas in the ancient city, they are the same as the emperor.

"Hum! Damn Protoss, the gate of the fairyland is given to me by God. You despicable aliens can't expect it. We humans won't give in. Come to war!"

The man called Qin Zhan shouted loudly.

"Well, since you human beings want to die, then die!"

The tree man in purple and gold armor shouted angrily and waved his hand. In an instant, hundreds of millions of aliens behind him immediately waved a knife to kill humans.

"Kill me!"

Qin Zhan also waved with a big hand. The dense human beings killed the past towards the alien. Qin Zhan took the lead and killed the hungry alien with the human army.


A terrible battle began.

Qin Tian's body fluttered uncontrollably in the whole battlefield, watching the battle.

It was an extremely tragic battle. Countless humans and other races fell one after another. The war was extremely fierce. The ground was covered with corpses and blood flowed into a river. The scene was extremely tragic.

The number of alien races is extremely large. They fight directly around humans. Humans rely on some powerful experts and various high-tech weapons.

This battle lasted ten days and ten nights. Human beings were finally outnumbered and were bloodwashed by other races, leaving less than a million. Under the leadership of Qin Zhan and the woman in white, they flew to a nearby planet and directly built a huge transmission array to transmit the whole planet away. Qin Tian was very familiar with that planet. It was really a purple micro star.

The alien did not let go because of the escape of human beings. Under the leadership of five alien chiefs, the remaining tens of millions of aliens smashed the void and chased and killed them.

Kill all the way, fly all the way,

Human beings and alien races fought constantly between the stars, leaving corpses in the starry universe.

Finally, human beings could not escape, and launched a mortal war with other races in the space. Qin Zhan led the strongest experts of the ten most powerful families of human beings, severely damaged the five experts of the protoss at the cost of life, destroyed tens of millions of other races, and ended the war.

The five Protoss masters suffered serious trauma and directly fled back to Kyushu with more than 10 million aliens, while the Terran, with less than 10000 left, was almost wiped out. All the strongest human masters were severely damaged and had little life left.

Qin Zhan and all of them took ZIWEIXING and left this starry sky. They settled down in another starry sky and began to reproduce again.

Because at that stop, all the experts of 19 families died, leaving only a fragment of the soul. Qin Zhan and the woman in white could not be avoided. They both sat down and chose reincarnation.
