"Be careful!" Ling Feng shouted at once. His body quickly jumped on Qin Xiaoshuang and protected her under his body. The next moment, with a fierce sound, the two cars collided with each other.



Qin Xiaoshuang screamed in fright. The car shook violently and stalled in an instant. Ling Feng's head immediately knocked on the glass window. In a whole sharp pain, the airbag bounced out in an instant. Unfortunately, it didn't work for Ling Feng. Instead, it propped him up and stuck him.

"Shit!" Ling Feng was dizzy. Fortunately, he didn't receive any damage,

At this time, outside, as soon as the two cars collided with each other, the black mole and the monkey rushed down with a gun and rushed towards Ling Feng. At the same time, more than a dozen gangsters rushed down from the car and gathered here. The incident just now was caused by the black mole.

"Come on, bring me down!" the black mole said to the nearest younger brothers who leaned against Lingfeng. The younger brothers immediately followed suit and quickly came towards Lingfeng.

Because of the sudden crash, the road was blocked again. Many people listened to the car and opened the window to see what was going on. As a result, they found that someone was holding a gun and didn't shrink back immediately. Some people also called the police immediately.

When the traffic police on duty at the intersection saw what happened here, they rushed over quickly.

"Stop!" shouted the traffic policeman. He didn't see the black mole with the gun, because the black mole just hid behind the truck. It was late when he saw the black mole,


Black mole didn't even think about it. He shot the traffic police directly. Thanks to his poor shooting skills, he was too lazy to die. The traffic police picked up a life, but he was hit in the thigh and blood rolled down.

There were two or three traffic policemen nearby. When they saw it, they didn't dare rush over. They immediately picked up the walkie talkie and called the Public Security Bureau. Only then did they have a gun to deal with these robbers.

Here, brother Wu Nuo's younger brother quickly opened the door and pulled Qin Xiaoshuang down. Qin Xiaoshuang was not completely unconscious at the moment, but was frightened. Suddenly, he was pulled down from the car and was shocked.

"Let go of me, let go of me, who are you? What do you want? Ling Feng, save me!" Qin Xiaoshuang immediately shouted in a hurry and struggled desperately, but it said that there would be so many hooligans there. It was a piece of paper that hit Qin Xiaoshuang behind his head and knocked Qin Xiaoshuang unconscious, Then one of them picked up Qin Xiaoshuang and went to the motorcycle prepared not far away. Now it belongs to the traffic jam period, and the car can't run. As expected, they prepared the motorcycle.

As soon as the black mole saw that he had succeeded, he was very happy. He immediately followed up and was ready to leave by motorcycle,

At the moment, in Ferrari, Ling Feng naturally knew that Qin xiaosu'ang had been taken away, but the moment of the crash just now shocked his head, so he didn't react immediately. Go to Qin Xiaoshuang. Now Qin Xiaosu was about to be taken away. Ling Feng immediately forced himself to pick up his spirit, took out a sharp dagger, directly cut the airbag and squeezed out of the car.


Ling Feng didn't want to, so he rushed towards the black mole group.

As she walked, the black nevus carefully guarded her surroundings to avoid any accidents. As a result, she saw Ling Feng rush out at a fast speed, so the black nevus didn't want to think about it, but directly pressed the trigger against Ling Feng,


At this critical moment, the dagger in Ling Feng's hand was thrown out directly. Straight towards the black mole's pistol, at the moment when the black mole shot, the sharp tip of the knife accurately blocked the past towards the black mole's throat.

It's a pity that Ling Feng's head was hurt just now. All the knives didn't directly stab into the black mole's neck and kill him. Instead, they rubbed it along the edge of his neck and cut an artery,


At a favorable price, a lot of blood immediately gushed out of the black mole's neck, which was very spectacular, like a fountain.


The black mole screamed in an instant. The next moment, the gun in his hand was crooked and missed. It hit the ground not far away from Ling Feng and sparked many sparks.


Ling Feng shouted. Several sharp daggers appeared in his hand again and rushed towards the little gangster who had been on the motorcycle and was ready to leave.

As soon as those younger brothers saw that their eldest brother was almost killed, two or three rushed towards Ling Feng to avenge the eldest brother. The monkey and heimao started the car with Qin Xiaoshuang and prepared to leave.

"Whew, whew!"

As soon as Ling Feng saw it, he quickly shot out the dagger in his hand and punctured all the tires of the three motorcycles accurately, so that I can't escape.

As soon as they saw it, they immediately wanted to change a car. They kidnapped Qin Xiaoshuang and asked another younger brother to get off. They went up and prepared to leave, but they were still a step late because Ling Feng was almost rushing up.

Ling Feng quickly rushed over with a dagger in his hand. It was only more than ten meters between them. With a wave of the dagger in his hand, a scream sounded immediately. All the little hooligans who passed by him fell to the ground and covered their ears or faces. Everyone was either cut off by Ling Feng or pierced through his throat by Ling Feng. The whole corner of his mouth was cut open and blood rolled down, The scene was appalling.


Ling Feng shouted angrily. Before heimao and the monkey reacted, they were picked by Ling Feng and fell to the ground with a knife, screaming.

The people around looked at Ling Feng's actions. In less than two minutes, nearly 20 robbers were picked over by Ling Feng. They didn't know that they thought it was making a movie.

"Xiaoshuang, Xiaoshuang, are you okay!" Ling Feng picked up Qin Xiaoshuang, checked her physical condition, and immediately breathed a sigh of relief. Her heart pulse was normal, but she was frightened and her heart beat slightly faster. In addition, she was knocked unconscious by the robbers.

Ling Feng pressed the acupoint among Qin Xiaoshuang's people. Qin Xiaoshuang immediately woke up. Seeing Ling Feng in front of him, he immediately cried directly. He hugged Ling Feng excitedly and trembled all over.

"Scared to death, Ling Feng, Wuwu...!" Qin Xiaoshuang hugged Ling Feng tightly and burst into tears.

The nearby traffic policemen are coming here quickly at the moment, ready to tie up all these people.

"Stop, don't move, boy, hand over the woman, or I'll kill you!" fierce. At this time, the bleeding black mole cut by Ling Feng suddenly stood up, covered the wound on his neck with one hand and pointed a gun at Ling Feng. His face was very angry and pale. It was obviously caused by excessive blood loss, because half of his body was dyed red by blood.
