The three entered the room. When the monkey and black hair saw Ling Feng, they couldn't help but shrink their pupils and show their fear.

Ling Feng is a cruel man. He cuts people's ears and mouth directly. It's too cruel, too bloody and too violent. Although they mix with the underworld, they are not so cruel.

"You two are suspected of major kidnapping. According to the law, you two will be sentenced to more than five years' imprisonment at least, but now I give you a chance. As long as you tell the behind the scenes, I will plead for you in front of the judge and let them get off lightly. Do you understand?" Chen Yajie looked at the two humanitarians.

"Understand, officer, we will tell everything we know and answer everything." the only monkey who can speak looked at Chen Yajie,

As soon as Chen Yajie heard this, she was secretly happy. She didn't think it would be so easy. If she solved the kidnapping case, no one would dare to say who entered the police station by relationship.

"Well, let me ask you, who is behind the scenes, who made you do these things, and what's the purpose? Tell you the truth," Chen Yajie said.

"Report to the police officer. Our boss, brother Wu Nuo, asked us to do it. It was the man with a black mole under his nose. He said that the chick was the daughter of a rich family. As long as we kidnapped him, we could blackmail 50 million, so we kidnapped her." the monkey looked at Qin Xiaoshuang and said to Chen Yajie.

Chen Yajie thought the monkey would tell the truth obediently. Unexpectedly, she lied to her, and her face suddenly changed.

Chen Yajie knew what happened to Ling Feng last night. How could an ordinary kidnapping case be so stupid that she went to someone else's house to kidnap and killed so many people? In this way, it's not as simple as the kidnapping case. It's an intentional homicide case. In addition, Ling Feng just told her about Zhao Xinlan company, and Chen Yajie doesn't believe what monkeys say.

"You'd better answer honestly, or I'll sue you for failing to report the information and put you in prison for ten years." Chen Yajie angrily looked at the monkey.

Of course, it's impossible for monkeys to tell the truth. Zhao Badao's people have come to talk just now. Your families and relatives are in my hands. If you don't want them to die, shut up and put everything on the black nevus. Let the black nevus carry it, because Zhao Badao has been disappointed with the black nevus and has no brains. It's a disaster for such people to keep it, Might as well take it out as a substitute for the dead.

There is such a good thing, of course, the monkey won't quit, so he immediately pushed things to the black mole.

"Officer, I didn't lie. Really, brother Wumo asked us to do it. I didn't lie to you!" the monkey said seriously.

"Hum! A simple kidnapping case will be planned. It's a serious crime to kill people. Don't you know? Tell the truth quickly. We have all your plans now. If you don't tell the truth and tell who is behind the scenes, you'll wait to get through the bottom of the prison." Chen Yajie said again, and her anger almost erupted.

"I'm not lying, officer. We just don't know the law. We didn't graduate from primary school. Where do we know the law? If we know the law, we won't kidnap, will we?" monkey's sentence is obviously deliberately teasing Chen Yajie. What don't know the law. Everyone knows that killing and kidnapping is against the law, unless you're not human.

Chen Yajie was already very angry. The monkey dared to tease her, and she was completely angry.

"Son of a bitch! Dare to deceive me, I'll die...!" Chen Yajie said, directly grabbed the monkey's face and raised her hand to beat him. Ling Feng looked at it and hurriedly stretched out his hand to hold her.

"Don't get excited, let's go out first." Ling Feng said and forcibly pulled the angry Chen Yajie out. Obviously, these people have received instructions and can't ask any questions.

"Son of a bitch, I'm so angry!" Chen Yajie's crisp chest went up and down, and her face flushed.

"Don't get excited first. These guys must have received the instructions from the people behind the scenes. They can't ask. We must find another way." Ling Feng looked at Chen Yajie and said.

"By the way, how's the black mole now? Did you wake up?" Ling Feng looked at Chen Yajie and asked. The black mole's injury was heavier than anyone else. He was unconscious at the scene.

"Let me ask, I don't know." Chen Yajie called to ask, and learned that the black mole was still being rescued in the operating room.

"Let's go to the operating room. The black mole hasn't woke up yet. He must have not received the instructions from the person behind the scenes. We can start from him." Ling Feng said, and the three quickly went to the operating room.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he arrived at the door of the operating room, he saw the black nevus pushed out. The doctor looked depressed. Ling Feng immediately had a bad hunch. When he walked over and asked, there was too much bleeding in the big artery of the black nevus, the rescue was ineffective for half an hour, and he died.

"How could it be!" Ling Feng immediately cried in his heart. Although the black mole was badly hurt, it was not going to die. How could it be that the big artery bled too much and died? You know, although Ling Feng cut his big artery, it was only a little cut, not cut. It was all right that the traffic policeman's thigh artery was directly interrupted,

There must be a conspiracy, definitely a conspiracy.

Chen Yajie looked at the death of the black mole and was immediately disappointed. The black mole was the only hope. Now, as soon as the black mole died, she didn't know how to check it down.

"I'm his relative. I want to see if he can be alone." Ling Feng looked at the doctor and asked.

"Well, let's see for a while." the doctor said and left. The nurse also left. There were only three people left. There was a guard police here. Ling Feng asked Chen Yajie to take him away. Then he pushed the black mole back to the operating room, closed the door, and immediately began to check the body of the black mole.

"What's good about dead people? We'd better find a way." Chen Yajie looked at Ling Feng checking a dead person. Qin Xiaoshuang was afraid to look behind Chen Yajie.

Ling Feng ignored Chen Yajie's words and continued to check the body of the black mole.

"Sure enough, it was deliberately killed." Ling Feng looked at the body and said.

"What! How can you tell if someone killed you?" Chen Yajie asked in surprise. Ling Feng knew that she could use some small medical skills, but Ling Feng could see that the black mole was deliberately killed. Chen Yajie was a little surprised and couldn't believe it.
