"Fool, it's a great fate that I can take one of these pills. Do you want my soul to be restless after I die? People, cherish happiness."

Sasaki Kentaro touched the nearest disciple with his only dry palm, shook his head and said with a smile.

Ling Feng breathed a sigh of relief. There is no reason why the old man can live so old.

"Ha ha... You think I don't know there's another turtle shell here? Really think this turtle shell can save your life? Come on, pour me gasoline and set it on fire. I'll roast them into suckling pigs!"

Zhao you's complacent laughter came from the outside. Their Zhao family was built with the support of the hidden sect. They don't have nothing to do with the layout of the stronghold like ordinary people. The strength and skills of the major hermit sects are different, but the strongholds are similar.

The watchman may have asked that setting fire to burn things is weak explosion. A more convenient way is to use a gas cutting machine to cut the steel plate. In this way, personal revenge is the best choice.

However, the wisdom handed down by the ancestors can not be underestimated. The protective steel plate is not only one layer, but several layers. Not to mention that the method is time-consuming and laborious. Even the ancient warriors have to attach great importance to the interlayer in the steel plate.

Because it is a highly concentrated acid liquid, which is wrapped by a layer of special materials. As long as it is broken, it will splash out, and the people you meet will be corroded immediately. No one wants to die like this.

"Zhao you, dare you! Aren't you afraid of the city administrator's sanctions? Aren't you afraid of the sect alliance's sanctions?" martial Uncle Li was worried when he heard of the fire. There was no way, but once the fire burned, the whole martial arts school's efforts for many years would be destroyed.

"Hum! All I know is that my son is dead. How can there be fewer people buried with him?"

Zhao you's voice sounded crazy. He was desperate for revenge.

Immediately, the next moment, the billowing heat wave surged from the outside. I believe that if they are here soon, these people will be suffocated and roasted alive. This method of death is extremely tragic.

Sasaki Kentaro sighed: "people are not as good as heaven. I thought I was lucky to hear the real method of cultivation. Li sang, open the door and let's rush out. Instead of dying like this, we'd better have a vigorous battle."

These ronin warriors wipe the samurai sword one by one, and the samurai sword emits a glittering cold light.

Ling Feng looked at them like a fool: "Hey, you don't think you're really at a dead end? It's also one of the strongholds of our ancient martial arts hermit sect. Even if we stay inside, we won't have any problems. Martial uncle, look?"

"Let's go to the tunnel to avoid it. I believe the city manager will soon find trouble with the Zhao family. Let's go out and call him. This matter can't be finished like this. The Zhao family will pay a heavy price for their behavior. For many years, no one dares to attack the stronghold of foreign disciples of another sect. Once such behavior is found, it will be an endless sect war Fight. "

Modern society pays attention to a rule. It is easy not to fight. Especially the top few people pay more attention to the safety of life.

The current stronghold of external disciples is more responsible for finding qualified disciples. If such rules are not observed, you will destroy my stronghold and I will destroy your stronghold. Then the whole ancient martial arts sect will lose its inheritance in a short time.

No doubt no one wants to see such a thing. Therefore, once such a thing happens, there will be sanctions on the so-called sect alliance.

If there are disputes among sects, but in the face of provocation by people who are not ancient warriors and hidden sects, all hidden sects have the same attitude, that is, resolute suppression. This is a provocation to all of them, which is absolutely intolerable.

Ling Feng, the city manager, knows very well that he is the city manager of Jiangnan City, but he seems to be of little use

Martial Uncle Li went to a hidden place, turned around an antique, and then walked to the center of the hall. He crushed the ceramic tile on it with one foot, and two iron rings appeared below.

A dark and deep underground passage appeared in front of everyone.

"If you don't turn the mechanism, it's difficult to open the iron ring. Don't say, all kinds of mechanisms inside will start automatically."

Uncle Li said so and jumped down first.

Everyone jumped down one after another. Even Kentaro Sasaki's skill was much better than ordinary people. He had no intention of being dragged down.

The tunnel light has been lit up. I don't know where it extends.

"Go along the exit all the time. There is a villa in front. No one knows which villa except me. Li Hu, take them first and I'll start the broken mechanism." martial Uncle Li is very angry and generous. Now he plans to use hot hands.

"Wait, martial uncle, can this mechanism be controlled by sections?"

Lingfeng suddenly stops the mechanism that martial Uncle Li is about to start.

"Hmm?" martial Uncle Li looked at Ling Feng for unknown reasons. In his opinion, even if such a mechanism can't kill everyone, it can leave most people.

"I mean, these people are the strength of ningdan territory. If they found the mechanism at the beginning, it would be difficult to cause them any harm. How about this..." Ling Feng's face, under the dim yellow light, let Zhao you, who directed the fire to pour oil, shiver.

The last dog Erlang heard the plan clearly. He just felt creepy and cold behind his back. He made up his mind that he should not be against the strong man who likes to dig his nose.

Martial Uncle Li hesitated: "young sect leader, is this too cruel?"

"Vicious? I don't think so. If we don't have a tunnel, martial uncle should know what will happen if we are besieged by the fire. All your disciples will not let go." Ling Feng is angry at the continuous attacks, so he simply wants to use thunder to frighten the other party.

If it weren't for his lack of strength, Ling Feng wanted to kill the Zhao family and leave no chickens and dogs. It's his factual style to cut the grass and eliminate the roots.

"Well, it's up to the young sect leader to decide. These bastards are really going to kill us. Even the mobile phone signal is blocked..."

At present, Uncle Li said with hate and told Ling Feng the control methods of all organs. Ling Feng keeps them in mind.
