After Ling Feng and them arrive at Fengyu's cottage, Ling Feng places Xiao Linlin on the bed inside the cottage.

At this time, he didn't see Feng Yu. When he really needed him, he wasn't in the cottage. In this way, Ling Feng was also drunk.

Feng Yu has set up a border around the cottage. He can quickly know what's going on here.

When Lingfeng and xiaoyinhu entered the cottage, Fengyu knew someone had broken into the cottage.

He saw that it was Ling Feng and relaxed his vigilance.

Feng Yu walked into the room, looked at Ling Feng and asked, "Ling Feng, how did you come to the cottage?"

When Ling Feng saw Feng Yu, he directly took Feng Yu's hand and said, "elder Feng, look at Xiao Linlin. Now she's in a comatose state. How can I wake her up?"

Feng Yu looks at the people on the bed. Xiao Linlin is very familiar to him, because he has been guarding Xiao Linlin for thousands of years.

Feng Yu directly picked up Xiao Linlin's hand and felt her pulse.

Ling Feng and the devil are waiting for the result.

After a while, Feng Yu loosened Xiao Linlin's hand and asked Ling Feng, "Ling Feng, did Xiao Linlin take any medicine?"

Ling Feng said truthfully, "that's the only thing. The devil gave Xiao Linlin a red pill, saying it could make Xiao Linlin grow up immediately. Xiao Linlin used to be a container of jade pendant fragments, and her growth rate was suppressed. The devil said that the pill could make Xiao Linlin grow up immediately, so I tried it for Xiao Linlin."

Feng Yu looked at the devil and said, "do you have a prescription list?"

The demon lord nodded: "yes, it's the way I found out after reading a lot of books. I'll show you the prescription now."

The demon king finished and directly showed Feng Yu the book he had read.

Feng Yu looked at the formula of the medicine. He had seen it. It was a medicine that could make people grow up in an instant. Just this medicine is not suitable for everyone.

Xiao Linlin's condition is just in a coma. Her condition is not very serious. He can't do anything to wake up Xiao Linlin unless there is a wordless letter. There are many unknown prescriptions recorded in the wordless heavenly book.


Fengyu has been looking for wordless heavenly script, but he can't find it at all.

Feng Yu closed the book and looked at Ling Feng: "Ling Feng, I can't make Xiao Linlin wake up."

Lingfeng hears Fengyu say that she can't let xiaolinlin wake up. His eyebrows are tightly wrinkled. Does this mean that xiaolinlin will never wake up?

"Elder Feng, your medical skills are so good that you're not lying to me."

"Ling Feng, do you think I'll lie to you? I can't wake up Xiao Linlin, but it doesn't mean I can't wake up Xiao Linlin."

Lingfeng heard Fengyu's last words. He couldn't wait to ask: "elder Feng, what's the way to wake up Xiao Linlin."

Ling Feng doesn't care. Even if he goes through fire and water, he will wake up Xiao Linlin. Even if Xiao Linlin is young, he doesn't want Xiao Linlin to sleep like this.

"Is there any way to make Xiao Linlin wake up?"

Feng Yu thinks there is no hope, but she still gives Ling Feng a hope.

"Well, in ancient times, there was a wordless heavenly book. Wordless heavenly book is the most powerful heavenly book. It must record how to wake up people who took this medicine."

Wordless heavenly book.

Ling Feng sees hope again.

But Feng Yu sighed: "Ling Feng, I can only say that it depends on your fate to find the wordless heavenly book. I've been looking for it for a long time, but I can't find it. I hope God let you find the wordless heavenly book, otherwise Xiao Linlin can only sleep like this."

The demon king looked at the sleeping little Linlin. His urgency didn't expect to make little Linlin fall into such danger. If xiaolinlin can't wake up, she doesn't know whether Lingfeng will turn against herself.

Ling Feng had a doubt. He still asked Feng Yu: "elder Feng, Xiao Linlin was sealed by jade pendant fragments before. Will she never grow up?"

Fengyu heard Lingfeng ask this. He had always wanted to tell Lingfeng about it, but he forgot.

"Well, as long as you find the wordless heavenly book, you can find a way to make Xiao Linlin grow up slowly. If you can't find the wordless heavenly book, Xiao Linlin can only be this age and never grow up."

Ling Feng thought that the devil had some doubts about what he said before, but from Fengyu, he understood. If you can't find a suitable way, Xiao Linlin will never grow up. Now the only way is to ask the wordless heavenly book.

The demon king heard the wordless heavenly script. He knew that the wordless heavenly script was the product of Pangu's creation. To tell the truth, he had only heard the wordless heavenly script, but he had not really seen the wordless heavenly script.

The devil looked at the little Linlin on the bed. It was all him. If it weren't for him, little Linlin wouldn't be like this.

"Ling Feng, don't worry. I will help you find the wordless heavenly book and wake up Xiao Linlin."

Ling Feng looked at the devil. He knew that the devil was really worried about Xiao Linlin. He shook his head: "you don't have to find the wordless heavenly book. Even if you find it, you can't find it. Hold Xiao Linlin and go to a place with me later."

The devil didn't know where Ling Feng was taking him. He still went with Ling Feng.

Standing outside the gate of the library, Ling Feng pushed open the door of the library. Before, the attic always said to take a nap. It's best not to find him during this period of time.

Ling Feng sees that the situation is serious. Xiao Linlin is still sleeping. He can't care about anything.

The pavilion has been waiting in the library Pavilion for a long time. He knows that Ling Feng will come, so he even takes out the time to sleep.

Seeing Ling Feng coming in, the old man looked at the demon king and smiled: "evil fate, I didn't expect the three of you to come here together today."

Lingfeng hears the elder say evil fate. Does he know that he and the devil are coming?

Ling Feng looked at GE Lao: "Ge Lao, you know I'm coming here today. Do you also know my purpose?"

The old man touched his beard: "I know astronomy from the top and geography from the bottom. What can escape my eyes? If you want to come here, I know, and I know your purpose. Don't you just want the child in the devil's arms to wake up quickly?"

"The old cabinet still has the ability to predict the future."

The attic old man shrugged: "no way, who let me have such talent."

The attic old man looked at the demon king and said, "you put the child on the cold ice bed."

The demon lord placed Xiao Linlin directly on the ice bed.

Ling Feng looked at the cold ice bed. "Old Ge, you put my daughter into the cold ice bed. Aren't you afraid of freezing my daughter to death?"

"Ling Feng, your daughter will freeze to death so soon. You think too much."

The demon king doesn't know the relationship between Ling Feng and Ge Lao, but he feels that the Ge Lao is unfathomable. He hasn't introduced himself yet. He knows who he is. Such a person is terrible.

Ling Feng didn't beat around the Bush anymore. He asked directly, "old attic, how can my daughter wake up?"

"To wake up, the way is very simple, is to let her recover her memory, and then the beloved gives her a kiss."

Ling Feng looked at GE Lao: "Ge Lao, are you kidding? It's not a sleeping beauty. What a ridiculous thing for a beloved to kiss."

The attic old man looked at Ling Feng and said, "Ling Feng, are you questioning me? Don't forget, I'm a wordless heavenly book. If you don't believe me, just let your daughter sleep like this. Anyway, if she sleeps, she won't die."

Ling Feng hears what GE Lao said. He doesn't know whether what GE Lao said is useful. After all, it sounds like a fairy tale.

"You said to restore my daughter's memory? Who was my daughter's previous life? I found that person and asked that person to kiss my daughter."

The attic old man looked at Ling Feng and was speechless for a while. He said to Ling Feng, "Ling Feng, this is not as simple as kissing. If it is so simple, just find someone to wake up Xiao Linlin. This person is far away and near in front of you. He is the only one who can save your daughter."

Far in the sky and near in front of her, Ling Feng looked at GE Lao. It wouldn't be Ge Lao. Is it himself? As the saying goes, father and daughter, daughter is the lover of father's last life.

"Old attic, do you mean me?"

The attic old Bai glanced at Ling Feng: "it's not you, it's the devil. He's the key to saving your daughter."

Ling Feng looks at the demon king. He can save Xiao Linlin. If it weren't for him, Xiao Linlin wouldn't be like this.

"You're not kidding me, Mr. Ge. The devil can save my daughter."

"Do you think I'm joking when you look at me? If I'm joking, you can't believe me. I won't lose a piece of meat."

The demon king wondered, is there really anything between himself and Xiao Linlin? But why doesn't he remember anything between himself and Xiao Linlin?

The demon king looked at the old man and asked, "old man, you said that I can save little Linlin. Has there been anything between me and little Linlin?"

"The secret of heaven must not be revealed. The origin and extinction of flowers bloom and fade."

Ling Feng looks at the old attic. Do you need to say such deep words? keep an important secret in? He looked at the demon king. The demon king had a connection with Xiao Linlin in his last life. He wanted to ask, is it possible? It shouldn't be possible.

"Elder Ge, what did you say about the relationship between the devil and my daughter? Tell me about the relationship between them."

"I can't say a word or two clearly. I'm afraid the devil has forgotten. After all, time has passed for so many years. They say the devil is ruthless, but who knows that the devil will have such an experience."

Ling Feng felt that if he was old, he was getting deeper and deeper. He didn't know it at all.

Ling Feng looked at the devil and asked, "have you had anything to do with my daughter in your previous life?"

The devil frowned tightly: "I don't seem to have a previous life. I've lived for tens of thousands of years now. I really don't know what happened between me and Xiao Linlin, but I really like Xiao Linlin."

The demon king really didn't know what had happened between himself and Xiao Linlin. Listening to the old man's words, he thought he really had something to do with Xiao Linlin? But really, he couldn't remember what was between himself and Xiao Linlin.

"I don't know what's between myself and Xiao Linlin."
