If muhuan is always useful, her mother-in-law will always protect her. In that way, she will always be trampled by muhuan under her feet, watching her face live.

This is a life she can't accept, so she must destroy muhuan! Let her have no use, let her become the mud under her feet, let her step on how she wants!

"Without her grandmother, what?" Mukexin doesn't know how to deal with muhuan except for her grandmother.

She really wants to kill muhuan!

Mukexin hates muhuan because muhuan is better than her.

Mingming is the same father, but when muhuan was born, she was the eldest daughter of the Mu family, and she was only an illegitimate daughter. Even if she later confessed to her family, the top-ranking ladies looked down upon her.

And Mu Huan is a poor creature whose mother died and father didn't hurt, but when she appears, she can attract a group of people to play with her.

Even if she looks better than her, she even studies better than her!

When she was a child, when her grandfather was alive, she had never heard of the medical knowledge she asked, but muhuan was able to answer it, making her grandfather happy every time he saw muhuan, and shaking his head when he saw her!

If there is her in the world, there should be no muhuan!

She is the only one in the Mu family!

Bai Xuexian thought for a moment and said, "you will go out and find Lin Qingya."

"What are you looking for her for?"

"Let's go as soon as you go, and don't be noticed by your grandma under the excuse of playing with classmates!"

"What are you looking for her for?" Mukexin doesn't like Lin Qingya either. She is clearly a servant's child. She pretends to be a lady in the boudoir all day long!

"Let you go, you go, do it for me, or we'll be done!" Bai Xuexian thinks that her daughter has more than enough success and failure, so she is not willing to tell her what she intends to do.

At sunset, the red sun is hanging on the West sky. With the blue sky, the color is beautiful.

Muhuan lies in front of the window, but doesn't care to see the beautiful scenery.

Because Bo Junyan has been away from home for two days.

After leaving that day, he didn't come back. She asked the housekeeper and said he didn't go abroad to work in the company.

He didn't come home before he was at home.

It shows that he is still angry with her, and tomorrow is her grandmother's birthday party.

She wants to turn to her grandmother next week. These days, she must let her grandmother relax her vigilance. If Bo Junyan doesn't go to her grandmother's birthday party tomorrow, her grandmother will be angry. Then she will tell her grandmother something, which will affect her next week's plan.

She wants to call Bo Junyan to ask when she will come back and whether she will attend her grandmother's birthday party tomorrow, but she dare not.

Bo Junyan didn't come back for two days, which shows how angry he was.

However, it's not good to just ask.

Finally, she took out her mobile phone, opened wechat, found some pictures, modified them and sent them to Bo Junyan.

Bo Junyan, who is in the meeting, hears the prompt tone, clicks wechat and sees the picture sent by Mu Huan.

It's a picture of a beautiful girl kneeling around a man's thigh.

With the word, husband, kneel for forgiveness!

Bo Junyan, "..."

Soon, muhuan sent another one. It was the beautiful girl. She was held in her lap by a man and raised her hands. It seemed that she wanted to hit her PP.

Match words, husband, please hit!