"Is Xiaohuan coming?" Gu Chenyi thought that she was so unhappy with mu in the mall last time. She didn't think she would come.

"Don't worry, my feelings with Xiaohuan for so many years have no problem calling her here. The key is that you must stay here and don't walk around. You should not only avoid Xiaohuan's husband, but also all the people in the Mu family. Old lady Mu was very unhappy about Xiaohuan's marriage at the beginning, but she couldn't help being greedy after knowing that Xiaohuan married a rich man So, she also wants Xiaohuan to announce her marriage to the outside world. If she knows you are coming, she will definitely block you from meeting Xiaohuan! "

Gu Chenyi doesn't like to hide here, waiting for muhuan to come here, but he can only bear it for muhuan's good.

Even if muhuan is such a person, even if she gets married, he still can't let go of his love for her. He can't help but want to control when he hears about her, but he can't help it.

He looked at Lin Qingya and said, "hurry up as soon as you can."

"Well, I'll try my best to hurry up, but you know, even though Xiaohuan and I are deeply in love, she is still angry with me and won't be easily persuaded by me. So, it may take a little time. You must wait here for me to stay!" He's going to have to take enough of these drugs here and wait for her to come over before he becomes a victim.

"Well, come on." Gu Chenyi waved her to call muhuan.

Lin Qingya goes to find Mu Huan immediately after she comes out.

She plans to tell muhuan that Bai Xuexian is going to give her some medicine and find it. Her former part-time male colleagues in the bar come to defile her, and then help muhuan to leave, so that muhuan owes her for this, and thanks her. Even if muhuan knows the truth of tonight later, she saves her from being framed. With muhuan's grace, she will help when she has something to do With her.

Tonight, Lin Qingya plans to kill three birds with one arrow. One is to get Gu Chenyi. The other is to let Mu Huan think that she has saved her. The third is to make use of Bai Xuexian to return the beating she had done to her. It's not worth the loss!

However, when she found muhuan, muhuan had noticed that she had been drugged and knocked out the servant who was responsible for bringing muhuan to the room.

Lin Qingya rushes up to him. "Xiaohuan, what's the matter?"

Muhuan looks up at her.

"How did you knock people out?" Lin Qingya finished saying and did not wait for muhuan to say anything, then she said in surprise, "does your stepmother have given you medicine?"

Muhuan doesn't speak but looks at her.

"Just now, I overheard your stepmother's plan. She wanted to give you medicine and let your former colleagues in the bar smear you. Then your husband found out and told him not to want you!"

"How did you overhear her plan like this?" Mu Huan sneers. Does she think she's stupid? Would you believe her?

Lin qingarden's face was hurt. "Xiaohuan, do you believe me?"

"Don't act here. You'd better not have anything to do with today's events, or I will never let you go!" Mu Huan doesn't believe a punctuation mark!

"Xiaohuan, without Gu Chenyi, there is no conflict between us. How can I harm you! I really overheard it! " Lin Qingya knows that muhuan may not believe her, but she still shows her heart to be muhuan.

"Don't let me find out about you!" After that, muhuan turns and leaves.