Although Yang Ning didn't find out that Mu Huan and his assistant had contact in this matter, the assistant family was preparing to immigrate before the incident. However, Mu Huan helped the other party to talk that day. Now, these materials are investigated. Besides, after the incident, she always asked people to follow long FeiTing, and her phone number was monitored. However, he didn't contact anyone, but he said the other party didn't There are medicines, they can't sell them. The other party is busy. We need to wait until we have time. What he said is so true. It's obvious that he contacted the other party and didn't contact by phone. That's to say that he met and talked!

However, his followers did not see that he had contacted any strangers.

It happens that long FeiTing and Mu Huan are in the same class!

It's such a coincidence!

This makes her feel that muhuan and the other party know each other, and that muhuan has an absolute relationship with this matter.

But she asked people to check the past of muhuan. Apart from the handyman who had been working here for a year, she had no other problems. Besides, she was so small that she felt that she could not have any hidden cattle skills.

But this matter, and everywhere said, with Mu Huan absolutely related.

So even if it's not muhuan, it's probably her close friend.

This made Yang Ning decide to investigate from muhuan's friends.


After muhuan finished the experiment, she thought of yesterday's attempt to find out what kind of person her great grandfather was. Before she could find out, she took out her mobile phone and typed in her name. As a result, she didn't find out the name. She was a great man.

This makes her think it's impossible. Her grandfather is so careful and so diligent in leaving things for her. This man is not famous at all. He's not a big man!

She thought it might be that she was looking for the wrong posture.

No, it's the wrong way to find it!

So she called Wu Xingye and said, "check Jin Tianheng. He's a man who has been dead for about five or six years. Go to the rich and find out that he has at least more assets than Mu family."

"What's the matter? What's a dead man doing? "

"He should be my great grandfather. He may have hundreds of millions of inheritance waiting for me to inherit."

Wu Xingye knew that muhuan was never joking, "lying in the trough! Are you making good friends with the God of wealth? If you say you have money, it will run to you! "

Good end of all can come out a large heritage!

"That's what I said, but it's not possible. You should check first." Mu Huan feels that it has been five or six years since this incident. Facing the huge amount of property, it's hard for him to be loyal no matter how loyal his subordinates are. That property means that it has been transferred or wasted or that he is incapable of the company's poor management and debt.

So, she didn't have any big hope, plus, she was already very rich, and she was not very urgent about the heritage, just thinking that if she could go to a higher level, of course, it would be good, if not, she would have nothing.

After all, she is not that poor child.


Wu Xingye is a first-class expert in the field of hackers' investigation. When he gave it to Mu Huan, she didn't worry about it. Thinking of yesterday's incident, her father-in-law and mother-in-law must be uncomfortable. She couldn't stay in the lab too late to go home, so she packed up her things and prepared them for home.

When she came out, it was raining outside. It was going to be winter soon. When it rained, it was very cold, which made her shiver.