Bo Junyan didn't speak but looked at muhuan. Her eyes were cold. She said that she would not hide anything from him in the future. But she did not hide such a big thing from him!

That night, he forced her to bear it. She explained to him that what he heard in the coffee shop was only what she thought she would do if he didn't want her. In fact, she didn't want to leave him, but she concealed that he passed the NST assessment.

If you don't really want to leave him, how can you pass the examination?

What kind of research room NST is? He knows that such an assessment will not be given to her at once. It will certainly take several days. During this period, she has many opportunities to tell him about it, but she didn't say it.

She is really

Previously said, Bo Junyan can accommodate muhuan a lot. She can do anything she wants! Even when he is most busy, even if she lets things get out of control, he will not blame her for anything and can accommodate her.

Let him let go of anything, he can make a good boy plan, can go to please her good friend.


But she kept it from him again and again.

She didn't just want to leave him, but she was ready to leave him!

It's something he can't do!

All of a sudden, the atmosphere around us made everyone shiver involuntarily.

When muhuan wanted to say something, Bo Junyan suddenly picked her up and went out.

"What are you doing, Bo Junyan You... "

"Don't talk!" Bo Junyan ordered in a cold voice.

He must use his utmost restraint to restrain the violent anger in his heart.

Mu Huan, who could feel that his reason was on the verge of losing control, did not speak again.

Take her out of the hotel and come to a quiet corner.

He lowered his head abruptly.

It's like an egg sized hailstone suddenly falling in the sky. It's hard and fast to hit. It's frightening. It will be killed in this violent hailstone.

With the night, there was a strong wind, the wind mixed with snow, the bigger and the bigger, the sky was gloomy and terrible.

When muhuan feels like she's going to drown in the storm and snow.

He let her go.

"You are my wife, only my wife forever! Don't try to run away from me! Don't be prepared to leave! Otherwise, you can't afford that! ' He looked at her black eyes, there was more terrible destruction than this violent snow day, as if if she left him, he would destroy all this.

This kind of him makes people tremble.

Some people, once emotional, is a lifetime, is unfathomable.

There are also ordinary people who are lovelorn just to drink wine, while the king is lovelorn, he can do too many things.

However, no matter how violent or angry he was, he never wanted to hurt her half a point.

He would not want to leave her alone. He still picked her up, carefully cared for her and carried her to the car.

"Send her back."

Wang te helps to hear his colder voice, "..."

It's not a good plan to be a beautiful man. The atmosphere on the road is very good. How did you suddenly return to the Arctic?

No, not the Arctic! It's almost glacial!


He felt that he would be ill tomorrow. He would call the personnel department when he went back. He would ask for sick leave!

On the way to send muhuan back.

"Madam, on behalf of the whole company, please make up with the president! Otherwise, we will all die! "