The business has been finished, but the party didn't take long to leave. Some people refuted the host's face. After the meeting time is almost the same, they will leave here and go home to pick up their wife.

Bo Junyan didn't like party communication. Now he doesn't like it any more. He feels that it's a waste of time to attend these parties. If there is such time, it's better to spend it on his wife.

Lingwei sees Bo Junyan and walks towards him. She comes to him and looks out of the window with him. As soon as Bo Junyan wants to leave, she says, "Jun Yan, do you remember what we did here at the age of 18?"

They grew up together, and they had a lot of past.

At the age of eighteen, the two of them got the first big order in their lives together. At that time, they were very happy. There was only endless hope and beauty in their life, unlike now.

"I don't remember." Thin Jun Yan thin voice way.

Ling Wei said with a smile, "Bo Junyan, you can do it."

Bo Junyan is silent.

"Jun Yan, what do you think I'm worse than Mu Huan?" She doesn't understand that, except for her age, she is worse than Mu Huan. Why, these days, she creates all kinds of opportunities, wants to get close to him and save him, but he is always so indifferent, so that she can't see any hope.

"You have no comparability."

"You mean, she's in the sky. Am I underground?" Lingwei sneered.

"In my heart, no one can match her." It's not that others are bad, but in Bo Junyan's heart, his wife is the best in the world!

"But I can give you more than she can!" Why can't he see that she can give him?

"Lingshi?" Bo Junyan raises eyebrows.

Ling's current situation is unknown to outsiders, and does she?

"Ling's is just a temporary difficulty now. It has a solid foundation! Jun Yan, as long as you are willing to join hands with me, we are invincible! What we can create is unpredictable hope. In the future, when it comes to time, it's all yours! " Ling Wei knew from the very beginning that no matter how she broke the relationship between Bo Junyan and Mu Huan, the most important thing was Bo Junyan's heart or his interest.

Otherwise, even without muhuan, there are other women.

Therefore, she never gave up, attacked from all aspects, and recovered Bo Junyan.

But, like a wall of iron, he didn't give her a crack or a hope.

All she could see was despair.

"I don't need it." Bo Junyan doesn't need others to give him anything. The world he wants will be built by himself.

"Jun Yan, don't be so infatuated for a while, you..." Ling Wei tries to persuade him.

"I'll go first." Bo Junyan doesn't want to talk about his feelings, things he doesn't need, and he doesn't want to listen to people.

Lingwei saw him like this, and knew that it was meaningless to talk about it, so she said directly, "Jun Yan, is there really no possibility between us? I know I've done a lot wrong in the past, but now I'm really repentant and want to be with you all my life. If you want, we can work together to create such a beautiful future! "

"I don't want it. I don't need it. We can't." Bo Junyan said without waiting for Lingwei to say anything, he said again, "Lingwei, don't say such words to me in the future. My patience for you is limited. If you think Lingshi is not bad enough now, I can, aggravate it, or even let it die."