"That's the same." Huo Zhendong was appeased a lot.


Although Meng yueman and Meng Yueying both insist on not believing it and are unwilling to believe it. They think it's the work of Bo Junyan, but they didn't go to see the so-called mother as Bo Dingjing thought. In order to let muhuan believe such a thing, they put down their hatred, pretended to believe such a thing, and flew to Sweden to see the so-called mother, and they arrived At that time, the other side could not speak. When I saw them, I died that night.

Although they didn't believe it was their mother, they were still uncomfortable to see her die in front of them.

"Two sisters, Mommy, when she was alive, she missed you very much. She regretted her choice. She..." Their two half sisters wanted to convey their mother's guilt and regret.

"We don't want to hear. We don't want to know anything about the past." Meng yueman and Meng Yueying both think that the woman Bo Junyan found is quite responsible, and they have all made up such words.

"Two sisters..." What else does the other party want to say.

Meng yueman and Meng Yueying turn around and leave.

Then it wasn't until the nominal mother, the funeral, that the two of them appeared. Although they didn't recognize their mother, they all knew about it. So, Bo Junyan and Mu Huan all came to the funeral.

After the funeral, return to the hotel.

Meng yueman said, "Junyan, Xiaohuan, mother doesn't want to recognize this family, doesn't want to recognize this mother, so you should have no such thing in the future."

Meng Yueying then said, "yes, we don't recognize this family. In order to get married, we can all leave us behind. We won't forgive such behavior, and we don't want to grieve for such people. In the future, we should not have this kind of thing!"

They can pretend it's the same thing for muhuan. They don't want to break it down, but they don't want to have another relative to act all the time. That's it! Those who are not close to each other have passed away. In this way, it's over!

"Mom, what you say is what you say." Bo Junyan and Mu Huan heard from Bo Dingjing that they are in the same state of mind, so they didn't say anything, which means that everything respects their choice.

The next day, they left without greeting the half sister, as nothing happened.

Meng yueman and Meng Yueying think that this is a fake thing made by Bo Junyan, but in order to muhuan, they are unwilling to break it down and cooperate with them. Bo Junyan and muhuan know their mentality, know that they can't accept it, and don't want to make them feel bad, so they will let them know how they think it is, and don't let them know the identification results they quietly make, so they will let them know I thought that all these things were fake things made by Bo Junyan.

The old man has passed away. Why make them sad.

In this world, there are many times, that's the way things are. It's a white lie that must be told. Sometimes it's not necessary to make it clear.


Without that kind of struggle and pain, Mu Huan eyebrows, no more gloom, her happy every day seems to be floating in the sky.

Even now, more and more people on the Internet are asking Wenbei prize jury to cancel her previous qualification. Ruihui's pharmaceutical factories with problems have also been sealed by the health department. Her good mood has not changed.